Chapter 11

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I crept over to the Alpha's room and opened the door. I knew he was hunting but I also know the Ever was still here, sleeping. I closed the door behind me and walked over towards the sleeping beauty of a Luna. She was smiling in her sleep, occasionally grunting and shifting a little.

She is so beautiful..

Her light brown hair was sprawled messily around her face. I longed to see her shocking hazel eyes but I didn't want to wake her. I moved to brush a hair from her face when the door swung open behind me. The large Alpha male walked in, a dark, angry look on his face. he stepped out from in front of the door way, signaling me to leave.

We stepped out into the hallway and I was about to explain when the Alpha pushed me against the wall and pinned my shoulders back, looking furious.

"Ever is my mate, not yours, do you understand me?"

When I didn't reply he pressed my shoulders back harder. I winced then spoke.

"I understand Alpha."

"Good. Now stay away from Ever ok?"

"Yes Alpha."

He let me go, looking triumphant and I walked over to the stairs. As I took the first step, I heard the bedroom door open behind me. I spun around as Ever emerged from the room wearing one of the Alphas T-shirts and a pair of his boxers.

"Good morning Damien!" Ever smiled at Damien then looked over to me.

"I assume you are Dakota," She said, observing me.

"Yes I am. Good morning Luna," I smiled warmly and bowed.

"Good morning!" she smiled, "and you can call me Ever."

I nodded and proceeded down the steps. When I reached the bottom, I leaned against the wall and sighed. This is going to be a long rest of my life...


"What do you want for breakfast?" Ever asked me, smiling.

"Nothing that you're going to make," I said. She had a hurt expression on her face and it just melted me so I went ahead and finished the sentence.

"Because I'm gonna make you breakfast today!" I grinned widely. She looked up at me and smiled, the awful expression on her face gone. She walked over and kissed my cheek then went to get dressed. I walked down the steps and proceeded into the kitchen.

I turned the stove on, set the pan on the eye, and poured the pancake mix. I pulled out a spatulas and began flipping the pancakes. After I was almost done, I heard Ever open and close the Bedroom door upstairs. When I turned around to greet her, I burnt my hand on the stove. I winced and when she got to the bottom of the stairs she had a pained expression on her face.

I ran over to her as fast as I could.

"What's wrong," I asked, worried.

"Did you just burn yourself?" she asked, ignoring my question.

"Yeah, but I'm fine. How did you know?" I asked.

"I felt it."

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