Chapter 1 (20yrs Before Bio War)

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Twenty years ago, war covered the entire earth from land to sea.
There was no place safe from the war. 

As if war wasn't enough...
Looters attacked store owners and residences.
Crime was ramped and there was no authority to enforce the law or to protect the innocent.
The world was at the end of times, at least that's what most thought...

Meanwhile, at a local yet secluded hospital mothers were giving birth to healthy beautiful babies.
What should have been a joyous moment was infact a gravely sad time. 

News played in every room, on every TV or radio.
There were rumors that a rouge army like group was headed and seen in the area near the hospital. 

While Noah's wife rested, he took that time to ready his pickup with whatever supplies needed to go live at his family's cabin. 

"Claire it's time." Noah gently woke his young bride.
"Noah it's still dark out." Claire said as she strolled over to the window to peer out.
Just than a young doctor rushed at her.
"Miss you need to get away from the window!
Those on the upper level saw lights and movements in the forest...
I need to give you one last checkup.
I already gave your son his booster shot, it's a special kind, he will not need any more from this point.
I also made this care package and your husband's truck has been supplied with all you'll need to take care of your baby and yourselves." The young doctor with an Australian accent instructed as he performed the needed test to be certain she was ready to be released. 

'He's so young looking, he must be a doctor's apprentice.' Noah thought to himself.

"How are you able to give us all those supplies?
What of the other families?" Noah inquired as he peeked out the side window where his truck was parked and loaded with the promised supplies. He noticed the lot was still full, yet some vehicles were missing. 

The young doctor finished up with Claire and took Noah into the hall while she dressed. 

"Some fled last night, while your wife was in labor.
Well they...." The young man fumbled with his words and drop his gaze to the floor.
"What is it!?" Noah took hold of the young man's shoulders and practically shook him.
Tears rolled down the young doctors cheeks.
"We've been understaffed...
We couldn't watch everyone...
I don't now how but they killed themselves and as for their children...
They're all missing." The young doctor sobbed. 

He took Noah to the room where the bodies were locked in.
Noah peered into the window.
Once he saw the bodies, Noah jumped back and grabbed the young doctor's arm so hard he knew he was digging into his flesh with his nails. 

"Those are not suicides!
Those are chemical bruns!
Were they in there before they died!?" Noah inquired loudly and harshly.
He was growing concern for his own life and that of his new family.
Noah even began to ponder if he saw this young doctor at any point last night during the birth of his son.

"Look you need to stop asking questions and get your family out of here." The young Doctor urged as he pryed Noah's death gripped hand off his arm, he knew was going to leave bruises.
He couldn't blame Noah, he was terrified for good reasons too.
Just than Noah noticed the blood stain on the young man's white coat, Noah went instantly white with fear.
"Consider this your moment of freedom. Now please go before its to late." He knew Noah was wandering if he was the killer.

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