Chapter 27 (Nightmare)

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As soon as they stepped through the breach they were sent to an old Victorian home set in the woods where the sun never shines.
The boys stayed close to each other for fear of Darklings because it looked like a place they'd live.
Jones undid Cam and Johnny along with Malac and took them inside.
Jones shoved Johnny into the first floor restroom.
"Shower and change." Jones ordered as he closed the door and sat the other two on the chase lounge.
Johnny saw three pairs of sweats folded neatly.
Johnny half smirked when he saw it was a sweat jacket with a matching T-shirt.
"Knock it off because he remembers doesn't mean he cares." Johnny grumbled to himself.
You no longer look like a scout.
Duke take Johnny to his room." Jones said as he shoved Cam into the rest room.
Johnny fidled with the small wooden wolf as they walked through the dimlit halls.
"What you got there?" Duke snatched it from him.
"Your dad made this.
That last place was our childhood home." Duke smirked as he handed it back to Johnny.
"Duke why?" Was all Johnny muttered.
"Its with us or them kid." Duke sighed.
"Your saying your protecting us by doing the dirty work for the Darklings?" Johnny grumbled.
Duke slammed Johnny against the wall with such force it knocked the wind out of him and he dropped the toy to the floor...
Jones smirked as he heard the thud.
Cam came out looking like he wanted to run to Johnny but Jones held onto him.
Malac didn't wait to be told, he got up and went in himself.
"Your brother must be giving lip again." Jones chuckled as he held onto Cam from behind.
Jones smirked when he felt Cam's heart rate spike.
"What's that?" Jones grumbled as he snatched the wooden owl from Cam.
Cam sighed in disappointment.
Aside from his cards he never had any trinkets he liked and he liked the owl, mainly because Johnny gave it to him.
"You took this when you two snuck out.
That was our childhood home you know.
Your dad loved doing wood carvings.
He made this." Jones smirked as he examined it with his free hand.
Jones put Cam's hand out and put the owl back in his hand curling his fingers around it.
"He would have wanted you boys to have it." Jones sighed and kissed Cam on the top of his head.
Cam could tell something was wrong.
Jones was morning, he could hear the sound in his voice.
Cam spun around to see tears streaming down his face.
"What happened!?
What did you do to them!?" Cam demanded.
At that moment Jones swore he had the wrong twin.
He grabbed Cam's wrist to make sure.
When he saw CB he ran his thumb gently over it.
But than gripped hard as to snap his wrist Cam screamed in pain.
"Never raise your voice to me again.
I am not going to go easy on you boys this time around." Jones pulled him closer.
Cam whimpered as his wrist was beginning to ache as if some bones might actually be broken...
Johnny heard Cam scream and tried to go to him but Duke just pinned him there.
"You won't keep us this time.
Our parents are looking for us.
Its only a matter of time till they find us." Johnny snapped as angry tears streamed down his face.
"Your parents are dead." Duke said as cold as ice.
No emotion, no care, no remorse.
"No their not!" Johnny snapped trying to push Duke off.
Duke only pinned Johnny tighter against his neck cutting off his air supply.
"I should know.
I killed them.
As did Jones.
We snatched your baby brother and sister and your lovely girls.
We sold them to the girls home, your brother to the boys home.
You know how valuable innocent ones are.
But lucky for them they are still that because Malac bought them before they could be placed." Duke grinned deviously.
Duke picked up the wolf and put it back in Johnny's hand.
"Its all you'll ever get from him, don't loose it." Duke pulled Johnny back to the hall and shoved him into a small room with a single bed.
"Oh yeah your getting your own room till we can trust you two again.
The closet you'll get is though the bars." Duke opens the curtain by his bed to reveal another room.
Johnny sighed as he sat on the bed.
His stomach flipped when Duke returned with an ankle cuff and a torch.
He attached the chain to the ceiling just out of reach then entered Johnny's room.
Johnny curled into himself and begged him not to.
You think after killing my baby brother, I'd care what my little nephew begs for.
Now hold still I don't want to burn you."
Duke put a sheet of rubber to help protect him from the heat.
Johnny could still feel it as he screamed and cried begging him to stop.
"Such a big baby... 
You get another branding by the way.
This will be the last time you get the cuff welded on you'll keep this on throughout your stay here." Duke smirked and showed him the inside of Cam's cuff.
Cam's initials were there.
Duke left Johnny to go for Cam.
Johnny tried to check the damage but he still couldn't touch the cuff.
Thankfully he moved Johnny's pant leg so the fibers Wouldn't be in the burn.
Johnny curled into himself and cried.
Johnny bolted up as he saw Cam with a new bruise on his face and his wrist wrapped.
Cam didn't look over he just kept his head down as he walked.
Johnny could have sworn he was limping as well.
Cam sat on the bed leaning against the bars.
Johnny reached through and hugged his brother through the bars.
Cam felt Johnny pull tight as to help hold him still.
Cam gripped his brother's arm and screamed and cried as the heat bit through the rubber.
Johnny had a thought, the rubber had to have melted if they could feel the heat this bad.
Than Johnny saw a gap in the rubber.
It was planed to brand them again.
'But why?' Johnny thought.
Johnny looked up at Jones who was enjoying their pain.
"Why?" Johnny muttered.
Cam's heart rate spiked as Jones got closer.
"First you do realize I am in Cam's cell?
So I watch your tone.
Second I need to brand the others might as well make sure you two are as well.
Besides this one is more official, has the same fancy writing and numbers that match your files." Jones said smugly as he choked Cam.
They both tried to get him off but he was stronger.
With his other hand he slammed Johnny's head into the bars half knocking him out as he fell to the bed he laid there looking at Cam.
Who was now catching his breath .
Johnny pressed his back against the bars as Jones came into his cell.
"You want to be a smart mouth now!?" Jones snapped at him gripping Johnny by the throat and tossing him to the floor.
Johnny tried to move into the corner but Jones grabbed the chain and yanked him out of the corner.
Duke closed the heavy curtain so Cam was cut off.
Jones forced Johnny to his feet.
"I asked you a question." Jones yelled in his face as he slapped Johnny across the face with the back of his hand that had a heavy sharp ring on it.
"No sir.
I won't talk back sir." Johnny mumbled.
Jones smirked and pulled him into a hug.
"You have to learn who's in charge." Jones said as he held onto Johnny.
Johnny wanted out of the embrace.
It was like being hugged by a porcupine.
Jones cupped Johnny's face as he examined the damages.
He shoved Johnny to his bed as he left to get the first aid.
Johnny sat pressed against the bars as Cam put his hand on his back through the curtain.
Tears threatened to fall as Jones opened his kit as he sat in front of Johnny.
He had all sorts of things in there that looked like a mad doctor's kit.
To just keep Johnny afraid.
He pulled out a leather pack and unrapped it.
All kinds of small razor sharp knives and little saws where in the pouch.
Johnny wouldn't take his eyes off it as he started hyperventilating.
Jones smirked as he pulled one out and put it against Johnny's throat.
Johnny let out a small whimper.
"Next time you give lip we'll play with these.
I'll even include Cam since you seem to care more about his life than your own." Jones grinned as he gave a little cut on Johnny's chin.
Once he was done cleaning Johnny's wounds on his face, he checked the brand and saw it was calm now.
Jones removed the rubber and tucked Johnny's pant leg into the cuff so he wouldn't get sores.
Johnny curled into himself on his bed as Jones reopened the curtain for them to see each other.
"No staying up talking all night.
You know how exhausting those tests are Johnny." Jones smirked as he was pleased he got through to Johnny, than yet he knew Johnny and knows he will get to play with his shiny knives soon.
"Johnny you okay?" Cam tried to hug his brother through the bars.
"Stupid question Cam." Johnny grumbled as he wiped away tears.
Johnny turned to face Cam who was also crying.
Johnny put his hand on Cam's shoulder.
"Hey I'm sorry.
Cam did he tell you about mom and dad?" Johnny sighed.
Cam nodded.
"He also said he grabbed our brother and sister along with or girlfriends selling them to those sick homes." Cam mumbled as tears flowed.
"Look I don't think they're dead, they are saying that to make us loose all hope.
Don't worry about it." Johnny pressed his forehead against the bars where Cam's was.
"I know.
I love you Johnny goodnight." Cam smirked as he wiped away tears.
"Love you two little brother." Johnny kissed his forehead and smirked as Cam mumbled.
"Five minutes dose not deem you older." Cam chuckled as they still kept their foreheads together.
"It really dose.
Smarter and tougher too." Johnny added...
Cam woke to his brother's screams.
He looked at the empty bed where his hand laid.
How did I not know?" Cam pouted as he sat up looking in the room expecting to see Johnny to come into view as if he was hiding on him....

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