Chapter 32

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Damien's P.O.V.

Rie and I pounded through the forest behind the abondoned warehouse and I followed Dakota's scent. Dakota had never given us the safe signal and it had been an about half an hour and we figured that meant he was in trouble. We caught sight of a clearing with a fire burning in the center and Rie dashed forward, me hot on his heals. We made it into the clearing and I skidded to a hault in horror. Roderick was casually leaned against a tabled, his eyes turned up to the sky, obviously waiting for something. I trned and my eyes fell on Ever. She was clutching a body in her and and weaping into his chest. I took a few steps forward and recognized the body.

It was Dakota. And he wasn't moving.

Rie dropped down by Ever's side and tried to pull her into his arms but she pushed him away. She layed her head back on Dakota's unmoving chest and contiued to weap. Rie had a startled look on his face but he shook it off and layed a gentle hand on the small of Ever's back. I slowly made my way over to them and fell to my knees at Dakota's side. I clasped my hand in mine and rested my head on our joint hands.

"Goodbye, brother. You were a great friend," I said quietly and dropped his hand, sliding my fingers across his eyes to close them. I looked up at Ever, who had finally let Rie hold her as she cried, and then looked up at Roderick.

"Well wasn't that touching?" He smirked and twirled a blade between his fingers. I lunged for him but Rie appeared infront of he and pushed me away.

"Stop. He'll kill you too," Rie said firmly.

"I don't care!" I shouted. "Let him!"

Rie stalked closer to me and pushed me to the ground. "What about Ever, huh? Don't you know what that will do to her? Just look at now!" He shouted and pointed to Ever, who was holding Dakota's limp hand and muttering something in a low, broken voice. I turned back to Rie and he gave me a had look. I pushed myself to my feet but stayed where I was. Rie gave me a short nod then spun around as the fire in the center of the clearing roared and rose, the flames licking the dark sky. I staggered back and stood infront of Ever protectivly.

Roderick gave a triumphant shout and ran towards the now dying fire. In the enter of the flames, a short woman in a fitted black dress stepped out and and gave us a sinsister smile. She had shoulder length dark brown hair and light brown eyes that looked identical to Ever's. Roderick stopped infront of her and took her hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing her fingers.

"My darling Cassandra," He mutter quietly as he kissed her hand. She gave him a bright smile and leaned around him, her eyes falling on Ever. She strode towards her and Ever staggered to her feet, a shocked expression splashed across her face.

"Mom?" She whispered quietly.

The woman smiled warmly and put a hand on her hip. "Long time, no see, dear."

Ever's P.O.V.

I stared at my mother in disbeilef. Roderick wasn't lying. My mother really was his mate. Her eyes flicked from me to Damien then to Rie. She frowned at them, and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"My daughter still seemed to come into contact with a werewolf I see," She said bitterly and pointed at Damien. She tilted her head to the side and rolled her eyes. "And she's your mate isn't she?"

Damien bared his teeth at my mother and bristled. "Don't come near her."

Mom laughed and waved a hand at Damien. "I wouldn't hurt my own daughter you fool," She said and strode towards Damien and touched his shoulder lightly. He went still and growled at her.

"What did you do to me?" He demanded.

"I simply froze you in place momentarily. Men that look like they are going to strangle me make me uncomfortable," She shrugged and walked towards me.

I stood my ground and clenched my fists at my sides. Rie flashed to my side, his eyes wild.

"Back off, witch," He snarled at my mother.

She pouted and put a hand over her heart. "How rude. You'd think an angel of Heaven would have some table manners," She said with  smirk and flickered her hand at Rie, causing him to fly backwards into the table I had been strapped to. He lifted his head and jerked his arms.

"Let me go!" He shouted.

My mother laughed and gave him a wicked smile. "I don't think so."

She turned her attention to me and smiled warmly. "My, my. You sure have grown," Mom said as she pushed my bangs out of my eyes. I jerked my head to the side in an attempt to avoid her touch.

"You're not my mother," I ground out between clentched teeth.

"What makes yo say that?" She asked with a pout.

"My mother was kind. And she certainly wasn't a witch," I spat at her.

She frowned and rolled her eyes. "That word again. I prefer the term 'magically talented'," She scowled.

"Now," She began, "How did you get yourself involved with a werewolf?"

I stayed silent and she grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at her. "I really tried to keep you away from their kind," She spat and glared at Damien.

She gave a sigh and tilted her head, frowning slightly. "We'll just have to fix this issue now won't we?"

I paled and looked at Damien. He he had a pained expression on his face, like he knew my mother was going to kill him. My mother glance at the two of us and gave a short laugh, seeming to read our thoughts.

"I'm not going to kill him dear. I'm just going to... ensure that you two don't end up like you would have," She said and strode behind me, moving my hair away from the mating mark on the back of my neck. I froze in place and she sighed lightly.

"This might sting a little," She said and placed her hand against my mark. I gritted my teeth as the mark began to burn and fade. I felt as if a cord within me had snapped and she took her hand away with a pleased smirk.

I blinked and looked up at Damien. His face was twisted in pain and he tilted his head.

"Ever? Are you alright?" He asked in a concerned tone.

I nodded and lifted a hand to my head. "I think so but...," I squinted my eyes at him, "Who are you?"


Soooo, what did you guys think? Please leave a comment and a vote, it really helps me out!

Also, I have started another story called Falling Fast! It's about a girl who can see spirits and on her sixteenth birthday, they start to see her too. She hires a spirit to protect her but soon startes to wonder if that was a very good idea or not. Check it out and leave me some comments on your opinion!

Thanks for reading and don't forget to check out my other work! :)

Forever (Book 1 of the FOREVER trilogy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz