Chapter 19

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Damien's P.O.V.

Ever and I stumbled through the woods with a flashlight searching for possible wolf paw prints. We've seen beaver, raccoon, opossum, and even bear tracks but no wolf tracks. I was beginning to wonder if we would ever find one when Ever exclaimed, "I've got it!" She knelt down and emptied the contents of her water bottle onto the dry dirt. She looked up at me and smile, "Now shift.

I nodded obediently and stepped behind a tree, undressing and shifting quickly.

"Know, press you paw in the mud," Ever commanded and I obeyed. After I did so, she dumped the last remaining bit of the water in her water bottle into the print. She pointed at it and grinned wildly. "Drink up!"

I knelt my head down and lapped up half the water, wetting my muzzle. Ever then cupped her hands and scooped up a little water and glances at me.

Bottoms up, I spoke into Evers mind. She sighed and downed the small trickle of water she had in her hands. I shifted back and got dressed and returned to Ever. She pinched her arm hard and I could already see a bruise forming beneath her fingers. She looked at me questioningly.

I grinned wildly, "I didn't feel a thing!"

When we got back up to the cabin Ever stopped at the front steps. "I'm gonna go for a walk... I need to think."

"Okay be careful Kitten," I smiled and walked inside. I honestly needed to do some thinking of my own.

Ever's P.O.V.

I walked along the inner circle of the forest in a pacing type motion. I had to meet Rie in person. I need to know he's real. I don't particularly want to put myself in a dangerous situation, even though I'm good at it. I decided to settle for simply calling out to him. I cleared my mind of everything but Rie and focused. Rie, I called out. Rie.


Rie! Can you hear me?

Still nothing. I sighed angrily and paced the circle faster. I didn't want to call for him out loud for fear of someone that would hear me calling out a potentially imaginary boy.

"So you think I'm imaginary now? Have you no faith in me already?" a familiar voice called out from behind me. I whirled around and came face to face with Rie. His black hair curled around his ears ever so slightly and his electric green eyes blazed like a flickering flame. He wore a white fitted tee and dark jeans. My heart skipped a beat and a guilty feeling washed over me.

"Goodness Gravy, I thought you'd never come!" I smiled.

"Well I'm here now, Wolf Girl, so what is it you summoned me for?" Rie grinned.

"Answers my questions would be a great start." I offered.


"We'll first of all, show me your wings. I need to know I'm not completely insane." Rie smile and spread his arms out wide, huge tawny wings unfurling behind him. I reached out and stroked them, making sure they were real.

"Okay now first question. Why were you assigned to me? I've read enough books to know that something bad is gonna happen that would require me to need protection."

Rie sheathed his wings and shifted his weight uneasily for a moment then spoke. "Someone's after you. A rouge I believe. You have a very rare development that causes you to have two mates, as you know. There is a myth that if a werewolf that has lost his or her mate, can be given a second chance by killing you..."

I sighed, "Of course. It's always me... Okay second question. Are you gonna come stay with me at the pack house?"

"Depends on if you want me there." Rie grinned wolfishly.

I place my hand on my cheek, pretending to be deep in thought. "Yeah I guess we can spare a room... Last question. How in the world am I supposed to tell Damien about you? He the Jealous Mate type..." I sighed.

"Let me handle him." Rue said cooly.

"Then let us go. The sooner we get this over with, the better."

Rie's P.O.V.

I settled down on my new bed in the room conveniently located next to Ever's. Damien and I had agreed that I could stay at the pack house as long as I protected Ever. I explained to him the situation and we both decided that he was going to give her rouge fighting lessons while I educated her on her new race. She knows nothing about werewolves and surprisingly, I know a lot. She has Rouge Fighting lessons with Damien tomorrow, Werewolf history with me on Tuesday, and Weapons Crafting with Dakota on Wednesday.

We also got permission from Ever's father to take her out of school, which surprisingly he had already intended to do once he found out that she found a mate and I assume he already knew about werewolves.

I decided to get to bed so I could plan my lesson with Ever a little bit before Tuesday. I was determined not to fail at protecting Ever.

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