Chapter 25 (Eternal City Continued)

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Cam and Johnny both stretched in each others arms, they usual untangle at some point during the night but they kept having nightmares every time they finally drifted off to sleep.
"I think you dug my arm." Johnny grumbled.
"You were choking me.
Besides you bit me." Cam grumbled back.
"I am so glad I slept with my sister. Sounds like you two went to war in your sleep." Kay teased.
"Its these freakin nightmares.
I get over mine, than he gets it, than back to me.
Are we ever going to have a normal sleep." Johnny half cried from lack of sleep and sick of nightmares.
"At this point I vote no...
But tonight I am sleeping in my own bed...
Maybe its still a debate." Cam muttered as he came back from the bathroom and flopping on the bed.
"Let me spare you the brain twister of your crazy debate.
We all know your not sleeping alone.
We already know Kay can't get you to relax yet, so face it baby brother your stuck with me like glue.
Or gum on my shoe, cuz I hate to say it, I am getting slightly annoyed." Johnny sighed.
"Thats sleep deprivation talking, cuz we both know you would insist I sleep with you cuz your as freaked out as me.
Why are you looking at me like I said another language?" Cam narrowed his eyes at Johnny's goofy grin.
"You said a big word for your mush brain.
Didn't know you knew deprivation or how to use it in a proper sentence." Johnny teased.
The girls giggled at their little spat.
"Your joking right?
Why do you think I'm dumb or illiterate?" Cam sighed and folded his arms.
Another big word...
Well you kept failing English till one day I took your test to get Jones off your back.
I did your English homework all the time while you played with your cards or read once in awhile if you sprained your hand." Johnny smirked and chuckled.
"Not true...
It was one stupid Shakespeare test.
You know I hate that crap it make no scence.
But all my others I passed on my own." Cam snapped he was up pacing the room when Malachi stood in the doorway watching Johnny push his brother's buttons.
"Johnny come with me." Malachi ordered in a calm tone.
Malachi lead Johnny to a room with a metal table and two chairs.
Johnny didn't like the room, reminded him of the room they brainwashed him in.
"Relax I just have a few questions.
I heard your Ana's brother.
She talks alot about her twin brothers she met just to loose again, let's start there, what happened?" Malachi asked keeping his tone calm and mellow.
"We were on lock down after the Night Walkers stacked the prison.
It was long, we all got tired of being cooped up.
We went as a group to an abandoned tree house camp, we were ambushed.
Rescued, than ambushed but luckily the second time it was Jones, he was caring for us.
He was being a real dad.
Than we got sick from the med chip that gave us hallucinations, we moved to a new camp to hide, Cam and I went exploring and got captured by Bruce's people.
Rescued again but taken by Darklings in the Dark Forest.
Got thrown into a wall by a demon.
Saw a bright flash and we are hear." Johnny said as he fiddled with his sleeve looking around the room.
Malachi could tell Johnny was really uncomfortable in this room.
"Thank you...
Johnny why are so nervous in here?" Malachi asked as he opened the door which seemed to calm Johnny.
"Before I was sent to the factory they held Cam and I in rooms like this, our hands chained to the top of the table as they drilled us on what we were to do, they wouldn't let us sleep, if we did they beat us.
They were trying to brainwash us into hating each other to the point of killing.
I almost did hurt Cam as he tried to hurt me but I was always stronger than him.
His cries and screams snapped me out of it and I guess I snapped him out of it when I hurt him." Johnny explained as tears streamed down his face.
"I'm sorry.
If I knew we could have sat in the hall and talked.
Look I know you kids are not Darkling scouts.
I just wanted to know how you got here.
You two must have tapped into a spiritual gift that more or less tellaported you here.
If you can harness that its an awesome gift, one of my favorites." Malachi smirked as he led Johnny back to his room.
"Doc gave them an all clear as soon as Ana brings their clothes they are free to explore the city." Malachi told Kay and Ariel.
Malachi went to his office and slumped at his desk.
"What's up?" Doc leaned in the doorway looking down at Malachi.
"I was just think how to tell them we are related, that my crazy father was the one who raised them and when he is being nice and caring is when you need to be cautious.
I was there when he took them.
Sure he really was trying to protect them from the Darklings but beyond that was for his own gain." Malachi sighed.
"Malac what is your main concern? They'll hate you for not being there for them?
You were till your father disowned you selling you to shut you up.
You were only eight.
If you sit them down and explain this to them and you better tell Ana too so she stops fantasizing about her cousin." Doc teased.
"Well I don't think a teenage crush is a big deal but true, guess I should take off for the day and let Davis take over the scouts while I go be with my family." Malachi sighed as he got up.
"Just take it slow.
They seem like good kids, they'll understand." Doc assured.
"Thing is I know I tend to be like my dad.
I have a short temper, just ask Vincent and Vic.
I have use training to beat the crap out of them already." Malachi sighed as a stray tear escaped.
"I know but you were not only raised by him but those who bought you and saw pleasure in hurting you.
But you rose above it." Doc assured him.
"Besides we deserved it." Vincent smirked from the doorway with his brothers by his side.
"Why are you two here?" Malachi mumbled.
"Because we are all family and they should know." Vincent smirked...
"We have our own place its like a mansion its really nice." Kay told the boys as they changed back into their clothes behind the curtain.
"Sounds nice." Johnny sighed.
"What's wrong?" Ariel asked as she hugged him.
"Just wandering if Jones is worried about us.
Also if Jasper and Luke are okay." Johnny sighed.
"Jones doesn't worry about anyone but himself." Malachi grumbled from the doorway.
"Way to take it slow." Vincent mumbled.
"Come on you know that, I know that, they should know that living with him longer than his own flesh and blood." Malachi snapped as he stormed off.
Doc was in the hall blocking his way.
"You can't just leave with that bomb you just dropped." Doc said shaking his head.
When Malachi turned to see the boys standing there looking at him to explain what he just said.
"Lets go to your place and we can sit down and I'll explain this." Malachi sighed...
They all silently walked the four blocks to their home.
Once inside Ana and Chase were there waiting, they hugged their brothers before they could even enter.
"Doc let us know, I have tea ready and I am backing some cookies." Ana smiled wide at Malachi.
"Um Ana you should sit with us this has as much to do with you as them.
Chase you as well." Malachi smiled at the seven year old in Johnny's arms.
"I'll start the day I first saw you two...
I was there for a check up to make sure I was free of the toxin.
That's when dad spotted his kid brother Sebastian.
They were at odds, I still don't know why but my dad hated his kid brother.
He had me hang around the nursery and look at the babies.
He told me to never take my eyes off you two.
I saw him talking to a friend I knew he was to help take Jasper.
Jones was an elaborate story teller and can convince you to believe anything he wants you to believe.
I tried to talk him out of taking you two.
Man did I get one heck of a beating for that.
I tried to tell everyone that he just stole two infants.
To shut me up he sold me to the black market.
This all happened a month before the evacuation..." Malachi sighed as he stopped to take a deep breath.
"Wait the way he says it, the day he took us was the day of the evacuation.
Kay and Ariel's mom nursed us, if he had us a month he would have had formula for us." Johnny was trying to find flaws in Malachi's story.
"No he had this all planned right down to their mother.
He hired her long before your births and her's.
Which remind me they were two...
She was living with us two years of my life.
When he sold me he probably told her I was taken...
Jones can manipulate any situation to the way he wants.
If you don't follow suit with his plans he will beat you into submission.
Trust me when he acts nice and fatherly thats when you have to question is intentions.
He can make you forget moments to.
There were time a felt he was insane but he had me so convinced it was just me amplifying a simple scolding to worse than what it was.
I remember him chaining me so he could beat me without me getting away.
But he said that I was crazy that I just got tangled up as he slapped me for mouthing off.
He'd hug me and tell me he loves me.
I swore he had a split personality." Malachi sighed as a tear escaped.
"I need...
Ariel where dose that lead?" Johnny pointed to a door.
"The garden maze." Ariel said as she watched Johnny pull Cam along with him.
"Johnny could you slow down?
We're going to get lost." Cam mumbled.
"Cam the one we needed to fear all this time was him.
Jones was the enemy.
He was doing experiment on us all this time and we didn't know it.
I bet any money Duke was in on it too.
Jerry his son, him too.
Think about it...
Did we see the faces of the ones hurting us when I was being sent to the factory, you soon to go through training to be a guard?
Ironic, you as a guard.
Your afraid of your own shadow.
He knew that!
Cam even though I was separated from him I felt he was still close.
He was the one trying to brainwash us to kill each other!
But what was the plan for me trying to kill him.
Was it an excuse to kill me or hurt me so bad that I couldn't ever protect you again?
You heard Malachi, he acted like two different people.
Cam I seen that.
Cam I remember us being ripped out of bed and drug into that room we were never allowed in, being chained and beat up so badly.
There were time we woke with bruises and couldn't recall why or who did it.
You remember what he said happened!?" Johnny was so angry and upset that he was falling for Jones' trap once again.
"He said we were rough housing and fell down the stairs.
When you said some one drug us out of our beds and chained us in the room he slapped both of us splitting our lips." Cam said softly as he sat on the bench.
"He hurt us more than we remember didn't he?" Cam sighed.
"Your proof of it.
I mean in away he said he was trying to weaken us, he admits to abusing us but not to all the abuse, he wants us confused and to think what he wants us to think." Johnny sighed as he sat next to his brother.
It doesn't make scence." Cam muttered.
"That's Jones for ya, he doesn't need a reason.
He dose what ever he wants and you better watch yourself if you screw up his plans.
If he doesn't sell you, he will make you wish he did." Malachi said as he sat on the bench across from them.
"How old were you?" Johnny asked.
I was sold to some drug pedlar, he sold band drugs, he tried to help people but he was killed on my nineth birthday.
I was taken and sold again to a baby farmer.
He would send kids out to collect younger kids to sell.
He was the scariest.
He treat us like dogs, chain us up every night in his basement or barn.
We only got free for collection day.
I ran away but was grabbed by some traders who again sold me to the worse people.
They came from Sodom.
I was abused in more ways than I want to say." Malachi said as he buried his face into his hands.
"Did you tell anyone this?" Johnny asked as he and Cam sat on either side of him.
"Only Doc, he gave me my physical.
I was twelve when he rescued me.
From a boy house.
He didn't need to do a physical to know what they did to me.
It was to make sure I was otherwise healthy." Malachi sighed.
"We heard about those houses.
I rember Jones threatening to send Cam if I didn't stop fighting back and stop protecting Cam.
I was taken from the hotel and taken to one of those homes." Johnny sighed.
Cam was looking at Johnny half in shock.
"Why didn't you tell me this?
Were you..." Cam couldn't fathom how to ask the question.
"I don't know.
I blocked it out until Malac just now mentioned the name of the place.
It was that month trip he took me on when we were eight, after he branded us with our initials.
I was sitting alone in the hotel room when these men burst through the door and grabbed me, they pinned me to the bed tying my hands, they gagged and blindfolded me.
They injected me with something before putting me in a sack.
When I came too I was in one of those boy homes." Jonny sighed.
Cam and Malac both wandered if something happened but didn't want to push him to hard.
Cam started fidgeting next to him.
He was rubbing his eyes clearly something about this was bothering him too.
Please no." Johnny said as he got up and knelt in front of Cam cupping his face with his hands so he could look in Cam's eyes.
"I'm going to kill him!
I know he planned this, what are the odds at different times we are both taken!?" Johnny got up and stormed off deeper into the maze.
"Cam you okay?" Malac asked.
I think Johnny just realized why when I got back I never left his side and ended up sleeping with him every night since.
I even started sucking my thumb for awhile after I got home.
I was eight didn't mean much.
I was still little.
I was always a thumb sucker but Johnny broke me of it when we were seven." Cam sighed.
"Cam how much you remember?" Malac asked.
"All of it.
I wasn't ever touched like that before or after.
I asked Jones on the train how he found me.
He said your my son, I love you and that's what led me to you.
I believed him than but now I have my doubts." Cam sighed as he leaned into Malac who wrapped his arm around Cam and held him close.
Johnny was half unsure what to do.
"Cam I have to know did they take you the same way?" Johnny was kneeling in front of Cam again, his eyes blood shot from crying.
They got me on the elevator.
Jones left while I was still getting dressed he told me to meet him in the lobby.
When I was coming down on the elevator these two guys stepped on.
One suddenly held on to me from behind as the other put the emergency stop on.
He held a knife in my face.
He gave me instructions on how we were going to leave and how I was going to be a good boy and not draw attention.
When we stepped off the elevator I saw Jones talking and flirting with a girl.
He was right there, he had to have seen me.
I swore he looked over and had a smirk on his face.
But than I just assumed I imagined it.
I was so scared, the other boys were older and none of them were nice.
I sat in the corner crying.
One acted nice just so he could..." Cam leaned into Johnny and slid off the bench as he cried.
Johnny held onto Cam and tried to calm him.
"I know me too, except I tried to fight them which made it worse, they beat till I couldn't fight them off." Johnny sighed.
Malac sat next to the boys as he wrapped them both in his arms.
"I'm so sorry.
I shouldn't have ever argued with my dad.
If I was there for you none of this would have happened to you two." Malac whispered.
You said it yourself, he dose what he wants.
If that was his plan it would have happened regardless.
But Cam I should have known that day you came home.
I should have let you know you weren't alone, that it happened to me too.
But I was to young to understand what happened." Johnny sighed as he and Cam leaned into Malac's embrace.
"You were both only eight, you shouldn't have known what was happening and it shouldn't have happened to you.
If you two ever need to talk about this I am always here for you.
Ms. Light helped me get over the years I was there." Malac sat the boys up to look at them as he talked.
"Probably wandering why Doc was there in the first place...
He actually followed me, he saw I was hurt and tried to stop me.
I was scared, kids talked about how when men grabbed kids from the streets they are never heard from again.
I thought he was one of those nen.
Not saying those that came to the boys house was any better but there was a strict no killing rule not that it really stopped them.
But luckily Doc grabbed me before I entered.
I didn't know than, that was the start of my freedom and healing." Malachi said with a smile.
"Could you take us to see Ms.Light?" Johnny asked.
"Sure I have an appointment tomorrow you two should join me." Malac looked up at the other twins that were silently crying.
"How long you two been there?" Malac smirked at their teary eyes.
"Long enough." Vic sniffled.
"They two were rescues.
They were younger and got lucky in away like you two.
Well I guess not lucky but you know what I mean." Malac sighed.
Johnny smirked.
"Yeah I know..."
"Are their girl homes too?" Cam asked.
"Yeah there are coed also.
See once our world went crazy, laws abolished, prison doors opened, the world was a free for all and kids were targets.
Granted the bio war eliminated some but still not enough." Malac sighed.
They all took a moment to look as normal as they could before heading back inside.
"I don't want anyone else knowing about this." Johnny stopped half way with Cam who nodded by him.
Its your story to tell not ours.
I'm just glad it was me you trusted." Malac hugged them again.
"Trust me you have no idea how important that is for him." Vincent teased as Malac jumped him.
Malac held him in a headlock while Vic tried to help save his brother.
Malac eased up and pulled his two young apprentices into a hug.
"I'm sorry if I was ever to hard on you two." Malac said to his cousins he has grown close to.
"No sweat cuz, you never did any permanent damage." Vincent smirked.
"All though there was that one time.." Vic teased as Malac pulled him tighter into a headlock.
"K honestly it was our fault." Vic chuckled.
"You five ever coming back in here.
I made dinner." Dina called out.
"D is here!?" Johnny got concerned.
"Hey don't worry.
Dina, Gunter and Jordan were hired to protect you.
Granted Jones made their job hard but they are with us." Malac assured...
They all sat around eating and talking.
The boys felt safe again and liked knowing they have more family that care about them...
They were woken by the warning alarm.
"What is that!?" Cam and Johnny stood sleeply in front of Malac who was getting his boots on.
"Some one entered.
Stay inside no matter what!
The home will seal you in, protectiing you.
Keep calm and keep Chase calm.
Vic and Vincent will stay with you, do as they tell you." Malac said as he ran out the door.
The second he did the house sealed up.
Cam and everyone were startled as they heard the metal shields slam over the windows and doors...

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