Chapter 2 (Bio-War)

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The worse wasn't over.
About five years later biochemical warfare started, a lot of people were infected.

Some died immediately after being infected, others lived with deformities. Some deformities you could see and others were internal but even they were exterminated...
Yes you read that correctly...
They were called to the med tents or visited by a med technician and given an injection that they were told was to help them but it in fact slowly killed them. Not all the med professionals agreed to this but those who did were cold and cared nothing for the surviving families feelings.
Others complied just so they and their families wouldn't be considered a problem and be false diagnosed and than injected.

It terrified Claire when their bell rang. "Shannon?!... None of us are!.."

"Claire it's okay...
I just came to check on the boys.
I want to make sure none of you are having laten effects and...
I need a favor." Shannon coughed as tears formed.
Shannon are you..." Claire could tell Shannon was infected.
Don't worry it's not contagious...
its actually the effects of the drug...
I need you to take my son...
Here are his papers it states he is a Dawson.
The son of Noah and Claire, its all official no one will question it.
Now once I give you all a clean bill of health you need to go to the train.
They are moving this area to the new City where you'll live like Kings and Queens.
I put you as my heir Claire, my doctor benifits and the fact I died here in the field...
Well let's just say is excellent for you.
Just make sure Lang becomes a doctor or something he likes as long as it keeps him in high standing." Shannon explained.

She went on checking everyone, everyone checked out healthy except Gabe.
"This can't...
He can't...
I need him!
Don't you dare inject him!" Elexis snapped and was ready to attack but Noah held her back.
"Calm down your infant needs you to stay calm...
Gabriel you were in the medical field before you tried to flee with your family, right?
I want you to go to the bomb shelter I will join you soon, maybe we can find a cure." Shannon explained.
"But you said..." Claire started
"Its just a flu shot I gave myself and a few others in the other blocks that came up positive.
They'll think the poor will eventually die, while they evacuate the healthy and wealthy or that were able to get enough together to make the list after the lottery.
Those I tried to prolong will be in the shelter as well, they are going to blow this area but we in the shelter should make it.
I put supplies needed for us in there." Shannon explained.

Elexis hugged and kissed her husband goodbye, Gabe scooped up and hugged his son for the last time along with his nephew.
Noah hugged his baby brother.

"I can't believe I'm leaving you a second time." Noah sobbed as he hugged Gabe. "Your not, I'm leaving you this time.
Now take care of my family never let them think I'm dead, because I'm going to find all of you this time." Gabe smirked at his older brother who he reconnected with only to have to let go of him again, along with his family.

"I won't...
I'll tell them how you chose to stay behind to help find a cure and one day we'll all be together again." Noah said with one last hug.
Claire also gave him a hug.
"You take care of yourself and promise me we'll see each other again." She whispered in his ear.
"Don't make me promise something I can't control but if its God's Will we will see each other again someday." Gabe kissed Claire on the cheek.

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