What Now

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After the C-section was in place and done. They woke Niya up to look at her newborn baby boy. Niya smiled as she rubbed the side of his face. She glanced at Logan and said we did it. The nurse told them both we are gonna glue her up and clean up the baby. At this time Niya we need you to get some rest. Niya went back to sleep. Once she was able to get back up she remembered being so drugged. They ask do you wanna breastfeed Niya said no I'm to tired Logan go ahead and breastfeed the baby. Niyas mom laughed and said umm baby he doesn't have any milk as the nurses laughed. Niya tried holding the baby but she was far to out of it. They took her to the special units floor around 2 a.m and she asked could she have something to eat. They gave her lots of juice and snacks. Niya finally was able to hold her baby and clearly understood she was actually holding her first born. As he snuggled in her arms she kissed him and smelled his fresh baby scent. Logan smiled and asked if he could hold him as he walked around the room in a daze looking at their child niyas mom and his parents came in they were all in awh for the grand baby as Logan's dad held his grandson for the first time he smiled at Niya and said Thank you you hear me thank you his mom said you did good girl as she laughed that's memes poo poo and niyas mom smiled saying heyyyyy toot he was only a couple hours old and had several nicknames. The nurse allowed the visitations but assured the family Niya will need to sleep and so will the baby. So they all left Niya couldn't sleep she was a mommy for the first time ever. She asked if the baby could sleep with her. And they told her yes.

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