El Classico...Soon

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Chapter 11 : Lilian's pov
Next day I was watching tv alone when Gerard sit next to me "hey shakira and Milan went to her friend house do you wanna go for a walk on the beach?" He asked "okay but I need to change" I walk to my room and pick blue short dress with pink flip flops and let my hair natural, and we walk together to the beach. When we arrived I take my shoes off and touch the soft sand "so tell me about your self" Gerard said "I think I will study designing I wanna be a famous model then a big clothes designer, I love sports a lot especially football, I have all Spanish Team Jerseys include yours, I used to have a really strong relationship with my parents but after I knew the truth I don't want to see their faces plus I'm really happy I found you" I said smiling "btw you don't have to tell me about your self cuse I know everything about Barça guys" I said proudly "really?" He asked laughing "yeah Cris my bf but I have always have big crush at Barcelona" I said giggling, suddenly Gerard's phone rang "hey Ney what's up?.... JESUS YOU ARE KIDDING ME..... YES FINALLY we will slay their asses man...haha okay see ya bye" he hung up "what happened?" I asked "Neymar and Marc is coming then you will know" I nodded and we go back home, after 5 min Marc and Neymar come "Lilly promise us you won't freak out" Marc said "and make sure we will respect your opinion no matter what" Neymar said "guys you are scaring Me" I said worried "um next week is um the Classico" Gerard said "that mean we will play against Real Madrid" Neymar said "OMG OMG MY FAV MATCH" I said jumping and hugging the three of them "so you are not sad?" Marc said "of course no I'm so excited" I said "that's my girl" Gerard said and hugged me "you will support us right?" Neymar said "yes duh even tho Cris will get mad but my big bro is more important" I said standing next "aw you remember me of Rafa" Neymar said smiling "who is Rafa?" I asked "Rafaela his little sister and she is so kind" Gerard said "plus so hot" Marc said and Neymar give him the angry look "ops sorry" Marc said smiling innocently "I really wanna meet her" I said "she is coming to Barcelona next week" Neymar said and I nodded

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