Chapter 19 (Sleeplessness)

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Both boys groaned and buried their heads under the blanket as Jones came in throwing open the curtains letting in the sunlight.
"Come on boys gotta get up.
I put your training uniforms on the dresser." Jones stood at the foot of the bed talking to them.
"Nope stomach still hurts." Johnny grumbled as he put the blanket tighter around himself.
"What's your problem Cam?" Jones smirked.
"Sympathy pains...
Its a twin thing." Cam smirked at Johnny, causing Johnny to chuckle.
"Okay its been two weeks now.
The bruise is gone.
You both need to train, your friends are already advanced passed you boys. Come on." Jones said as he yanked the blanket.
"Och new bruise." Johnny grumbled.
"Next time don't hang don't the blanket." Jones chuckled as he patted Johnny on the head.
When Jones pulled the blanket he pulled Johnny along with it.
"Its late already.
Just get dressed and shower after training, you need to eat." Jones said as he walked out.
"You know I like sweat and all but there has to be better ones than always baggy." Johnny grumbled as he slipped a T-shirt on before putting on his sweat shirt and pants.
"I don't know, the pants are actually nice for once." Cam said as he fashioned them off while Johnny slipped his on.
"Yeah their almost like regular pants." Johnny shrugged as he tossed Cam a T-shirt.
"You know a sweat jacket would be better." Cam said as he started looking through the wardrobe.
"Better." Cam tossed two jackets onto the bed and took off the sweat shirt.
"Okay but if he asks this one is all your fault." Johnny teased.
Cam and Johnny made their way to the dining room.
Jones grabbed them before going in where Jasper was.
"Hey what's the deal?" Johnny grumbled.
Well you changed the wardrobe but not a big issue.
John, Cam there's something I been putting off telling you.
That day when I took you boys it really was a rescue attempt.
See they had you boys along with you older brother..." Jones paused to let what he just said sink in.
Why dose your story keep shifting?
One minute you took us from the nursery at the hospital.
Now you took us from those that want to hurt us including now an older brother?
Jones can you just tell it to us straight already." Johnny snapped.
Jones sighed as he sat in the large arm chair, the boys sat in the other one together.
I was young when I was helping them out in the clinic.
Aside from exterminating the contaminated, there were babies being born.
Everyone was getting blood work done to make sure they didn't have the toxin.
But when they checked you two the only non toxic babies, along with your five year old brother at the time, they saw there was something different with your bloods.
They planned to hide you all from your parents and take you to their testing lab.
Draco was the lead scientist at the time.
When I over heard what they planed for you kids I took you two and ran.
I couldn't find Jasper.
The Daniels helped me get the paper work I needed to prove you were mine so they wouldn't take you when we got to the city.
Johnny, Mr.Daniels got into the files and erased you completely making you nonexistent within the city.
Thats why they wouldn't give you a hearing.
It was all to protect you boys and hide fro them.
When I became so strict, in away it was to protect you boys, if they knew you were the twins at the ages you were the testings and experiments they would have done would kill you.
When I figured it out that it was Travis you two snuck off with I let it go, giving him strict orders to stay inside.
When you two snuck him over to ours, again I allowed it.
The ones after you wouldn't care if they killed one of you, they'd have a spare.
I always assumed they had Jasper but another was there and took him like I did you boys.
But later I found out the torment he was putting Jasper through so I arranged a kidnap, he was originally going to come stay with us but they were attacked and I lost track of him.
Again I know this doesn't make up for what I put you two through but please understand I was only trying to protect you the best I knew how." Jones sighed.
"So for two weeks we have been talking with our older brother and you just now think about cluing us in?" Johnny snapped.
"I'm sorry...
I wasn't even sure how to clue you in..."   Jones started.
"Gee I don't know...
You could have said guess what Jasper is your brother.
Its not rocket science." Johnny got up and pulled Cam along with him as they stormed off to sit with everyone at the table.
"What's with you two squirts?" Jasper teased.
"We just found out that your our brother." Cam mumbled.
Jasper sat there wide eyed.
"Your mom and dad's twins?" Jasper looked shocked.
"I been searching everyday for you two when I got away from my captors.
Came close once but the guy matching the description that took you two only had one, ironically named Cameron Black.
I came to the show once.
Remember that time you got lost in the crowd?" Jasper smirked.
"That was me. You saved me and helped me find Jones.
There was a riot, he already had Cam safe in the back." Johnny smirked weakly.
"It was weird handing you over.
I almost didn't want to." Jasper sighed.
"I remember that day.
Thank you for saving him.
You took off so fast.
I was going to bring you inside but by the time I got Johnny safe you were gone." Jones sighed as he sat in the chair next to Johnny.
"Yeah well uncle Jones I was apart of that riot." Jasper smirked.
"You were ten." Jones stated
"Trust me, the kids were the best source for riots and yeah I did save them.
The Night Walkers gave us strict instructions to take any kid we could get our hands on.
I had Johnny but he was so terrified I could only imagine the worse they do to him.
I chose to let you keep him.
Another time thinking he would make a good asset he was older but the bruises the fear again, I knew he would just be destroyed if I took him." Jasper looked at Jones with anger now.
"Wait because I looked too weak is why you left me that time?" Cam asked.
"Wow that second time was you?
Yeah that's why I hid you than got you safely back to him." Jasper smirked and looked at each boy and realizing how alike they are.
"So I guess in away you were protecting us." Johnny mumbled as he looked over at Jones.
"Yes but I still could have done better..." Jones was cut off by Jasper.
"No if he would have fought me.
Eventually I would have over powered and took him.
I know your method was not the best but it kept them together and out of the hands of the Night Walkers." Jasper smirked as he looked at his two brothers who are considered adults but still looked so young.
"Okay breakfast is served." Dina smiled as she pushed out a cart full of plates.
"Wait why did you call me uncle?" Jones asked Jasper who was annoying Octavia again.
"Your my dad's older brother, Duke told me." Jasper smirked as he went back to bugging Octavia.
"I swear boy if you don't stop I will finish what they started when I rescued you." Octavia grumbled.
"How is it possible that no matter how angry you get the cuter you are?" Jasper batted his eyes at her.
Luke had to grab Octavia before she attacked him.
"Uncle?" Johnny and Cam looked at Jones who stared at Duke in shock.
"Didn't you find it odd that your best friend had the same name as your older brother." Duke shrugged.
"Well now it makes sense why you lack in telling us stuff." Johnny mumbled next to him as Jones instinctively smacked him in the back of the head.
"Seriously!?" Johnny rubbed the back of his head.
"Duke can I talk to you.
Johnny sorry but you know that wasn't even hard." Jones smirked.
"Yeah but still." Johnny grumbled.
"Stop grumbling and eat squirt.
Training started in fifteen minutes." Luke smirked.
"Good can I have Jasper so I can beat the crap out of him." Octavia grumbled.
"No..." Luke chuckled as he pulled her away from Jasper.
"You really gotta find a new tactic Jasper, she will tear you apart." Luke teased.
"Can we get back to the fact he's our uncle.
Dose dad know?" Johnny asked Jasper.
"I don't think so.
Also Luke and James are our cousins." Jasper smirked.
"Yeah kina found out two weeks ago myself." Luke shrugged
"So are we the last to know?" Johnny grumbled.
"Probably but this time Jones was too." Luke reminded with a shrug.
The kids all finished eating in quiet as Johnny and Cam contiplated skipping the training which they did.
They wandered around the old large building finding the library.
They looked through finding a book each and sat by the fireplace and read...
Jones sat there watching as they trained when he relizeed two where missing, the most valuable two of the group.
"Where are the boys!?
Luke where's Cam and John!?" Jones frantically looked.
"Don't know.
They took off.
They didn't even finish breakfast." Luke shrugged as he went back to focusing on the group that did show up.
Jones took off searching for them.
Duke decided to join his little brother to make sure he doesn't go off on the boys.
Jones searched everywhere, he couldn't think of anywhere else to look when it dawned on him the two were book worms, if they found the library they would plant themselves there for hours.
Jones sigh of relief when found them curled up on the chairs sleeping with the books fallen to the floor.
"Have they been sleeping?" Duke asked as he got two fur blankets.
Duke handed one to Jones so he could cover Johnny.
I hear them wake from nightmares almost every night, than they'll stay up talking the rest of the night.
Only one night when I was talking to Johnny like I use to when they were kids they slept through the night." Jones sighed.
"The sooner they train the better.
You know its the evil ones planting those dreams." Duke sighed.
"I know but this is what happens when I relax with them." Jones smirked as Duke rolled his eyes.
You could beat them and it still won't motivate them.
Its going to take time but we are definitely the ones stuck training them till they're ready to join the group." Duke smirked as he sat on the floor between the chairs resting against Johnny's chair facing Cam.
Jones sat against Cam's facing Johnny and now Duke.
"Jones what did you do to them?" Duke inquired.
"I forced them to learn the escapes mainly Cam.
Johnny would always try to stop me resulting in me beating him up.
He was a tough kid and always protected Cam.
One day when they were teens thats when I went to far.
Johnny was stronger and saw the danger Cam was in as I ignored it.
I beat Johnny unconscious.
Cam got free from the trick and jumped me resulting in me beating him too probably worse than Johnny because he didn't even try to block.
Everyday since was pretty much like that.
Sure there were some days I ignored them and let them relax.
But Johnny just hated me after that.
Cam feared me which fueled Johnny's hate." Jones sighed as tears formed.
"I didn't hate you.
You scared me but I had to protect Cam." Johnny mumbled from his chair.
"Johnny I truly am sorry." Jones looked at Johnny searching for some kind of forgiveness but Cam's whimpers in his sleep reminded Johnny why he hated Jones.
Jones' heart broke when he saw the glimmer of hope change when Johnny's concern focused on Cam.
"Okay when he wakes you two are training with us got it." Duke changed the subject.
"And you are not holding back for fear of hurting each other.
I will train Cam.
But you two are going to work out your issues in training." Duke smirked as Johnny sighed and grumbled something under his breath...
Luke found the four still sleeping in the Library.
"Dad if your plan on training them the room is all yours now." Luke smirked as Duke looked out the window and saw it was dark.
"No tomorrow we'll take them on the hike, keep doing your thing with the other boys.
Jones and I got these to bumbs." Duke chuckled...
Johnny and Cam finally stretched as they woke.
"Go get some dinner than meet us in the training hall.
You two need to get some training in.
And that nightly waking and talking stops tonight, if you do it again I will separate you two." Jones said sternly.
Johnny was about to protest but Jones gave him a try me look and he just kept quiet as he followed Cam out of the library.
"See now that was effective." Duke chuckled as he walked out of the library with Jones.
Cam and Johnny were quiet as the sat at the table just listening to everyone chatter away.
Jasper was holding a piece of steak on his eye as Octavia sat looking pleased with herself.
"You did go a little to far Octavia." Luke chuckled.
"Hey if he was focused on the training and not flirting with me he would have saw it coming." Octavia smirked.
"Hey what happened to you two?" Raven asked.
"We decided to go read." Johnny grumbled.
"That was an option?" Raven looked at Luke when Jerry slapped him in the head.
"No dummy." Jerry put him in a head lock and ruffled his hair...
"Not hungry?" Dina frowned at the plates of food in front of Cam and Johnny.
"When did everyone leave?" Johnny looked at the empty chairs.
"Just a little while ago.
You two have something bothering you?" Dina asked as she sat next to them.
"We keep having this dream, we're in this lab and these guys with these dark eyes are cutting us or taking blood even injecting us with stuff.
Its horrible, we even get locked in these dark cold cells.
We are separated.
Sometimes these iron cuffs are welded onto us, we get burned from the metal.
When we wake we still feel it.
I swear I still saw the burns on our wrists when we wake.
We always had these dreams but they are getting worse." Johnny sighed as a tear escaped as he looked over at Cam who was resting his head on the table falling a sleep again.
"Johnny I don't remember you boys ever being so exahsted." Dina pointed out as she got up and checked Cam's forehead.
He was burning up.
Dina than noticed Johnny looked flushed.
"Jones, Duke!" Dina ran and called out down the hall.
Jones and Duke ran into the dining room to see both boys heads on the table.
"I think their sick." Dina said as she tried to help johnny get his sweat jacket off but he complained of feeling cold.
"Get the doc." Jones said as he sat down next to Johnny and pulled him into a hug while Duke grabbed blankets.
Duke covered Johnny for Jones than covered Cam before sitting next to him and pulling him into a hug trying to warm him up.
"I don't get it he's sweating but shivering like he's in ice." Jones said as he started to get worried for them.
"Johnny can you hear me?" Janet said as she pried his eyes open.
"He's in shock.
Cam too, the symptoms are the same. Bring them to my medic room so I can get an IV in them." Janet said as she ran to her medic space to prepare.
"What put them in shock?" Jones yelled.
"I don't know.
What did you do or say that could have triggered a memory that put his body into shock." Janet snapped back.
Jones shrugged.
"Johnny was telling me about their dreams they always have about being in a lab, he said its been getting worse.
Physically even in his awake state.
Than I noticed Cam looked sick, once I stopped Johnny from talking to check Cam, Johnny started looking flush." Dina said with tears forming.
"Maybe thats it.
Jones did the boys ever go anywhere with out you?" Janet asked.
"When we got sent to the factory it was half a year I was separated from Johnny...
Johnny wasn't acting himself when he was brought to me, if it wasn't for the mark on his wrist I would have thought he was Cam.
As for Cam he was in the city being trained as a guard for two years by himself." Jones sighed as it dawned on him, they must have gotten to the boys.
"Jones don't go there it could just be the dream..." Janet trued to assure him.
"No half a year he was out of my sight.
Considered nothing more than a Lint.
Some of those heck all of those scars are not from me.
I never used objects to hit them.
The wrists are the only scars from me." Jones started to cry.
"Jones it can't be from that its to long for...
Wait Sam you see that?" Janet saw something at the base of their neck.
"What is that!?" Jones and Duke asked.
"A medical chip, its programmed to ease pain but I would bet anything this one is programmed to give hallucinogenic dreams.
Dina said he saw things in his awake state.
You said they haven't been sleeping much, resulting in this.
Its the chip trying to do its daily dose usually as they sleep but if they wake up they are interrupting the dose.
I can remove it.
But they are going to go into withdraws." Janet sighed.
"I don't care get that parisite out of them." Jones said through clenched teeth.
Janet worked on Johnny first and noticed this was not going to be easy.
"Jones its integrated into his spinal cord.
If I remove it we might risk permanent damage." Janet sighed.
"What can we do!?" Jones was growing both angry and concerned.
He protected the boys all those years from this loosing their trust just to have them be taken because Gunter had to flap his gums.
Jones stormed out with Duke in toe, he knew Jones was going to beat the crap out of Gunter.
"Sam hand that to me." Janet pointed at a needle like knife on the tray.
Janet figured away to safely remove it.
Instantly Johnny became stable.
Sam was left to stitch him up while Janet got to work on Cam.
"O'Neil, Teal'c why don't you two go tell Jones I was able to safely removed Johnny's, before Jones killed Gunter." Janet sighed as she started on Cam...
"Look I love those boys and would die for them.
If I knew that was going to happen I would have kept my mouth shut.
You were slowly killing them Jones.
Those tricks were the worse.
You know how many times Cam almost died doing them and those bruises you gave Johnathan, how long was he knocked out for?
Did you leave him alone?
You could have put him in a coma." Gunter yelled.
"You should have kept you mouth shut. I knew what I was doing.
I never hit them hard enough to put them in a coma.
Now they are in there fighting for their life because a chip was put in them that is messing with their minds.
For who knows how long and the damage it could have done.
Thats only the chip!
What else did they get to do to the boys once the had them!?
They couldn't keep Cam to long thank goodness for that.
But Johnny was a Lint, dead to the city!
They could have done everything and anything they wanted to Johnny and kill him!
You risked their lives to try and get them away from me!" Jones yelled as he swung at Gunter but Duke stopped him before he made contact.
"Janet said she got Johnny's out." O'Neil stepped in.
Jones pulled away from Duke and stormed off back to the boys.
"You best stay out of his sight for a bit." Duke told Gunter who also stormed off back to his room.

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