Chapter 15

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I just wanted to thank you guys so much for 400+ reads! I mean it's amazing that my book has gotten this far! On another note, I was thinking of posting actors for each character in the book. I don't really think I will because I hate it when pictures or movies for a book ruin my vision of a character but if you guys want my to, then Comment and Vote!!!

Damien's P.O.V

I sat down at the island while Ever made Dakota and I sandwiches. I glared over at Dakota and he just looked down at his hands. The coward can't even make eye contact.

"So..." Ever said, setting the sandwiches in front of us, smiling.

"Well since we are all here, can someone explain to me what's going on?" Dakota asked, raising his eyebrows.

Ever drew in a shaky sigh and spoke. She told him everything starting from this morning when I burnt my finger and she felt it. Dakota just sat there staring at her.

When Ev finished talking and we had all finished our sandwiches, Ev announce that she wanted to talk to Dakota. Alone. I tried to protest of course, but she quickly dismissed it and ushered me out. I made sure to stay in earshot.

Ever's P.O.V

"You know I don't have any feelings for you, right?" I asked slowly.

"Yeah," Dakota replied quietly. I placed my hand on top his and smiled a this-is-just-a-friendly-supportive-gesture smile.

"But we are friends right? Just friends?" he asked genuinely.

"Yeah. I'd like that," I smiled at him and left. I feel kinda bad for just leaving him siting in there alone, feeling like crap but I need to deal with Damien.

Before I could call his name a grabbed me from behind, spun me around, and picked me up bride style.

"Hey! wh-" he cut me off, putting his hand over my mouth, grinning wildly.

"Date night. You and me and a moonlit dinner. What do you say?" He removed his hand from my mouth and looked down at me questioningly.

"Sure. Why not?" I sighed after a while and he put me down and hugged me.

"Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he said, "just a little jealous that I gotta share my woman, that's all..."

"Hey. You don't have to share me. I'm all yours..." I stood on my tippy toes and leaned forward to kiss him. Right before we did, I ran to the living room, half rolling half flipping over the couch. He laughed when I fell on my butt after attempting to stick my flip/roll landing.

He walked over to me, grabbing both my hands and pulling me to my feet. I laughed and kissed him on the cheek, than ran upstairs to get ready for our romantic moonlit dinner date night.

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