Love is

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After moving back in with Logan, Niya quickly found a great desk job good hours okay pay but she had her schedule the way she wanted. Mothers Day was coming up and Niya was sooooo excited because she knew deep down Logan was about to ask for her hand in marriage. That wasn't the case at all. Everything continued the same working late hours staying out late after work leaving on his off days while she's at home with their babe. Niya was so frustrated with it she turned back to smoking weed and popping pills it was her gateway drug. But she never let it come between her as her son. On her off days she would take the baby out on a dinner date and eat! Malix wasn't really eating table food but fries and chewed chicken tenders did the trick for him! Niya was deeply in love with her son they went out of town together leaving Logan behind. She just felt if she gonna put all her energy into anyone who else better could it be then her son!! She had great connects with hotels around the world because she worked for one. Her love life with Logan wasn't dead it was just very strict. Being they both worked a lot. Holidays were coming up! Niya was so excited to get her sons first real Christmas gifts she spent half of her check doing just that she even splurged on herself. Only wishing one day Logan would invite his and her family out to dinner and get down on one knee and propose to her. I don't understand what the hell am I doing wrong? She talked to herself one day before work I give him the world. Gave him a son I'm not out here hoeing I'm a good girl I'm faithful but I still HAVEN'T RECEIVED MY DAMN RING. Niya grew bitter with Logan after watching so many of her friends get engaged and married off she wondered is this how it's really gonna be. I will be stuck as a baby mama. Niya took matters into her own hands she started questioning Logan on why haven't they made their move yet. Logan assured her ONE DAY but don't rush things because he didn't want to. Niya made up her mind to push the issue a little bit more the new year was coming up and she had been on the look out! She searched for apartments and houses because this time she thought this time he is gonna chase me.

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