A.B.W. (After Biochemical War)

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It's been Twenty years of War throughout the World.
This is the worst one in all of history.
All nations on every Continent, of every corner of the world was at war.
Not to mention the looters and rioters in the streets that the war was yet to enter.
All ended when the Biochemical War started, destroying almost half of the world and its population.
If you think that wasn't enough, all the leaders banned together with the shock and fear of what they had done, to create a United Nation, in hopes to rebuild what little they had left.
Sates and capital no longer exists. Everyone is sanctioned by birthright, from the wealthy, who become leaders, high society family types or high ranking gaurds.
As for the poor, those are placed in Birthing camps, they are separated by male and female.
Infants born within the birthing camps, get chipped and labled, as farmers, engineers, to the lowest never to be acknowledged, factory workers, these are the ones that do not fit into a category nor considered fit for society within the UN.
These are called Lints, they are marked with a special chip and if needed for profit are sold off to another Nation as slaves. Some are eventually killed or stolen because the factory grounds is apart of the old land without the protection of the city wall and its army.
Guards are in place to protect them because they are still valuable like live stock but most will not risk their own lives saving a Lint.
There are those who will risk everything to have a sence of normal again these are the Rebels they are most feared by the High society they threaten all they have established.
The Rebels wanted to get the identical twins with their skills none would be the wiser when one who is the Lint would infiltrates the city being carfule as to keep his brother in good standing.
It is not easy for them but they will do anything to help create a new and better world or at least tear down the UN's Deception.
They never expected the gift their father forced upon would be so useful.
They were both born outside the city brought their as newborns their father was at the top of the high ranks.
Their father kept the older of the twin hidden ever since the arroved.
But one day the older of the twins was discovered and for the punishment of being hidden both the father and son were sent to the factory both becoming Lints.
Leaving the younger twin alone and their existence to him was to be no more.
Lints are used as slaves within the city so when the younger of the twin saw his brother, he followed him to the alley where their entry and exit was.
After they continued reconnecting in secret.
That's when they formed their little plan that the one was forced into by their father and leader of the more Rogue rebels Duke.
The older one cloned his Lint chip with the help of a tech friend and created a special way to use it and they also removed his so when he was being his brother again non would be the wiser.
The younger twin was a guard in high standings so he had access to a lot of high ranking official's homes and offices.
"Are you sure you want to do this Cam?" Johnny sighed from Cam's bed.
Cam was looking out the window making sure no one was coming.
"Of course...
Its not fair to us that you were not given a chance because our dad was abusive and hiding you from them.
Besides if you can easily get in here you know he would get to me if I refused and if your not here who knows what he'd do to me." Cam sighed as he sat on the bed next to his brother he shook a little at the thought of his dad's abuse...
Both boys just turned seventeen and Johnny had a gift for him he was excited because it would be the first real gift he could give his brother.
"Where did you get this?
I thought they were band?" Cam smiled as he put on his Bible tag.
"Some guy came by the Lint factory.
He gave it to me.
Some how he knew I could get it to you." Johnny shrugged as he pulled out his.
"He gave me one as well." Johnny smirked.
Both boys became rigid when there was a knock on Cam's door.
"Hide." Cam whispered as he lifted the trap door in his floor.
Johnny hated small dark spaces...
Cam walked over to the door.
"Sir." Cam stood at attention for a boy slightly older than him.
He stepped in and examined the room.
"The Social ball is coming up on your eighteenth birthday a year from to day.
I hear you got your invitation already.
Choose wisely.
It will aid in your rank and get you reinstated into your father's home." The guard instructed.
"Sir are you saying depending on who I choose will determine my status?" Cam sighed.
"Don't worry I already know you have your sights set on the heiress Kay Daniels.
I spoke with her father.
Turns out she too has been watching you." The guard chuckled as he put his hand on Cam's shoulder.
"Thanks Travis." Cam blushed.
"Johnny you can come out now." Travis chuckled.
"How did you know?" Johnny asked in surprise, yet greatful to see Travis.
"You think your sneaky but your really not.
Besides you know I was able to figure out all your acts.
I still think you should have had a fair chance.
It was your dad not you.
I talked with Mr.Daniels about he too agrees you should be given a fair chance.
Johnny if you come with me, you might be able to go to the ball with your brother." Travis smirked.
He was the only friend the boys had growing up that knew about them secretly.
Their father never allowed them to really socialize.
Cam only because of classes and as for Johnny well it was behind the curtain at shows or sneaking in Travis' house when he wasn't needed for shows...
"Won't Cam get in trouble?" Johnny looked terrified.
"No I will say I brought you in and saw your chip site was infected and had to remove it." Travis smirked and held out his hand for the vile Johnny had his original chip in.
"Oh unfortunately I need to reopen that so it looks fresh." Travis grimised at the thought.
"No it was today." Johnny winced as he removed the bandage to show him.
"Johnny this isn't good come on." Travis forced him out the door with Cam in toe.
"I need a room...
A Lint...
Look he's still human...
Talk to Mr.Daniels tell him Travis is bringing in Johnathan Black...
Just stay relaxed as soon as they talk to
Mr.Daniels there will be a room waiting.
Cam how is he?" Travis glanced back and saw Johnny passing out.
"I need a stretcher!" Travis ran out of the jeep and into the hospital.
Luckily they didn't hesitate.
Mr.Daniels was already by the Jeep helping to get Johnny on the stretcher.
"What happened!?" Mr.Daniels asked Cam.
Cam looked like a deer in headlights one wrong response could be bad for all three of them.
Mr.Daniels pulled him into the insulation room.
"Its okay tell me the truth.
I know its impossible to keep twins separated." Mr.Daniels put both hands on Cam's shoulders.
He could feel Cam shaking with fear.
Mr.Daniels frowned at how afraid one of the top ranking guards was of an authority figure.
Even though they were fifteen when separated and Cam was put through training right away after his abusive father and after living for two years being his own adult in away, he was still afraid.
He removed it so he could stay with me." Cam half whispered he kept his eyes on the floor.
"I figured as much." Mr.Daniels pulled him into a fatherly hug as Cam just broke and cried with his face buried in his shoulder.
"Its going to be okay...
Don't talk to any one.
I am a pointing myself as your legal guardian." Mr.Daniels squeezed him tighter.
Cam was greatful for him he always enjoyed Mr.Daniels company.
They walked out together.
Immediately Cam was approached by his superior...
"I am his legal guardian.
He is betrothed to my daughter.
His brother is also under my protection." Mr.Daniels shoved Cam into Johnny's room where Travis waited.
"Hi dad." Travis smirked as his dad walked over and gave him a hug.
"Once your stable we'll return to your home, Cam and I will gather your personal belongings along with clothes.
Johnny is it safe for me to assume we don't need to make a trip out to the factory?" Mr.Daniels smirked as he walked over and gently touched Johnny's arm.
"Thank you.
No everything personal Cam kept safe for me." Johnny whispered with a weak smile.
"Sir if I may ask?
Are you sure Johnny will be spared from the factory?" Cam sheepishly asked from the chair as he gripped his brother's hand.
"Because ever since my son met you boys you have been nothing but close friends.
I knew when he snuck you two in the house and I knew those days it was just you Johnathan.
He told me how your father abused you boys.
I know if you had a choice Johnny you would have signed up for citizenship at age thirteen." Mr.Daniels sighed.
His phone went off and he took it.
"Look I don't care...
No you listen to me!
That Mr.Balck never gave theses boys a choice!...
Trust me if you saw the scars these boys have you'd know who frightened them more!...
You didn't even let me stress the point he was held hostage in his own home!...
Thank you...
I assure you I will." Mr. Daniels hung up.
"Sorry about that...
That boy is new and had a sheltered up bringing.
He forgets there are those who did not have a loving childhood like himself.
Benifits of having some young kids on the board.
I can push my choices...
Cam you are no longer needed to be a guard, you are now apart of my family and only need to focus on your studies to be a husband, father and heir.
Johnny you as well." Mr.Daniels smirked at their surprised faces...
Cam enjoyed staying at Mr.Daniels and being close to Kay everyday.
Johnny was still nervous expecting to be sent back to the factory or worse...
Johnny half enjoyed school, he had to do some classes and training with the younger kids but he didn't mind even tho it was all easy he had to do it for a month so they knew his placement and consider removing the mark his father had put against him.
During the older classes he had his eyes on the beautiful Ariel, she is Kay's sister but she was staying out of the home in the boarding rooms, it was her disision she wanted to be with her friends and she didn't look like Kay and their father but Johnny could see her mother.
"Hi Johnny want to be my lab partner? Kurtis moved onto guard training so I need a new lab partner." Aril beamed as she looked into his eyes.
Johnny was always a loss for words around her.
Yeah." Johnny smiled.
Cam and Kay giggled at him making him blush more.
"Oh ignore those two.
Hey did you know Kay and I are actually twins too?" Aril smirked.
"Your kidding right?" Johnny looked at her and across at Kay.
"Not all twins are identical like you two." Ariel nuged into him playfully with her whole body.
Johnny just blushed.
"Man your easy." Ariel teased.
"Johnny I have a question but would you I don't know would you sign my dance card now I want you to have first pick I kinda well I like you Johnathan Black." Aril was the one to blush now.
Johnny leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"I would be honored." Johnny whispered in her ear.
"Don't make me separate you two or four love birds." Ms. Simone smirked as she stood almost between their desks.
"Sorry Ms.Simone." Cam said sheepishly.
"Its fine just not during lessons.
Between us I think those who are closer are better scientist.
It helps make the project fun and interesting.
Take my husband for instance he is useless as a scientist but he at least learned the text books because he wanted to be with me at all time." Ms.Simone winked.
"Okay class the dreaded frog dissecting frogs now a show of hands who here is squeamish?
Its perfectly fine boys and girls just means you might not become surgical doctors." Ms Simone chuckled.
She frowned when she saw Cam and Johnny be the first boys to raise their hands she knew about their file on their abuse and can only imagine thing that this might bring up memories.
"Okay partners please blind fold your partner who raised their hand...
Okay now talk to your partner discribing what your doing.
If at any time the description becomes to much please raid our hand and the one discribing please stop and dispose of your frog." Ms.Simone instructed.
Ms.Simone watched as some kids went crazy with descriptions grossing out their partner before even dissecting some just the mere thought of what was going to happen made them put their hand up.
She than focused on the two sets of twins who sat eirly still not even flinching as the girls started discribing things that were not even happening.
It was as of the boys had shut down.
"Okay thank you girls clean up your station.
Okay Cam and Johnny you can remover your blind folds...
Scott why did you raise your hand even before Lyn cut into her frog?" Ms.Simone questioned.
"I don't know it was just going through me all I could see was it happening." Scott shrugged.
"Tanya your reason for raising your hand?" Ms.Simone.
"I could hear the cut even though they were all talking." Tanya quivered at the thought.
"Cameron, Johnathan you were both first to say you don't want to dissect.
But you had no response as your partner went all the way discribing every detail and beyond.
Do you know why?" She looked back and forth at them.
"No." They both said as they looked at their desk.
"I do.
Johnny when was it you stopped listening to what was going on in the room?" Ms.Simone asked.
"When the blind fold was put on." Johnny sighed.
Cam nodded in agreement.
"Do you both know why that is?
You don't have to tell the class.
But do you know yes or no?" Ms.Simone asked sympathetically.
"Yeah I think we do." Johnny sighed.
"Now I know everyone knows everything about everyone here our lives are never really kept secret.
Can anyone tell me, if you saw your best friends in the hall and decided to cover their eyes to make them guess who it was, than wander why they didn't find it fun?...
No one?...
Its because a traumatic experience happened that linked to that act or just being put in the dark alone is enough to put the body back into shock and cutting off all sences, now sometimes it can cause that person to fight back.
In that case please back up talk calmly and please make sure everyone stays back as well and let them calm down.
I apologize for singling you two out but like I said putting you in the dark made your bodies shut down.
Now knowing this, make better choices on how you interact with your friends.
You might think its funny but you could send your friend into a state of shock.
Class dismiss." Ms.Simone said she waited till it was only the two sets of twins left still sitting at their desk.
"Do you two want to tell me what happened?" Ms.Simone grabbed a stool.
Johnny looked over at Ariel and sighed.
"Alot of the tricks we had to master were tight dark spaces.
Neither of us liked it and we had to stay their till we mastered it.
The whole time he would be yelling or hitting one of us mainly me than shoved me into the hole till Cam figures out the trick.
We would be stuck in the hole for days.
Cam only gotta a break for school." Johnny sighed as a tear escaped
"I am sorry to hear that.
If you two would be willing I'd like to assign you to Ms.Light she's my grandmother.
Probably the last still working elder.
But ever since she saw your file when you were reinstated Johnny she was concerned for you plus being sent to the factory with your father who is abusive.
And you too Cam you had your share of trauma.
You may have been spared from some things but just watching your brother or hearing the abuse.
You both have the Social ball coming up and it would be best to have something sorted before than and before the wedding that follows after." Ms.Simone sighed.
"You know there was a time when the Social ball was just a normal dance but now its a fast date pick your bride and marry.
Marks weren't even a thing.
People weren't kicked out because they his their son and the victim would be heard.
Our new ways are screwed up.
Don't you four tell anyone about this." Ms.Simone chuckled.
"We know our parents told us about our old history.
And about the book burning to rid proof of that past.
My dad said theirs an underground group of people who are trying to break up the system.
He says they all where these.
But the can't go around assuming we are all apart of it because these Bible tags were before the war and the city.
We who already have them are allowed but any new ones pop up they are considered outlaws." Ariel explained.
"Stop you two are apart of our family they will figure my dad gave it to you." Kay giggled as the boys made sure their's was hidden.
"I have one to.
These are the only copy of the bible left." Ms.Simone sighed...
Ariel decided to move back home to be closer to Johnny.
"Cam we are those rebels." Johnny sighed as he flopped on his bed.
"I know.
How are we going to take them as wives we are going to put their lives in danger." Cam sighed as he fiddled with his cards.
Johnny's phone went off he seemed concerned about answering.
Yeah tonight...
The burnt down wearhouse...
Yeah I'll bring him." Johnny sighed as he hung up.
"That was Duke.
He has a job for us.
You know their are two sets of these rebels I have a feeling dad got us wrapped up with the rebels who are going to get us killed." Johnny sighed.
"Is he going to be there too?" Cam swallowed hard.
"Yeah he wants to see how his boys are doing." Johnny grumbled.
They both snuck out to go to the burnt down wearhouse.
"My boys." Bash smiled as he walked over and hugged them.
Both remained stiff to the embrace.
"Enough Bash...
Okay all you boys have to do is plant this in the square.
Its not going to kill anyone its for a distraction.
Do it after you social ball than take the train with your girls and we'll handle the rest." Duke explained.
"Don't screw this up John." Bash grumbled.
Johnny sighed.
"We won't." Johnny mumbled as he stuffed the device in his bag....

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