Chapter 15 (The Escape)

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As they escaped through the tunnels James talked with his brother. "What happened to you that day?" James inquired.
Luke took a moment to respond.
He wasn't sure if he wanted to relive that day himself or not.

"I fought till one of their leaders came up behind me and knocked me out cold, when I came too I was in a camp filled with other kids doing actual battles to the death, the survivor was deemed worthy to move up in rank and fought others." Luke explained as he thought on that day.

"Okay this should bring us out at the old mall where our nightmares began." Luke said as he lifted the sewer grate.

"It's different from what I remember, more destroyed or something." James said as he poked his head out after Luke. "It's because no one cares for the place anymore." Felix said as he hoisted James out.

James stood there dumb founded, he didn't recognize the two boys before him, he felt he should know them but nothing about them was familiar.

"It's me, Felix.
Yeah I guess I no longer look scrawny and helpless." The boy laughed.
"I never thought you looked scrawny but I never imagined you looking like a wrestler either." James laughed. "Matty?" James assumed who the other boy was.
The two were inseparable he was like another brother to James.
The boys embraced in a hug.

"Belkamy?!" Miles ran to his brother who wrapped him in a bear hug.
The two sobbed as they hugged.
"Okay, cry babies...
Let's get moving." Luke smirked.
He made sure the boys and girls stayed in the center as he took point, Blake took the back with Miles, Matty and Felix took the outer edge on each side. James walked with Matty telling all about what he learned since they parted.

Luke stopped abruptly, Bellamy made his way to Luke all the while making sure everyone stayed down and quite. "Why are they out here it's to far from their leader?" Bellamy whispered. "They're a different group of N.W.
See that guy there, he's their leader I met him once with ours, they were discussing their entitlement.
Bruce seemed terrified of this guy." Luke explained.

Johnny and Cam joined them they were instantly frightened as was Raven and Mas.
"That's the guy who came through the camp the first night we arived, Gabe said he couldn't see us but I know he did." Raven explained.
"No he sensed your fear.
He's like a blood hound but instead of scent it's emotions one in particular, fear." Luke explained all the while watching the camp.
"Luke we have kids here who are terrified." Bellamy pointed out.
No sooner Bellamy said that the N.W. became aware of their spies.

"You can't blame me!" Bellamy said as Luke looked at him like he was the cause.
"Let's just get out of here." Johnny insisted.
But it was to late they were surrounded. Most of the kids did get away, except James, Luke, Matty, Felix, Mas, Raven, Miles, Bellamy Cam, Johnny, Jerry and his crew.

"What did my pets catch for me today?" The Hood figure sneered.
"Well look who we have, young Lukas, a bit far from your leader and with his prisoners, are they gifts for me?
The identical twins.
Did you think you could get away from him?" He grinned.
"Who is he?" Johnny snapped.
"Your father.
Well maybe not by blood but raised you and trained you.
Making you his.
Trust me boys the harder you fight the worse it will be for all of you." The hooded creature growled.
Luke and his boys stood ready to fight for the boys they just rescued.

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