Chapter 9

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Thanks so much for 100+ reads! I know it's not a lot compare to all the stories out of there but it really means so much to me! Sorry it's been so rushed and fast pace. Enjoy chapter 9! c:

I rose from the bed, careful not to wake Damien, and stumbled to the bathroom. I pulled my shirt off and looked at my back. There, on the center of the top of my neck, was a dark brown tattoo of a tree. I gazed at it and smiled. Damien was right, it was beautiful. I slid my shirt back on as Damien came in. He removed his shirt and looked at his back as well. Across his shoulders, was a huge tree with the right side if the leaves fading in to birds. It was so beautiful. He misted have noticed me staring because he turned around and kissed me. He pulled down the neck of my shirt in the back to inspect my tattoo. He placed a scorching kiss on the tattoo that sent chills down my spine. I blushed and left the bathroom, leaving him alone to take a shower. I picked out my clothes for the day and we traded spots when he was done.

I turned the knob on the shower to the hottest setting and stood in the steaming cascade of water droplets. When I got out twenty minutes later, I wrapped up in a towel and stepped put of the steam filled bathroom to find roses in a vase on the side table on my side of the bed. I smiled and read the card.

Good morning Beautiful! I had to step out for some Alpha business but I will be back soon. There are pancakes on the table for you!

With love, Damien

I stuck the card in the vanity mirror and proceeded to get dressed. I slipped on my distressed jeans and yanked on my big white tee with a dream catcher cut into the back. I shoved my feet into my teal vans and ran downstairs to have a date with those pancakes I was promised. I smiled at Matt and Sean, the only gay mates in the pack according to Damien, as I made my way down the stairs. I sat down in front of the plate of pancakes with a post-it note with my name on it and dug right in. Quinn and Cent sat down on either said of me and smiled.

"Good morning, Luna," Quinn said as Cent just nodded his head in agreement due to his mouth full of pancakes.

"Good morning guys! And really, you don't have to call me Luna," I smiled.

"Whatever you say, Luna," Cent smirked.

They inhaled the pancakes and said their goodbyes to me and went to gather a hunting patrol. I finished off my food soon after and decided to go for a walk in the woods. After I got deep enough into the woods, I undress and shifted, burying my clothes under some leaves and marking the tree so I could find it. I stared at the tree a moment and wondered how I was already so adjusted to my new life.

Because I know how this works.

The voice rang through my brain. What the heck was that?

It was us.

I paused and then realized my situation. It was my wolf speaking to me. Damien mentioned this last night. At least now I know I'm not crazy.

I padded through the woods, admiring the leaves beginning to fall of the trees. Autumn has always been one of my favorite seasons. I sniffed the air and smiled. Then a wave of intrusion came over me when I caught an unfamiliar sent and a twig snap. I whipped around just in time to see a black wolf twice my size leap at me. He landed on to of me, pinning me to the cool earth, enabling me to move. I squired and wiggled but it was hopeless. I snared and growled at him but he didn't falter. One I had exhausted myself, he released me. I hauled myself up and bit his leg to his surprise. He pounced in me again and sank his teeth deep into my neck. I yowled in pain. He barely missed my throat. He almost killed my. Me vision began to go blurry as I saw a white wolf drag the black male off my small bleeding frame and snapped his neck with ease. The everything went black.

When I woke, I saw a blonde headed figure leaning over my bed. Bed. How did I get in a bed. I bolted up and winced and laid my head back down on the soft pillow. The strange man smiled at me as my vision focused. He had shining blonde hair and stunning blue eye that sparkled with hints of gold. Most defiantly a werewolf. I winced again and concern filled his eyes.

"Take it easy Kitten," he coaxed. I relaxed at his honey smooth voice.

"Who are you," I asked weakly.

"I'm Dakota. And you are?" He smiled.

"I'm Ever, and do you mind telling me where I am?"

"You at my house, Kitten."


I forced myself to sit up and tried to get out of the bed but Dakota picked me up instead. I tried to wiggle how of his arms but, of course, I fainted instead.

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