Chapter Eight

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Kyle drop me off home. I put the Melissa in the buggy. Then she started crying.

"Argh!" I say.

Kyle's grabs the bag and toke out a milk bottle again. We tried the milk bottle it didn't work.

I look in the bag to see nappy's.
Kyle reads my minds.
"She needs changing"

I try to calm her down a bit by pushing the pram back and forth.

No such luck.

I didn't even notice my ex standing near my front door.

Kyle follows my direction.

"Hey" Nick shouts

"Hey"I say in a what on earth are you doing here tone.

"I turn to Kyle. "Thank you"

"No problem,your to be alright?"Kyle's asks

Looking me in the eyes for a clue then looking to Nick and back to me for an answer.

"Yep,I'm be fine" I say calmly.

"Alright" Kyle replies.

He walks to car while I'm start pushing Melissa towards the house.

"Sssshhhh,please stop crying" I say calmly.

"See you later" Kyle shouts with a wink.

I roll my eyes. "Yh,whatever bye" I shout back.

"You knock up already?" Nick jokes.

I just give him a blank stare

"Hahahaha,very funny" I reply with my lack of humour.

Nick looks down at the floor.

"Look what do you want Nick ? and make it quick if you can see I'm busy" I say rudely

"Well I wanted to say sorry,for everything I have done to you and I miss you."Nick say with a smile.

Well as Justin said
"Is it too late to say sorry? Yes, you cheated on me with Channel and it wasn't even once." I say bluntly

I laugh to my self" you what the funny thing is you saying you miss me. Please ! That is bullshit! "

Melissa was still crying now more then ever.

"Bye Nick , I know I certainly didn't miss you." I say coldly cutting him off.

I put the key though the hole and enter the house. Slamming the door be hide Me.

I pick up Melissa and take her towards the toilet stringing along the bag.

I place the baby on top of the toilet seat.

I start taking off Melissa cloths and taking off her nappy. I clean her and and crying stops.

I really don't know how to put this nappy on. Oh hold up, let me check you tube.

I follow the instruction.

"There all done Melissa" I throw the old nappy in the bin and scoop up her up.

I have no clue where she going to sleep.

I place her back I. The pram for now.

I head to the kitchen and cook something for me to eat.

After eating the baby started crying again.

I sign. I force myself off the chair.

I go to feed the baby. After putting the Melissa back to sleep.

I take the top of pram and carefully carried it upstairs.

I head downstairs to grab the rest of my stuff.

I made a start on my homework.

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