Chapter 4 (To The Factory)

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Just as the judge said he sent a guard to retrieve the boys.
Now he didn't send just any guard, he sent Justin, who like Jake hasn't been home since he was six, he is now twenty two.

When he walked up the steps of his home to the front door, no excitement of seeing his family stirred within his emotions, he didn't recite how he would aprouch his family, no, he was on the job and he has no family.
This was the crule joke of their leaders, distance the children, bring them up strong, hard men who could better lead their new world.

"Justin!" Claire ran to him and hugged him, he just stood there ridgid with his arms at his side.
"Cole come meet your oldest brother." Claire called to her youngest as she held onto Justin's shoulders examining how much he's grown.
"Claire, let go of the boy." Noah solemnly said.
"He's my son, not boy..."
"Mrs. Dawson listen to your husband, considering the circumstances I will not report this behavior." Justin said as he gently removed her hands.

Cole ran in with excitement, Andrew scooped him up before he could do anything to get a mark on his record.
"At least acknowledge the fact that this is you little brother, he asks about you all the time and couldn't wait to see you and now here you are." Claire pleeded as tears formed.

"I have no family except for my brothers in arm." Justin said boldly as the door bell rang. Cole squirmed out of Andrew's arms to answers it.
"Its Jake and James." Cole squealed with joy.

Jake and James have been visiting alot because Cole was soon to be their student and they have been helping him get ready.

James scooped up the boy and carried him back to the tensioned filled room. Jake knew they never chose to give him up, he didn't want to admit it but he has been suppressing his emotions everytime he visited and seeing Justin and the sorrow on his aunt's face took a final toll.

"Claire can I talk to you." Jake took her with Elexis in toe to the living room.
"I apologize for Justin, you have to understand we were conditioned that we have no one except those within our sect, in fact they told us you gave us up for the good of the cause. I of course knew that it was not true but Justin on the other hand was younger and it was easier for them to get him to believe the lie.
Trust me if the boys would have passed their lessons they too would have been brainwashed, unless they were to become suitors.
I know this is the worse thing they could do, having Justin come for them but you need to let him just do his job, its best for your family.
Now I will be going into the foundries to reevaluate and make sure they can at least protect themselves if needed and look over the selling of stock...
I mean...
Well I don't know any other way to put it, yes there is a slight chance but I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't happen to them." Jake tried to explain.

Elexis was pleased to see her son standing there talking with great respect for his family it was as if her son came home, all she wanted to do was hug him but she refrained from doing so. Rose on the other hand could not refrain.
"Big brother its good to see you, I wish I have been here when you been training Cole but other duties and tasks kept me from coming.
This is Daniel and Andrew Jr we call him Hawkins." Rose giggled.
"I suggested Andy but after a few flight attempts from this little rascal Hawkins suited better for a sort of nickname." Andrew cut in.
"I see your taking good care of my little sister, now let's see if I got this Hawkins is six now and Danny is five?" Jake said as he scooped up the giggling boys.

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