Chapter 8

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It's funny how you can fall in love with someone you hated only days ago. In only a few hours, when the moon is at its highest, I will transform into a wolf and bond with my boyfriend, Damien. A werewolf to be exact. Everything that is happening or going to happen today, I would have never thought would ever happen. It's strange how fate works.

"Babe?" Damien said, ripping me from my thoughts.

"Yes?" I mumbled.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yeah. Are you?"

"Most definitely!" He said as he flashed that cocky grin that I had grown to love.

"Good, because you don't have a choice," I joked. He smiled at me and looked up at the moon. It's time. Damien grabbed my hand as we began to walk into the woods, the light oddly growing brighter as we pressed on. We stood in an empty meadow, trees on all sides. Directly in front of us as a cliff, not an extremely high one at that, with a lake at the base. Damien reluctantly released my hand and and walked behind a group of trees to undress and morph. He told me that it's painless. That one second your human the next your a wolf. In a matter of seconds.

When he returned, he was an extremely large chocolate brown wolf with fiery green and gold eyes. He gave me a look that meant that its my turn. I took in a deep breath and walk to the trees that Damien had just emerged from behind. I undressed and stared up at the moon. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, it was like I wasn't me but I was. If that even makes seance. I was seeing the world the same eyes but I analyzed everything differently. I could hear and smell everything.

I padded over to Damien and we exchanged looks.

Want to go for a swim? Damien asked telepathically.

Sure! I said.

We padded over to the cliff and Damien leaped into the water below. My turn. I followed what Damien had done. I crouched back and pushed off with my hind legs, landing in the water with a splash.

There is one last thing I need to tell you, Damien began.

What is it? I asked.

One the bond is sealed, a tattoo will appear on your back when you turn human again. It marks that you are mated.


We hauled out wet pelts from the water and made our way back up to the cliff. We sat beside each other and looked up at the moon. To seal the bond we had to howl at the same time. That's it! Not very romantic if you ask me but whatever. I glance at Damien to signal him that I was ready.




We howled into the night as the moon stared down at us. Damien and I were officially mated now. I looked over at him, his head still turned to the moon. I laid my head between his head and shoulder and sighed mentally. He was officially mine now. I stared down into the water and studied my wolf self. I had golden brown fur then eliminated in the moonlight with hazel eyes with golden flecks sparkle with the reflection of the stars. When did I get golden flecks in my eyes? Must be a wolf thing.

We returned to the trees and change into our clothes after shifting. We began our walk home, neither of us stopped smiling.

We arrived at the pack house and opened the door to a screaming bunch of werewolves.

"Surprise!!!" They yelled. Me and Damien smiled widely as they surrounded us for a huge group hug. I laughed and hugged everyone. Once we were all done, we went to the kitchen were they had a "surprise" for us. Damien flipped on the lights and all I saw was a tin of whipped cream hurtling towards me. I hit me in the face before I could dodge. I looked at Damien and he was covered as well. I tried so hard to keep a strait face but when I saw Damien covered in whipped cream I lost it. I laughed so hysterically I fell on the ground into the whipped cream that hadn't stuck to my face. Damien smiled deviously and grabbed some whipped cream from the floor and flung it at me. My laughing stopped and returned the smile. This is war. I bolted to the island where two cans of whipped cream sat. I grabbed them and sprayed Damien. He laughed and grabbed me by the waist, causing me to drop one of the cans.

I tried to run but I slipped on the whipped cream on the floor. Damien caught me and went to kiss me but pulled his hand up to revel the whipped cream can. He sprayed me in the face. I had some tricks up my sleeves too. I rolled out of his grasp and grabbed his can. It was too late when he realized what was happening. I went to spray him but the can just sputtered. Crap! Empty! I dropped to the floor, throwing the cans to the side, an grabbed some whipped cream of the floor. I jumped up only to get yet another face full of whipped cream. I held my whipped cream full hands up and surrendered. Damien dropped the whipped cream that was in his and and smiled at me.

"What a waist of a perfectly good topping," I sighed and threw the last of the whipped cream at him. He laughed and pulled me towards him.

"I thought you were surrendering," he laughed and kissed me.

"Now why would I do that?"

Sorry it's so short, rushed, and boring. I am in the car going to a mystery surprise place (I'm pretty sure it's Fall Creek Falls c:) so I don't have much time. Sorry guys!

P.S. the theme song for this chapter is Cute by Stephen Jerzak!


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