Chapter 5

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Damien's POV

"Wake up beautiful," I whispered, gently petting Ever's long brown hair. She stirred and grunted then rolled over. I smiles and tried again.

"Rise and shine my sunshine!" I yelled and yanked open the satin curtains.

"No," Ever said groggily, covering her head with a pillow.

"Yes," I said and picked her up wedding style, being careful of her rib. In the crash, she had fractured a rib when glass from the window shield stabbed her. Poor thing was on so much medication, it's three in the after noon and she has been asleep since 9 P.M. yesterday.

She opened her beautiful hazel eyes and blinked up at me. God, she was beautiful.

"Good morning," she yawned and looked up at me.

"Wait, Damien? What are you doing here? Put me down!" She flailed in my arms, trying to get free. I set her down and she smacked me, which felt like she hit me across the face with paper.

"Good morning to you too," I said, rubbing by face, pretending like it hurt.

"What are you doing in my house?!" Ever yelled.

"Actually, your in my house babe," I laughed as she eyed the room.

"What am I doing here? And don't call me babe," she said coldly.

"You were hurt in the accident, sweetheart," I assured, hoping to get away with calling her sweetheart. She rolled her eyes and looked down to her rib.

"You were on lots of medication," I stated.

"Ok. So I didn't dream that you are a gigantic wolf?" She asked.

"Nope. That's me, Damien Cross, The werewolf."

"And did I also dream that your gonna make me chocolate chip pancakes for almost getting me killed?"

"Nope! I'm on it. You say it, I'll do it!"

"Then pancakes, now," Ever snapped her fingers and I put my arm up like I was carrying a towel, just like a butler.

"Yes my Lady," I said in my best British accent. I hurried downstairs and baked the pancakes. Ev came down the stairs ten minutes later with a notebook and a pencil.

"Ok werewolf boy, I have questions and you have answers. Give what i want and no one gets hurt," she said, sitting down at the island. Before I could say anything, she was ready for question number one.

"Are you in a pack? And if you are, name everyone that's in it," Ev commanded.

"Ok. Yes. Quinn, Cent, Roxane, Natily, Brian, Makaila, Drake, Sean, Robert, Lilli, Amber, and Dylan. I'm the Alpha. Happy?"

"Very!" Ev smiled, "Wait? The group consists of werewolves?"


"Great. Next question... How do you shift?"

"Well, first I take my clothes off then, I call to my wolf and it just happens."

"Ok. Last question. Do you have any special abilities, like powers or something?"

"Well, I can read minds and talk to you and my pack members telepathically and I have super strength, speed, and skills. Impressed?"


"Dang it."

"Hey why can you talk to me telepathically? I'm not part of the pack."

"Because... Your my mate."


Sorry it's kinda short, I stayed up all night so I'm really tired.

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