This is No longer about us MAYBE

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Winter had begun. Niya was on the count down her little guy was really on the way and Logan's birthday and the city fun fest was right around the corner. Niya was always apart of it along with all her friends, but having a belly where she couldn't see her feet and also to add she had to pee every five seconds would not be her idea of a great time. So she stayed home with her mom watching chick flics, that day so happen to be Logan's birthday so being cordial Niya sent out a HBD message on Facebook for him. He replied thank you and gave Niya a call they held a very short but decent conversation, and it was okay bye as he always said before he hung up  love yall. Niya couldn't fix her mouth to say it back because everything he put her through. After she hung up Niya went to sleep, only to be awaken by a outrage phone call by Logan saying its always something with her. he asked Niya if she could tell his new girlfriend if they had no relations besides the kid. Niya agreed as bad as it hurt her soul to have to explain to a person that ruined everything she created. Once that was over Logan called Niya and told her pack her bag cause he was on the way to pick her up. Although Niya was grown she couldn't fix her mouth to tell her mom she was leaving with him. So she crept out and sent her mom a message once she arrived at his house. Logan's family was so happy to see her how much she had grown. Logan was a little drunk so he explained to Niya how much he was in love with her, and also how his family wasn't excepting of the new girlfriend and soon things would get better between the two.

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