Chapter 29

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Rie's P.O.V.

I pounded through the forest, dodging fallen limbs and low branches as I went. It was drizzling and the air was cold and frigid. I assumed that my thoughts should be whirling at the moment but they weren't. My mind was focused on one thig and one thing alone. Ever. It was killing me, not knowing how much damage the tracking spell had done. I was completely against the idea of it but we only had so much time. I mentaly cursed myself for not being able to find her. Being her guardian angel meant that I was supposes to be able to track her with ease but it seemed that Rodrick knew that and blocked the link.

It was raining more heavily now and the ground below me was becoming muddy. I searched for an opening in the canopy above and launched myself off a log and into the air. I snapped my wings out and pushed them down hard, shooting into the sky. I climbed above cloud level to escape the rain and glided just above them, dragging my hand across the clouds surface, causing them to spray water droplets into the air. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and let the air carry me through night.

Ever's P.O.V.

Water. I felt the drops of rain fall down on me and shivered despite the fact that I wasn't cold. I was actually very warm, contrary to the fact that I was soaked. My head was spinning as I tried to collect myself. I tried to move my hand up to my head but I couldn't move. I tried to open my eyes but it was as if they were glued shut. I tried to speak but I couldn't open my mouth. What was going on? Where was I? I stuggled against the ropes that bound my wrists and ankles. I heard the crackle of a fire and footsteps coming towards me. I heard them stop right beside me. I tried to turn my head and open my eyes but I was paralized in place. I felt a hand reach out and push a strand of hair behind my ear and I froze.

"Sorry about the Paralysis Spell dear but I couldn't have you trying to get away or call for help, now could I?" said a rough mans voice.

I shudderd. I knew this voice. It was Roderick.

Damien's P.O.V.

I sat down on the edge of the table and focused my eyes on the front door of the motel. Dakota was sitting beside me studying the map that Isaac had given us. He had marked down the path that the tracking spell had shown on it down to the exact building. From the moment he had handed it to Dakota, he had had his face burried in it, memorizing every turn. I looked up from the map as Rie banged into the motel room, dripping with rain from his hair and clothes. He stalked over to the chair farthest from us and sat down, ignoring the puddles he was making. I opened my mouth to speak but quickly closed it when Dakota spoke up.

"We are going to find her tonight," He said matter-of-factly. I widened my eyes at him and sighed.

"You know we can't do that Dakota. It's too risky! Roderick might have guess what we did and prepared for us. Now matter how badly I don't want to, I think we need to wait this one out," I resasoned, "The full moon isn't until tomorrow anyway." Dakota stared at me in awe.

"Why would you ever consider that?" Dakota shouted and sprang to his feet, "Don't you want to get Ever back as soon as possible!?" I glared at him andgot to my feet as well.

"Of course I want to get her back! But putting ourselves in danger is not something she would want us to do! We need to be more prepared for this!" I shouted, taking a few steps toward him. Rie hadn't said a word and just sat with his eyes trained on the window. Dakota and I argued for a while longer before Rie got up and casually pushed us down into our seats.

"Here's what's gonna happen. The two of you are going to sit there and shut up while I think of a-" Rie stopped abruptly and stared in horror out the window he had been watching earlier. I gave him a confused look and turned my head tosee what was the problem. Like Rie had, I stopped in my tracks. I slowly got to my feet, walked over to the window, and threw it open. No, there was no mistaking it. Th clouds blew across the sky as the storm let up, revealing the moon. We had been wrong. The full moon was tonight. Roderick was going to sacrifice Ever tonight.

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