It's only one way

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Niya and Logan became almost one they were always together going on dates. One night after new years they become more than just friends they made love it was the best Niya had ever had Logan was like the man she had always been searching for he took his time with her body he kissed her the right way she likes to be kissed, and fell asleep inside of her waking up every other hour stroking her slowly she had low key fell for him. The next morning she woke up he was laying there just looking at her he spoke softly you are so beautiful you know that? she smiled as he rubbed his fingers around the side of her face. I can't see myself  being without you Niya Hollyway I want you to be my gurl. Niya smiled saying of course, yea sure I was thinking the same thing as she climbed out the bed looking for a shirt, he got out behind her in his boxers grabbing her arm I'm serious man I want you I can't imagine how your last guy treated you so bad. but tell him I said thank you. Logan didn't know about major only Devin but far as she knew they both were HISTORY. They agreed to become a couple and that was it.  Niya posted a picture on instagram tagging Logan in it now Devin would see.  And it would confirm she was over him Devin surely did get the picture and commented oh really ? Bianca posted a lol emojii and said ha I bet you didn't see that coming as she stirred up shit between the two Niya replied you see it so you know what it is WE ARE DONE  as she blocked him from her social site's to confirm it was over. Her next mission was Major she went by his house and asked him did he need the money he gave her back?  he replied if you wanna give it back that's fine she went to the bank and gave the money back to major and told him she wasn't feeling the relationship anymore she think they should just be friends between school and work and finding a place to stay a boyfriend was something that would interfere with what she was trying to accomplish, she needed to be focus Major told her take all the time you need but we have a date Saturday she stopped him asking night?? he replied no its at 12 noon. okay gave him a hug and left. Niya wanted Saturday to come and go because she made plans for her and Logan that weekend as well Saturday came she went to lunch where she found Major with roses and a bag and dressed up nice as she walked in the two hostess said hello Niya let me show you your seat niya had the most confused look on her face as she sat down .Major what the fuck is this as she whispered? nothing he laughed just a friends lunchin just chill they ate as they talked about school and work major said well I got some for you as he went in the bag he pulled out a little black box. Niya panicked inside (what the fuck is he doing why does he have a fucking box we are broken up they better be fucking earrings they just better be some fucking earrings) as she laughed to herself looking around hoping she didnt see anybody that would notice her. what Niya??? huh me nothing she said stuttering he gave her the box here open it, she opened it and sure as shit it was a ring. She looked up at major as he smiled she said it's beautiful he stood up and started to speak I know you have alot going on and I know you need space but I'm here for you im down for you man, I wanna be with you every step of the way this isn't much but I promise I will give you that big wedding ring one day this is my engagement to you to be there more and support you please say yes niya. niya looked at the ring and looked at major in shock she bite her lips I can't major I can't I'm not on the same page as you I just can't as she stormed out the resturant. Major followed behind her saying well take the gifts take the ring think about it and call me later okay yea sure. as major hugged her kissed her forehead and packed her gifts in the back seat I will see you later. Yea I will see.

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