Chapter 33 (Twins)

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"It was till five more guys showed up." A guy chuckled from the lounge under the stairs.
"Bed rooms are up stairs.
The identical twins have the room between Jasper and Malachi's room and ours brother." Chris smirked as he sat up looking at his twin.
Miles stood dumbfounded as he look at his brother's baby face.
"How is it we are the same age and you look younger?" Miles grumbled as he hugged his brother.
"Well first off we are not identical so there's that." Chris chuckled as Miles and him sat looking at their identical baby brother's.
"Wow when mo...
Aunt Carol said mom had more kids I didn't think another set of twins.
Granted there was a gap between with baby Jasper." Chris teased.
The last time he saw Jasper he was only two.
"Than these two runts, followed by a girl.
That had to be nice for mom to actually get to raise her girl safe from our cray aunts and uncles.
Than there's baby Chase poor kid not to mention the new sets of twins.
A boy and a girl this time." Chris smiled at Miles who couldn't stop looking at his brother.
"I missed you too." Chris turned and hugged Miles as he started to cry.
"They told me you were dead.
I never believed them but when I'd beg to see you and promised to be good for that first year they separated us.
She would go into details on how Alex killed you.
I had nightmares about it even.
But I just never felt you were actually dead." Chris sighed as he looked into his brother's greenish brown eyes.
"Its okay...
I had myself convinced you were dead.
I couldn't imagine they keep you alive forever.
Heck Jones raised the squirts since birth and look at them.
Some of those marks are fresh the rest are still healing.
Any longer alone with him they'd probably be dead." Miles sighed as Johnny sat down next to him.
"Hey how's the head?" Miles asked as he wrapped his arm around Johnny who laid his head on him.
"Still hurts like a dull ache, you know the kind that makes you want to cry." Johnny sighed as he rubbed his eyes.
"He gave you that shot for tetanus didn't he." Chris mumbled.
"Yeah." Johnny breathed.
"Yeah well its not like the stuff doctors use.
Its some new stuff that can help prevent and cure but it has all kinds of uses.
I bet anything he was on it all his life like me." Chris sighed as he pointed at Cam.
"Yep." Cam sighed as Jasper was hugging him from behind mainly because Cam was still to weak to stand alone.
"Hey why don't you sit.
I don't bite." Chris chuckled than frowned as he watched Jasper support Cam as he walked.
"Its because of the stronger dosage they switched to.
Its effecting him worse because his body is already full of that crap.
Just two weeks ago I was just like that but in here alone." Chris sighed as he got up and went to the fridge.
"Here dink this, a kid I knew told me about it.
It has these herbs and stuff, don't know where he gets it but when he gets me a supply I always make the tea so I have it on hand.
Helps with the beatings too, takes away the pain." Chris smirked weakly at Miles who just saw the scar on Chris' forehead.
"Yeah almost died the day he cracked my scull open.
Aunt Carol just walked way around me avoiding the blood as I laid dazed and  confused on the floor.
She laughed, said I deserved it for talking back to Seth.
Thats her husband.
Her boys would beat me up too every chance they got." Chris sighed as he leaned back.
"Wait Jones said they treated you good, better than us even.
Like you were a replacement for some kid she lost." Miles stated.
Chris laughed as to say yeah right.
"Oh trust me that woman loves one thing, her golden boy first born, she'll deal with his older half brothers.
She loves Seth and she loved watching me cry and beg them to stop hurting me.
But one thing they could not do was hit my face, she didn't want to be dragging around a boy that looked abused.
If I had a lip or pain that someone noticed she'd say, you know how boys are, this one I can't stop from climbing or training or rough housing with his big brothers.
Trust me I was not spared, only now I look okay because I learned my place and well stopped begging and cry sort of." Chris sighed as he looked at Cam who was looking up at him.
"I have a feeling your like me and got beat regardless, even after doing everything right." Chris smirked as he examined the bruise and the scab on his neck.
"Wait what happened?
Did he nearly slice his throat!?" Chris looked over at Miles who shrugged and than at Johnny who nodded.
"Um yeah, mom was trying to keep Jones away from the twins." Johnny told him.
"So he used the weak one as leverage." Chris mumbled as he walked back over to the kitchen and and started cooking.
"Why do I have a feeling they are not coming up here anymore?" Miles said as he sat at the counter to watch his brother.
Miles didn't want him out of his sight for fear of loosing him.
Johnny sat next to Miles and rested his head on the counter to watch as we'll.
Cam joined and sat next to Johnny practically laying his head on him.
Chris smirked at the two.
"I remember when we were inseparable.
I think thats what made it so hard to be separated.
Yeah we are pretty much on our own up here." Chris sighed as he chopped up veggies for his venison stew.
"I'm not crying its the onions so wipe that goofy grin off." Chris pointed his nice towards Miles who chuckled.
"Yeah sure blame the onions baby brother." Miles teased.
"One freakin hour difference dose not deem you older, we are twins." Chris grumbled.
"Yeah but I breathed and cried in the world a whole hour before you so I already had an hour experience you missed lazy." Miles teased his brother as Cam and Johnny chuckled at their banter.
"You were a newborn, no experience there." Chris rolled his eyes at this point they were just keeping it up for their kid brothers who looked as if they haven't laughed in a long time.
"Bet he pulls the same with you." Chris said to Cam as he put a bowl of soup in front of him.
"Yeah we are five minutes apart, at least Miles has a longer lead way, he has a whole hour." Cam chuckled as he started to eat.
"Same diff.
I was born first so I'm older end of story." Johnny teased Cam.
As he started eating.
"This is good." The boys said together.
"Okay stop rubbing it in that your identical." Chris teased.
"I cook with that herb too.
It brings out all the nutritions in the food so your body gets everything you'll need.
Which you two look like you need." Chris sighed.
Miles actually just noticed how thin they were for their age.
"Yeah he said it was to keep us at a certain weight for his stunts.
Luckly that ended but I don't know, our appetite isn't what it should be.
Especially after the last few days.
Plus we were really sick the month the twins were born and I guess we haven't gotten our weight back to normal." Johnny sighed.
"Well your not skipping meals on my watch." Chris smirked.
Once they finished eating They lounged around by the fire talking and laughing sometimes crying.
But they really enjoyed watching the younger boys show off the tricks they learned.
"Man I always wanted to do that.
Remember that time I killed a whole pack of cards." Chris nuged Miles.
"How could I forget.
That was the day I lost you." Miles sighed.
"Oh yeah it was." Chris got quite as Cam and Johnny plopped down leaning against the other sofa where Jasper and Malac already fell asleep.
The boys sat there watching their eldest brothers talk.
By the time they realized they forgot about the boys they looked over and saw them leaning against each other sleeping.
"We better get them to bed.
They had a long day considering." Miles smirked as he picked up Johnny.
Chris got Cam after covering and kissing his first baby brother on the head, he missed him and always thought about him aside from Miles he was just as close to Jasper and would have done anything to protect him just like Miles tried to do for him.
Chris picked up Cam who mumbled.
I'm sorry...
Let Johnny go...
Yes sir...
No sir..." Cam mumbled in his sleep as Chris carried him to bed.
"What did he do to them?" Chris was angry as he watched the two like magnet snuggle together.
Johnny combed his fingers through Cam's hair in his sleep, instantly Cam quieted down.
"I don't know." Miles was just as angry.
He just heard Johnny beg in his sleep to not be beaten or chained and hearing Johnny call that man sir made Miles blood boil.
"Since I been with them I haven't even seen them sleep in separate beds.
What made you lay Cam in Johnny's bed?" Miles inquired as they sat in the arm chairs at the foot of the bed next to the fire place.
"It was obvious he was having a nightmare.
I remember when I did and we end up sleeping together, well I cried myself to sleep as you tried your best to calm me.
Funny I just realized, here you were always calming me.
but what about you?
We were so little.
I know you needed someone too but you just acted like you were okay." Chris looked over at his brother.
"I was being strong for you baby brother." Miles teased as he reached over and ruffled his brothers blond curls.
"Its funny...
You three got stuck with moms hair." Miles teased as Chris chuckled and rolled his eyes.
They sat their watching the boys sleep.
At times they had to try and calm them  even wake them from their nightmares...
Miles took on Johnny because he was already so attached to Miles.
Miles knew Cam could be easy going. The kid was more lovable and expected it in return shockingly, after all he's been through you'd expect him to coward in fear from any guy bigger than him...

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