Chapter 18

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Ever's P.O.V.

I sighed in relief as the hot water from the shower hugged my body, washing off the dirt and dried blood and everything but the memory of my dream. Rie... The name echoed through my head, sending chills throughout my body. My guardian angel? Had my clumsiness, tripping, and my continuous bumping into things earned me a guardian angel? I hadn't told Damien about Rie yet but how could i? It was only a dream and for all I know that's all it really is.

I turned the shower off and stepped out, drying off and putting on a pair of Damien's sweatpants and a band tee. When I stepped out of the bathroom and came face to face with Damien.

"We are going to break the link. Tonight." Damien said quietly.

"Okay let's go find a wolf and a rain cloud and let the ritual commence." I growled, irritated. "Can I at least sleep first?"

Damien pushed a curl behind my ear and grinned. "Of course, Kitten."

"Stay out of trouble so I can sleep okay?" I smiled at him.

"No promises." Damien kissed my forehead and walked downstairs, taking the steps two at a time. I turned and plopped down on the bed, dropping my head into my hands and sighing. A guilty feeling crept into my conscience, sending a shiver down my spine. I decided to try and sleep for a little bit before Damien and I tried to break the physical bond between us. I laid down, and eyelids instantly feeling heavy. Within no time, I was deep asleep.

"Rie!" I cried out, leaping and bounding through the burning golden forest. "Rie!"

I jumped over burning logs, my long white dress snagging on the ashes branches. I coughed and gasp as the smoke filled my lungs. The clearing where I first met Rie was nowhere in sight. The gold and silver leaves turned to ash beneath my bare feet, turning them black. "Rie!" I screamed into the fading gold in front of me, my throat burning from the smoke. I heard a sizzle and a loud moan come from behind me. I tripped and fell, landing on a burning stick. I yelped and flicked it away, a big whelp forming on my arm where I had landed on it. I whipped around to see a big golden tree tumbling down from its plot. I curled into a fetal position and awaited the end.

When the tree never came down on me, I peaked up to see an ashen Rie holding the tree up. He grinned down at me wryly and jerked his head to the side, signaling me to move. I rolled out of the way as Rie dropped the tree. He picked me up and carried me, cradling me close to his chest. Rie jumped into the air, huge tawny wings unfurling behind him. I stared at the in awe, watching the feathers ruffle in the breeze.

"Impressed?" Rie asked, cocking one eyebrow.

"Very." I huffed out, feeling exhausted and dazed. "Are you real?"

"In your dreams." He grinned at me.

"I know I'm dreaming, but will I ever see you in real life?" I asked shakily.

"You bet, wolf girl." I smiled and buried my face in his chest.

I turned over to see Dakota with his hand stretched out towards me as off to shake me awake. I looked at him, confused, dazed from my dream.

"Yeah?" I asked groggily.

"Just checking on you. I got a bad feeling that's all." Dakota sighed.

"Oh, we'll I'm fine. Thanks for checking in." I smiled. He whipped his head to the door. "Boyfriends coming," he sighed, "I better go." He stood, smiled, and left.

Damien walking in right after. "Ready to break the bond, kitten?"

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