Chapter 6 (Bandits)

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They were in for a bigger surprise than they bargained for.
You see even Mack was not informed on all of Aussie's plans.
Aussie didn't like the guy, in fact everything about the man sickened Aussie.
Mack was just an inside man he could manipulate with the rite amount of fortune but this time Aussie had different plans for Mack it was time to cut him off.

Up on the hill sat two bandits arguing on how to take the train this time.
"Gabe if we blow the tracks there the automatic brakes should trigger before they get anywhere near the blast but we have to blow it now to give the train ample time to slow and not tip any of the cars." The young boy explained to his mentor.

"Simon I know your a genius and your suggestions are all relevant but we need it to look like its a hiest.
Besides if we blow when the engine is over and crash the train we could eliminate most of our hostile opponents..."
"And also eliminate the innocent!
You know the ones we want to save..." Simon stern yet sarcastically reminded.
"So a few inocent lives lost.
Think of the many we'll..."
"Gabe, Simon!...
I just got news your boys and nephews are on that train, along with your adopted daughter and her family!
Including the identical twins.
Along with Tory's kids." Another young boy hollered as he road his horse near them.
Gabe was filled with both joy and concern, if they do this right they could free his family but one thing goes wrong and they could die or worse.

"Blow the tracks now!...
Oliver alert the others, this is a rescue mission, we are going to take them out by force but try not to kill any of the young gaurds.
Last I heard Justin is a guard and Jake is also but in higher ranks." Gabe instructed, the boy saluted from apon his horse who just reared up from the blast but he easily steady the horse and took off to the attacking ranks general who happened to be Aussie.

"Oliver go hide your horse, your coming aboard with me you know Jake and we both know Mack and his boys are going to be a threat once he realizes plans changed...
Ishmael your going to want to join as well, rumor is your brother and his family are also aboard the train
Kurt your nephews as well.
Your family will finally be whole again." Aussie ordered.
"Okay get ready and remember, they all stay alive and keep your faces covered!" Aussie hollered from his attack point.

As the train suddenly slowed Mack came from the back of the train hollering. "What his going on, did one of you specks pull the emergency breaks?!" Mack grabbed Jimmy by his shirt collar because he assumed he was the culprit. Till one of his men came from the engine.

"Sir it seems the tracks have been damaged." The boy saluted to Mack. "Damaged how!?" Mack hollered as he practically slammed Jimmy back into his seat.
Tilly instantly wrapped her arms around her big brother.
Before the boy could say more they were surrounded.

"G'day all...
I will be taking over.
Mack here has just been fired." A masked Australian man spoke.
Mack's eyes narrowed as his captor aimed an antique musket pistol that was altered to be more of a modern ammo pistol but still had the antique charm kinda looked like a steampunk item, in fact the bandits all have that look except the girls in this group were modest and at the moment dressed like one of the guys.

"Aussie what is the meaning of this!?" Mack struggled to get free from his bonds which was pointless.
Aussie didn't explain, he just gagged and put a sack over Mack's head, handed him off to a boy who was way too fit for a boy his age.

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