Cocky Fucking Face

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Chapter 38 : Lillian's pov
"I'm so excited" I said putting my make up at my hotel suite with Anto, Shaki and Sofi and they giggled Each girl wearing her boyfriend's jersey I wanted to wear Gerard's shirt "nope you will wear Ney's" Shakira said smirking "no" I said blushing "YES" Anto said and make me wear it we walk inside Santiago Bernabio laughing and gossiping when I saw Cristiano and stopped laughing "Babe are you okay?" Sofi asks "hey Lillian" Cristiano said and they glared at him "can't you just let her leave alone?" Anto said "let them talk Anto lets go" Shakira said and they left me with Cristiano "I'm sorry" He said "Cris Apologizing doesn't fix anything" "but..." He stopped talk when I felt someone put his hand on my shoulder "Cristiano leave her alone she is moving on" Neymar said and I smiled "shut your fuck up Neymar" Cristiano said angrily "YOU SHUT UP PUTA" Suárez said "Calm down Luis and Cristiano our girl is moving on and she doesn't need you" Leo said standing by my side "That's right Ronaldo" Gerard said and the rest of the team all stand behind me even Lucho "you will let those stupid people become between us?" He said and now he crossed the lines "DONT YOU DARE AND CALL MY FAMILY STUPID MR RONALDO BTW AFTER WE WILL SLAY YOUR ASSES TONIGHT I DONT WANT TO SEE YOUR COKCY FUCKING FACE LIKE YOU HAVE SOFTER SKIN THAN MINE AND NOW EXCUSE ME I HAVE TO SUPPORT MY MEN" I said taking my jacket off and showing my Barça jersey he was surprised and walk away "DAMN" Ney said and all the team cheered while I giggled "okay guys so focus on the game Luistio, Leo and Ney I want the best of your three tonight One last thing Play From Your heart For Barca Win for Cataluña....Hands together" Lucho said all the team include girls put their hands "cmon Lilly" Leo said and I put my hand "VISÇA BARÇA E VISÇA CATALUÑA" we yelled and cheers they walk out of the Tunnel "Good luck Horise" I said kissing Ney's cheek he smirked when he knew Im wearing his shirt then I hugged my bro and walk to my seat.

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