Chapter 30 (Breath)

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The boys woke up early took a shower and went exploring the land.
They made sure to stay away from the holding camp and only walk where the soilders were along with those caring for the land.
"How'd you sleep?" Jonny asked as he dropped an apple down from the tree he climbed.
"Good actually." Cam smirked as he bit into the apple.
"I know right.
I think talking to Ms.Light helped." Johnny said dropping down from the apple tree and wrapped his arm around his brother's shoulder while they walked the trail in the orchard.
"Johnny you think we're safe now?" Cam looked over at Johnny who pulled him tighter and put his head against Cam's.
"I hope so.
Why did you have to spoil the moment?" Johnny teased as he ruffled Cam's hair.
They walked in silence for a moment both lost in thought.
"Cam let's explore the woods, see if we can find a place to hide just in case.
Maybe turn it into a club house or something." Johnny smirked.
They walked pretty far into the woods trying to see if there was away to disappear if needed.
"Johnny look." Cam pointed out a mound set against the cliff wall.
"Its an old army bunker." Johnny said as he yanked the door open.
Johnny turned on the small flashlight he carried and led the way.
"I wander if Mitch's family put this here.
Its set up for the amount of his family and than some." Cam said as he found the light switch.
"Cam, Johnny, one of you pick up the hand set." Mitchell's voice said over the speaker.
"Hey Mitch..." Johnny started.
"Don't hey me...
What are you kids doing that far off the land?" Mitch sounded upset.
"We wanted to find a safe place to hide in case Jones or all of our uncles came after us again.
We didn't know we were off the property." Johnny sighed and started sounding worried.
"Its okay just stay put, lock the door.
I have the key.
Danny, Malachi and I will come get you.
There's a food pantry help yourselves." Mitchell chuckled.
Cam ran off to lock the door without Johnny.
"Cam wait for me!" Johnny called after him.
By the time Johnny reached the door it was closed but Cam wasn't insight.
"Cam knock it off!
Come out!" Johnny called out as he searched the buncker.
"Its a freakin maze down here...
Cam this isn't funny!
Come out!" Johnny yelled as he felt a sharp pain in his head.
Before he fell passing out Cam was brought into view.
Duke had ahold of him covering his mouth with a pistol pressed into his side.
"Thought you could get away from me." Jones chuckled as he shoved Johnny to the floor where he passed out.
Leave him alone!" Cam screamed as he got punched in the gut collapsing to the floor.
Cam laid facing Johnny as he gasped for air.
Johnny's eyes were bearly open as they gripped each others hand...
Johnny came too as Jones punched him in the face.
"Rise and shine Johnny." Jones gripped his throat.
Johnny took a moment to realize his hands and feet were tied to a chair that was bolted to the ground.
Johnny looked around the room for Cam but didn't see him.
Johnny started hyperventilating.
"Where's my brother!?
Where's Cam!?
If you..." Johnny got back handed across the mouth before he could finish.
"If I what?
Killed him to teach you a lesson?
How stupid do you think I am?
We are stuck in here till your friend comes with the key.
We were just going to grab Cam but he pulled the door shut sealing us in." Jones grumbled
Johnny smirked a little.
"So your saying we are trapped?
Than I would start thinking and stop beating us up because they are watching and quite frankly your digging your own grave." Johnny chuckled.
Jones was about to go at him when Alexander stopped him.
"Look the kids right." Alex pointed out the cameras.
"You think I care.
They can either watch me beat you two to death or let us out." Jones swung at Johnny making contact with his head knocking him out...
Scarlet watched helplessly as her son was beat up.
"Mom please its not good for the twins.
Your almost nine months pregnant." Jasper said as he led her away from the screen.
Bash and Luke went to elert Mitchell that Jones and Alex was in there too.
Jasper looked back at the screen and watched as they took Johnny's limp body and toss him into the freezer with Cam.
"Crap this is bad.
Ana keep mom away from the monitors." Jasper said as he grabbed two jackets and took off on the four wheeler.
Jasper came across the bunker his first day there so he knew a short cut and another access into the bunker.
Jasper snuck in through the cave and to the freezer.
Cam held onto Johnny protectively as the door opened.
Before Cam could tell off who ever was entering Jasper covered his mouth.
"Relax its just me." Jasper smirked as he handed Cam his jacket and put Johnny's on.
Jasper could feel Johnny was coming around.
Jasper covered Johnny's mouth just in case he yelled.
"Just breath its only me.
Come on let's get out of here." Jasper led the way out making sure to close the door sealing in their crazy uncles.
They all got on the four wheeler, that thank goodness had a basket Cam could sit in on the back.
Jasper went around to the main entrance where Mitch was approaching.
"Stop!!!" The boys all screamed as he stuck the key in.
Before unlocking he pulled the key out and turned to the boys.
"What the heck happened to you?" Mitch asked in surprise when he saw their fresh bruises.
Bash and Luke ran right up to them Bash wrapped his arms around his boys before even looking at their injuries.
"Jones and his brothers are in there." Luke told Mitchell.
"Your kidding me?
We just captured the bad guys like nothing?" Mitchell laughed in disbelief.
"Who knew...
Here you all were making this elaborate plan to take them out and all you needed was these two kids to be bait and step off the protection zone for like what two seconds.
Sounds familiar.
Oh yeah I suggested a similar plan. Granted I think mine wouldn't have resulted in them getting hurt but than yet I have to say a sealed bunker is a better plan." Vala smirked as she leaned against the Humvee.
"You really know how to get under my skin." Mitchell said as they all piled in the Humvee.
Jasper drove the four wheeler back.
"No your just too easy." Vala countered with a smirk.
"You know I almost swear your Octavia's sister." Luke chuckled as he exsamined Cam's fresh bruises.
"What are we going to do about those three?" Daniel asked.
"They have food and water to last years.
I can man the oxygen levels and the pantry to make it last longer from the house.
I retrofited the place to be a maximum prison.
Originally I was going to shove Vala in it to get here out of my hair but this seems like a better option." Mitchell smirked as he cleaned Johnny's wounds.
"Are you saying there is no way in or out?" Cam smiled.
Only I have the key." Mitchell smiled at the boys who both started to breath calmly.
"I still don't like them so close." Bash muttered as he tightened his hug on Johnny from behind.
"I understand but I assure you they will die before they get out of there.
Anyone who comes after these boys will be put in there with them till none can fit.
Like I said, I can man the oxygen.
I plan to lower it to conserve and keep them less active.
I'll show you when we get back to the monitor room."
Mitchell said as he helped the boys out the back of the Humvee.
Scarlet was waiting for them.
The boys ran to their mom who immediately checked their injuries than hugged them.
"You two were almost all healed up.
Can someone tell me how this happened?" Scarlet snapped as she felt pain.
"Scarlet you need to rest." Janet helped her to their master bedroom on the first floor.
"I am insisting bed rest till after your twins are born.
As for you twins I swear your cut and bruise magnets.
Let's go asset the new damages." Janet smirked and teased as she led them to her office Tyler had set up for her.
"Two mild concussion.
Cracked rid each.
Sprain wrists and one near fractured skull.
You have a hard head Johnny.
I want you boys to stay in the living room.
I'll have Tyler set up his entertainment system so you can stay up playing video games and watch movies." Janet smirked.
The boys felt tired already this was going to be a long night.
Miles and Malachi stayed up with them trying to keep them alert but at some point they all fell asleep.
Janet came in to check on them.
"You two make awful nurses." Janet smirked at the older boys that woke when she came in.
"No don't wake them." Janet said as they were about to wake the boys that each fell asleep on their lap.
"How is it with you two separating them they still get close." Janet smirked as she moved Johnny's bangs to check his wound on his head.
Cam and Johnny had their heads pressed together as they slept.
"How are my babies?" Scarlet asked as Janet came to check on her.
"Shook up but resting now.
Like your supposed to be." Janet smirked as she checked on the babies.
"I can't wait to see them." Scarlet smiled.
"I don't think you'll have to wait long.
These little ones are ready to see you too." Janet smiled with a sigh.
"Its to soon though." Scarlet frowned.
"Well a week early.
We'll try and keep them in their a little longer." Janet smirked as she glanced in the pink and blue nursery all set up and ready for the two new babies...
The boys woke to the two older boys chuckling at some comedy show they were watching.
"Hey sorry didn't mean to wake you two." Malachi said as he put his arm around Johnny who laid his head on his shoulder.
"How's the head?" Malac asked as he moved his bangs as he checked the wound.
"Hurts." Johnny moaned as tears welled up.
"Jasper go get Janet." Malac said as he helped Johnny lay back down.
Johnny started crying which only made things worse.
"Hey how are?" Miles asked Cam.
"I don't feel good." Cam looked like he was about to puke.
Miles got him to the bathroom just in time.
"Here this will help with the head ache." Janet gave Johnny a herb tea that would help.
She went to the bathroom where Cam was crying and trowing up.
"When he's done check his temperature.
I want to rule out concussion." Janet sighed as Scarlet yelled to her.
"Well this is going to be a long morning." Janet smirked.
It wasn't long till the babies were born and Johnny felt better and Cam slept.
"I am happy to report two healthy babies.
One boy, Brian Johnathan Black and one baby girl, Victoria Cameron black." Janet smirked.
"When can we see them?" Johnny asked as he played with Cam's hair while he slept on Johnny's lap.
"Let's wait till Cam feels better we don't want the babies getting sick.
I think you got a slight temperature as well.
Probably from being locked in the freezer." Janet sighed as she checked Cam's forehead.
Sure enough still warm.
Janet took off the bandage on Johnny's forehead and checked the wound.
"Looks good.
I'm going to leave it uncovered it will help to get some air on it." Janet smirked as she kissed them both on the head.
Bash was in the room with Scarlet cuddling his new babies...
A few weeks passed and the boys got an all clear.
Cam and Johnny finally got to hold their baby brother and sister.
Victoria already had Johnny wrapped around her little fingers.
"How can something so small and new mean the whole world?" Johnny cooed as he sat in the chair rocking his baby sister as she stared up at him.
"Because she's your baby sister and you want to protect her, because she is apart of you and Cameron." Scarlet smirked from her bed as she watched her older twins gush over the baby twins.
"I won't let anything happen to you three." Johnny smirked over at Cam.
"Dad could you train us?" Johnny looked up at his dad who stood over him.
"Of course we'll start tomorrow." Bash took Victoria who was starting to fuss and checked her dipper than handed her to her mom so she could eat.
He did the same with Brian.
Than led the boys out so Scarlet could rest.
"I can't wait till they start talking Johnny smirked.
"Don't rush it that means you two will be adults and starting your own family." Bash hugged Johnny from behind and tickled him a little getting him to giggle.
"I still don't get why he made us two and a half years older." Cam sighed as he walked alongside his dad as they walked the trail.
"Not sure.
Mitchell is going to talk to Jones over the monitor.
I asked him to find that very thing out." Bash said as they watched the other kids playing in the field.
"Cam, Johnny come on." James called them over.
"Go play.
I'll wait here for you boys." Bash hugged them and sent them off.
Bash watched his boys play and laugh and actually get to be kids.
"Nice to see them happy." Sarah Mitchell came up and sat next to him on the bench.
"It is.
I can't get over missing out on fifteen and a half years of their life but it feels like I never missed a moment." Bash sighed with a weak smirk.
"Their good kids, easy to get along with and thriving for love.
They are making it easy.
Soaking up the love they been deprived of." Sarah sighed.
"I know.
I just hope we can give them everything they need.
I know this is only the beginning.
We didn't even scratch the surface of what to expect from their trauma.
I haven't even seen them sleep in their own bed yet.
Every time I check on them I always find Cam in Johnny's bed with Johnny calming him from a nightmare." Tears filled in Bash's eyes as he talked about his boys.
"Trust me Sebastian, you have enough love, so much so, it spilled over while they were forming in their mothers womb.
Look at all those other kids.
Did you know just a year ago none of those kids would be out there, they were mad at the world, they were like wild children but when we showed them love and that they were safe now they were allowed to mingle.
But your boys were ready from the day they got here to socialize.
Don't worry on what might be, focus on this and make it thrive." Sarah pulled him into a side hug as he cried and thanked her.
"Dad did you see!?
I hit a home run!" Cam ran up with Johnny close behind.
Johnny was laughing as he hugged his brother around his shoulders.
Resting his chin on Cam's shoulder panting as he caught his breath.
Johnny saw his dad was crying.
"What's wrong?" Johnny asked squeezing his eyes shut.
Cam spun around and caught Johnny as he started to fall.
"Your head hurting again?" Bash asked as he handed him a bottle of water and the herb Janet prescribed.
"Yeah and I am seeing spots...
When is that going to stop?" Johnny laid his head on Cam's shoulder as they sat in the grass.
"Not sure the head is more sensitive than we know." Bash helped Johnny to his feet and supported him as they walked back to the house.
Janet gave them a quick physical.
"They just over exerted themselves.
I sent them to take a cool shower.
I'm going to go make them the herb tea and soup." Janet smirked and patted Bash on the shoulder.
Cam sat on the bathroom sofa playing with his cards while Johnny showered in case he got light headed and falls.
"You know this helped." Johnny spoke from the shower as reached out and grabbed his towel.
Johnny got light headed Cam saw him lean against the wall squeezing his eyes shut again.
Cam ran over to support his brother as and handed him his towel.
"Thanks." Johnny sighed as he wrapped the towel around his waist and headed for the sofofa where he has his sweat clothes.
Now he was liking the comfort of the loose clothes.
"You okay now?" Cam looked at his brother with concern.
"Yeah just go shower you smell funny." Johnny teased as he rest his back and closed his eyes.
Once the boys were done they sat in the living room sipping on the tea and soup.
Eventually the boys both fell asleep on the couch.
Miles and Malachi took the boys and put them to bed.
"No put Cam with Johnny trust me the moment we leave they'll make there way together." Malachi smirked as he watched Miles lay Cam next to Johnny and snuggle his way into Johnny like he needed him.
"What has he done to cause this?
They turned into each others security blankets." Miles sighed as he sat next to Johnny playing with his hair.
"Same reason your doing what your doing.
You spent time with Jones and was practically raises by Alexander who is just as bad.
I remember you and your twin." Malachi saw the pain in Miles eyes the second he mentioned his twin.
The two just stayed quiet and fell asleep with the boys.
Bash looked in to check on Cam and Johnny.
He chuckled softly when found his first born asleep practically holding Johnny and his nephew practically holding Cam.
Bash quietly walked in and to the blanket from the other bed and covered his boys...

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