Ready set Go

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Hours went by and Niya just wanted the pain to stop. Her heart ached watching Logan text his girlfriend keeping her up to date on their kid. Her mind was overwhelmed because her mom wouldn't shut up about what he was doing. Once the nurses came in with the drugs Niya was sooooo relieved she slip right into a deep sleep. When she woke up her water had broke and her room was full of family and friends Niya only notice one sweet face and it was her best friend who was her child's aunt in law karlia she smiled at her and said hey girl still drugged karlia smiled back whispering are you okay under eyeing Niya ?? Niya said no it hurts so bad karlia got up and said well babe try and stay calm and I will see you later okay holding Niya hand. Niya shook her head okay. Logan walked over and said you are far to pretty baby girl for your breath to be smelling like ass lol Niya was shocked and said omg give me some gum then why y'all ass got me talking and my breath smelling like open ass tho?? Logan laughed and said it's okay you can't have anything to eat nor drink so kick back some ice cubes she whimpered I'm sick of these damn ice chips I'm hungry. Logan walked away laughing her mom came over as Niya saw her drinking a strawberry sunkist Niya eyes grew big and said give me some please I just need a taste for my breath. Niya mom gave her just a sip feeling sorry, and Niya threw up everywhere. Niyas mom whispered get your shit together okay please... walking away doctors came in and said Niya... Logan.. ITS TIME  we will give you time to clear the room and only two people can be in the delivery room at the time. Niya said her goodbyes. It was dark outside she started to feel nervous again and asked her mom is it gonna hurt? Her mom said no you have the epidural you shouldn't feel a thing okay calm down you don't want your pressure up. Logan stood beside Niya and held her hand and she began to push nurses helping her as they pushed her back forward Niya cried I can feel pain lots of pain feels like a shoe is coming out of my butt why does it hurt so bad?? Nurses piled into the room. Niya mother grew upset asking why is there so many nurses in here they need to get out if they aren't helping deliver the baby. Niya doctor asked to  do a suction on the baby's head Niya said ok then she heard it pop off her babies head.Niya grew nervous and said is that gonna hurt my child the doctor didn't say anything Niya glanced at Logan as he sat in calm mode. See what is going on with my baby. Logan assured Niya he could see his head which hair was everywhere. Niya smiled while in pain. The doctor came in and said okay let's try pushing again. Niya pushed 5 more times and stopped and said very soft C section Please. Logan glanced at Niya and said no your gonna have the baby vaginally Niya replied no your girlfriend is gonna have your baby vaginally and layed back.

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