Chapter 17

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Dakota's P.O.V.

I paced the floor in front of the front door nervously. They had been gone a long time. I was feeling extremely happy, I assume because of Ever, and the it had just.. stopped. Was she okay?

I paused, my hand reaching out to grab the door knob, when the for swung open and Damien limped in, and unconscious Ever in his arms.

"Is my dad home?" Damien asked quietly.

"No... you just missed him..." I said, staring at Ever. Damien took the steps slowly, limping ever so lightly. He laid Ever on his bed carefully, pushing strands of her wavy brown hair back affectionately.

I dropped to my knees by the bed, taking Evers hand in mine. Damien looked over at me and growled but I didn't even flinch. He ignored me and went to go find some supplies to clean Ever up. I stared at her sadly. I see why the happy stopped...

Damien's P.O.V.

I ripped open the first aid kit in my dads office and grabbed what I needed. I ran back into my room and sat on the edge of my bed gently, trying not to jostle Ever. I leaned over her and grabbed her arm, cleaning the scratches and patching them up.

When I was finished with both arms and legs I checked out the wound on her head. She had hit it pretty hard before I got to her. I winced at the wound. It was still bleeding but not to badly. I'd felt all of it but I walked away with minimum scratches. No major damage. I patched up Ev's head quickly and held her in my arms. I noticed that Dakota was still holding her hand but I ignored it. I would kill him later...

Ever's P.O.V.

I awoke in the middle of a golden forest. I was laying in a pile of silver leaves, staring up at the cloudless sky. I stood up and walked over to the small pond in the middle of a large clearing, golden trees surrounding it in all sides.

I stared into it and saw that I was wearing a white flowing dress and my hair was in neat curls. I brushed a stray curl behind my ear, noticing a black feather outlined on my wrist. I looked at my wrist and traced the black feather.

I heard a crunch of leaves behind me and I twirled around, coming face to face with a black haired boy... a very attractive one at that. He grabbed my wrist and traced the feather with his fingers, as I had done moments ago. I wanted to jerk away at his touch but I couldn't...

He looked up at me, his electric green eyes studying me, tilting his head slightly to the right. Then a breath-taking grin spread across his face and he straitened up.

"Hello Ever," the boys voice sent chills down my spine.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, trying not to sound wry, unsuccessfuly.

"My name is Azriel but you can call me Rie. I just so happen to be your guardian angel," Rie smirked at me.

I choked on the words. "My what?..."

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