Chapter 28 (Tests)

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Before Jones plunged the dagger into Johnny's shoulder Cam cried out.
I'll do it!" Cam screamed.
Johnny started coming around, he looked over at Cam concerned for him not even worrying about himself.
Jones smirked.
"I knew you see it my way." Jones chuckled lightly as he punched Johnny in the head knocking him out once again.
Jones let Johnny's chains loose, letting Johnny's limp body slam to the dungeon floor.
Jones undid his wrists and gabbed the ankle chain and drug Johnny to a cell near where Cam would work on the test Jones wants him to do...

Jones undid his wrists and gabbed the ankle chain and drug Johnny to a cell near where Cam would work on the test Jones wants him to do

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Johnny woke to Cam screaming as he was being hurt from failing the test.
"I know you know.
Why are you doing this to yourself Cameron!?" Jones snapped.
Jones looked over at the cell where Johnny sat looking at his brother.
Johnny was to weak to even notice Jones smirking at him.
"I know what will get you to finish this." Jones slammed Cam's head to the table.
"No please leave him, he can't take anymore." Cam cried as he quickly did the maze.
Jones hugged him from behind as he sat in the chair looking at his brother.
"Why you boys try and refuse is beyond me." Jones sighed as he undid Cam's chains and brought him over to the cell.
Johnny tried to move from his spot but he was to weak.
Jones slammed Cam against the bars with such force as if he could push him through.
Cam screamed in pain, Johnny just cried as he was helpless and couldn't save his brother.
Jones tossed Cam inside practically on top of Johnny as he slammed the cell door shut.
Johnny held onto Cam as he watched Jones walk over to a closet.
Jones returned with a large down quilt.
"It gets cold down here at night." Jones smirked as he tossed the quilt on them and slammed the cell one last time for the night.
Once Johnny got some strength back he got Cam to sit up so he could asset the damage.
Tears filled as he looked at his brother's swollen face.
"You don't look any better." Cam tried to tease as he curled up closer to his brother and laid his head on Johnny's lap.
"He's worse now isn't he?" Cam muttered as he looked up at Johnny who was still trying to get his bearings.
Well for you.
This isn't the first time I was subjected to this side of him.
Remember that long trip you two went on?
Before you left he locked me in that room.
He beat me till I passed out.
I don't even know how I survived to tell you the truth." Johnny sighed as he soothingly combed his fingers through Cam's hair trying to keep him calm.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Cam asked.
"I didn't want you to be afraid, he thrives on that weakness and you had enough fear of him so as it was." Johnny weakly chuckled.
"What was your test?" Johnny asked.
"A crazy maze.
I think its a map.
I think he knows.
What was yours?" Cam inquired.
"I had to stare at a computer screen with these series of letters and numbers.
I had to find a hidden message.
It was in Latin...
Dark Lord...
Not sure what it means or the point of it.
Yours at least sounds like it has a point.
Cam look at me..." Johnny forced Cam to sit up.
"From now on don't fight.
Just do it.
Your life is more important.
He's not going to let us stop.
He won't even kill us because he knows we are the only ones but I don't want to risk that okay." Johnny said as he pulled Cam into a hug.
"But Johnny I think its a map to one of the protected cities.
The one near the garden of Eden." Cam sighed.
"I don't care.
Like you just said they are protected.
We are not.
Just do as he asks, thats an order Cam." Johnny cupped his brother's face and looked into his puffy eyes.
"Okay." Cam whispered as he hugged Johnny and cried.
The boys fixed the quilt so they could both lay on it and cover up.
Cam snuggled close to Johnny as if it would keep him safe if Jones returned while he slept.
Johnny held onto Cam as if he could protect him, plus keep him warm.
Johnny could tell Cam was slowly going into shock.
His body wasn't use to this kind of abuse but Johnny thought he himself was tho he really wasn't but all he cared about was protecting Cam...
The other boys were getting the similar treatment if not worse...
"You think because your my boy you will have it easier?" Jones grumbled at Malachi as he tossed him at the cell were Cam and Johnny slept.
Johnny opened his eyes to see Malachi all beat up and pressed against the bars.
"What did you do to them!?" Malac broke free and swung at Jones.
Cam stirred from the noise.
Johnny didn't want Jones to know he was awake now he covered Cam's mouth lightly.
Its okay just relax." Johnny whispered as Cam rolled over on his side snuggling into Johnny's shoulder.
Here Cam wasn't awake, he was having a nightmare and Johnny knew Cam would cry out any moment and than who knows what Jones would do.
At some point Malachi was tossed head first into the bars than as he was laying there half dazed Jones forced him into the cell.
Malac crawled over to the boys and sat slumped against the wall yet protectively blocking them.
I love how you two get so protective.
Johnny with Cam.
You with both of them.
Look at yourselves.
What makes you think you have the strength to save him?" Jones laughed as Johnny hugged Cam tighter.
"And you son you the mighty general of your group.
You can't even fight me and I know your trying but you actually think you can protect them?" Jones chuckled as he stepped closer and Malac moved closer blocking the boys with his body.
"Leave them alone!
Can't you see you did to much to them already!?" Malac snapped.
Jones grabbed him by the hair forcing him to look at him.
"I will tell you when either of you had enough.
Trust me you can all take more...
Well maybe not Cam but you two still have some fight left in you." Jones smirked as Cam was clinging to Johnny's shirt sobbing from the tone of Jones' voice.
Once alone again Malachi took on the big brother role to check them.
Malac put his arms around the boys trying to calm them.
"Its going to be okay.
Someone from the city will come find us if I don't get us out of here first." Malac tried to calm them as they cried.
"Cam, Johnny I know these crazy tests are things that have to do with the Holy City.
See it looks a lot like the one he took us from but that was just a normal city or well a mock of the Holy City to throw them off.
I should have known better and got you kids out of there to the real City." Malac sighed as he held onto them...
Jones kicked Malac in the ribs to wake him.
"On your feet boys.
Malac go sit on the chair by Duke." Jones ordered as he checked Cam and Johnny.
"Johnny Duke will tell you where to sit.
Cam come with me." Jones smirked as he led Cam to the door.
"Where you taking him!?" Johnny yelled as he tried to fight Duke off him to get to Cam.
"Here take him." Jones handed Cam off to a hooded figure.
Get off me!" Johnny yelled as Duke held him back.
"That's enough." Jones ramed his fist into Johnny's gut knocking the wind out of him.
"All your screaming and mouthing off to me isn't going to bring Cam back." Jones gripped Johnny's face with intent on hurting him.
"Such hate in those pretty blue eyes.
Use it to complete your task and I might send you with him." Jones forced him to his feet and to his chair.
Johnny stared at the screen for some time.
When suddenly he just punched his fist into it shattering it and his hand.
Johnny screamed in pain as he held his hand.
"What happened!?" Jones yelled at Malachi who was first to get to Johnny.
"You took his brother away do the math Jones!" Malac snapped as he picked up Johnny and followed Duke to where they had Doc set up...
"Stop your sniffling boy." The hooded figure grumbled as he drove.
"Where are we going?" Cam sniffled.
"Just stay calm boy and you'll be okay." Another man chuckled.
"Dad!?" Cam looked at the man.
"I knew I couldn't fool you.
Fooled your uncles.
But I had help.
Cam you remember Daniel Jackson and Teal'c." Bash pointed to the two in the back.
"Your the one Jones just sold me too. But what about Johnny?" Cam sighed.
"Danny you drive.
Teal'c let me sit in the back with Cam." Bash stopped the mini tank of a vehicle.
"Let me see what he did...
I will make sure he pays for hurting you boys.
Okay we intercepted a Darkling squadron that was coming to get you.
As for Johnny we left Mitchell, he's their guy, he will watch over Johnny.
Mitch will figure out away to get Malac and Johnny out of there.
The rest of your friends and cousins were sold off but we intercepted them too.
When I heard it was my youngest I had to be there.
Jasper and Miles are safe.
Johnny will be okay.
All that matters now is your safety." Bash hugged his boy.
"Cam I was looking at yours and Johnny's certificate and I knew when you said you were eighteen it didnt sound right but I just figured I must have lost track.
But your only sixteen.
I thought you two seemed short for your age and young.
But why would Jones want to make you two years older?" Bash pondered.
"Who knows why Jones dose what he dose?" Cam sighed as he leaned into his dad as he combed his fingers through Cam's hair.
"Wait that means I was six when those people took me to the boys home." Cam muttered.
"Cam?" Bash made Cam look at him.
"I was kidnapped from the elevator at the hotel." Cam sighed.
"Were you?
did they?" Bash started to cry.
"Kinda." Cam muttered.
Cam either they did or didn't even if you were still dressed it was still wrong." Bash mumbled as he punched the car door.
"Than yes." Cam sighed as Bash pulled him into a hug.
"I promise to protect you from now on Cam." Bash kissed him on the head as he held onto his boy.
Daniel couldn't help sighing after what he heard.
He helped rescue a lot of kids from places like that, the things he saw he wish he could unsee.
Daniel wandered if Cam was subjected to visual abuse as well.
"Cam I hate to ask but did they force you to watch or look into other rooms?" Daniel had a hard time asking that question.
"No they kept me in a room with other boys.
It was an older boy that pretended to protect me from the kids that were pushing me around." Cam sighed.
Bash hated that he wasn't there to save him sooner...
"He'll heal but Jones what ever you were expecting from him don't, come see..." Doc led him in the room where Johnny laid on the bed curled in a fetal position sucking his thumb.
"What's wrong with him!?" Jones yelled causing Johnny to scream and cover his ears.
Mitch was there to help Doc.
He calmed Johnny as Doc spoke with Jones
"He's in shock.
He just woke from a traumatic night and just watched you sell his brother.
I'm pretty sure the fact he punched his fist through the computer screen is what really sent him over the edge.
If he doesn't get real medical treatment soon its going to get worse.
As for your kid he to is cresting into shock.
Now Mitchell here said he can get them into the best medical facility.
I have to go with him.
Jones if we don't do this your going to have a sixteen year old infant." Doc practically yelled.
"Eighteen..." Jones corrected.
"I'm a medical professional.
This is not an eighteen year old.
Why you changed their age is beyond me.
Besides I was their delivery doctor.
I delivered those twins.
That was only sixteen years ago.
I was nineteen the youngest staff at the time.
They were my first set of twins.
So I remember very well." Doc corrected.
Jones narrowed his eyes at Doc.
Mitch make sure they don't try and run." Jones ordered as Mitchell nodded while picking up Johnny carrying him out to their mini tank of a vehicle.
As they drove off Mitch kept checking expecting Jones to follow.
"All clear.
Dang kid your a good actor." Mitch chuckled.
We're sixteen?" Johnny looked up at Doc as he still laid on his lap.
You two were perfect.
The moment I had you two cleaned up and together in your bassinet you held onto Cam as he held onto you.
I knew as long as you always had each other you two would do wanders.
Nice to know you have two more years to be a kid. Your dad is thrilled about that.
He still has a chance to raise you two." Doc winked at Johnny who sat up.
"Glad you spotted that message.
Isn't sugar awesome?" Doc chuckled.
"Yeah how did you do that." Malac turned to face Mitch and Doc.
"That was me.
I'm a big movie fan, my old man has the last free ranch and he has every movie and books known to man.
Old film makers and set crew would come and talk about the old days.
They taught me a few things.
Fake glass, fake blood and fake exrays but all of it couldn't have been pulled off if I didn't have an excellent actor.
You got an agent kid?" Mitch winked as Johnny chuckled.
"I can't believe dad is alive.
But Duke said he killed him." Johnny pondered.
"Yeah its all movie magic kid." Mitch chuckled.
As they drove.
"So where are we going?" Johnny asked.
"My place its like the ultimate army base.
Technically it is.
The SGC runs out of the Chyanne Mountain.
That is apart of my pops land land.
So the ranch is equally protected..." Mitch listened to the incoming radio.
"That's your old man now...
Black wolf this is Night Owl I have package.
I am enroute should be at randevu soon...
Put Four Eyes on." Mitch chuckled.
"Four Eyes hates his code name." Daniele grumbled.
Mitchell chuckled.
"It was that or Tissues...
Moving past this convo you have the map and know how to read it?" Mitchell teased.
"Look NO...
I can read a map as can Dark Knight again cooler code name than me...
He is directing." Daniel grumbled as Teal'c chuckled next to him.
"Did you just nickname my code name..." Mitchell got cut off by a female voice.
"Boys to much chatter." Vala snapped.
"Qetesh who said you could join this conversation?" Mitchell grumbled.
"Don't know their code name...
Did you just come up with mine on the spot?
I like.
Very fancy." Vala chuckled.
"Off the radio now!" Mitchell ordered.
"Why dose she get a better code name than me?" Daniel grumbled.
"Don't respond.
You two need to change station you know which one." O'Neil chuckled as both Teal'c and Mitch changed out their radios.
"What is that?" Johnny looked at the small disk Mitchell put on the dash.
"Malac pull out those wires.
Its a long range communication.
This way we can all talk freely now.
Jack where they listening?" Mitchell chuckled.
Johnny didn't find that funny.
"Yep and it worked like a charm.
You guys pinged off every wave link known to man putting you in Guam or outer space.
Figured putting Vala in would help spice things up.
You kids okay?" Jack asked.
"Their beat up but they'll live.
Danny coming up behind you let's reunite the family." Mitchell winked back at Johnny in the mirror.
"Thanks." Johnny smiled.
The instant the boys got out they hugged.
"Uncle Bash." Malac smiled as he walked up and hugged him.
"You knew?" Johnny asked.
"Yeah I was the one that got Jeff to get Malac out of that boys home." Bash said with distain.
Johnny could tell he knew what happened to them as Cam squeezed his hand...

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