Chapter 18 (Moment of Truth)

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Cam and Johnny both woke but didn't have the strength to move.
Johnny spotted Jones still asleep in the arm chair, he jumped at the sight of the man who took pleasure in harming him.
Johnny winced in pain wakeing both Duke and Jones.
"You need to relax John." Jones said as he held Johnny back in the bed.
Johnny cried as his stomach ached in pain and the fact Jones wasn't letting him up.
"John calm yourself.
You're injured and your only going to make things worse.
Cam was to afraid to move as he curled tighter against Johnny's side as if he could hide.
"I hate to know what you did to make them this afraid of you Jones.
But you better explain yourself.
How do you expect them to protect themselves from him if they are terrified of you!?" Duke yelled as he put his hand in the direction of Cam who by now had his face buried in Johnny's side and had his shirt clenched in his fist.
"Its not my fault their soft.
I did what I could to train them.
They are not my blood!
Its their parents' fault, they have weak blood!" Jones snapped back.
"Face it Jones its your fault you know how to train kids and whatever you did with them made them weak.
You know the warning signs and how to change tactics.
You failed this time." Duke shook his head as he sat next to Cam and gently put his hand on his shoulder.
"You better figure away to correct this mistake before they face him or you have to keep them safely hidden." Duke sighed.
Jones looked at his friend and than at the boys.
Cam was peeking out now, they both looked back and forth in confusion at the men.
Jones sighed as he eased up on Johnny and helped him sit up.
Cam sat smashed against Johnny's side still afraid of these men.
"Who are you protecting us from?" Johnny asked as he looked between the men that now sat at the foot of the bed facing them.
"Draco, Bard and Gaul all three act as the mock of the Trinity.
They marked you boys because they know what you could do.
I made the case for your lives.
If I could weaken you into nothing more than mere frighten boys they would not harm you.
Duke that's why I did what I did.
I lied to you, the plan never was to strengthen them but to weaken them.
But in all actuality I know you are still strong and could easily become the warriors you were meant to be.
My son told me how good your training was." Jones smirked.
"Son." Both Cam and Johnny said in surprise.
"Yeah did you think I came from nothing?" Jerry teased from the door way.
"You!" Johnny growled than winced as his stomach screamed in pain.
"Relax unlike my pops here I am really on your side.
Sure I'm a bully but can you blame me?
His blood courses threw my vains." Jerry smirked as he flopped in the chair and put his feet up.
"Duke you really need to break it to your kids your still alive.
They could really use that." Jerry smirked as he ate some jerky and tossed the bag at Cam.
"Thanks." Cam smirked.
"Jerry not now.
Jones you better think of something that will keep them safe.
Jerry come with me." Duke grabbed his arm and took him out of the room.
"I don't get it.
You were protecting us by making us weak?" Johnny sighed.
"Yeah that was stupid on my part.
Cam was in high ranks as a guard proiving I failed.
You John would do anything to protect him no matter what again proving I failed.
Duke was right the moment I realized I couldn't break you two especially you John, I should have changed tactics and became your mentor not abuser.
I know you may never forgive me for that.
But if your willing I could still train you boys, your still young and can overcome this." Jones looked at the boys who looked at him like he was nuts.
Johnny let out a chuckle.
"Your serious...
No offense but your way of training is the worse and there is no way we are going to be subjected to it." Johnny stated.
"John you really don't have a choice..." Jones was cut short as Duke brought Luke in.
"Actually he dose.
My boy was Bruce's apprentice and trainer for the kids he gathered.
Jones let him train the boys." Duke said as he held onto Luke from behind.
Jones smirked because he could see in his friend's eyes the the moment he saw his boys he broke.
"He knows." Jones smirked as he saw in Luke's eyes the same thing.
"Okay but I will still step in if you are doing it wrong.
But not until they heal up and Duke your security is the worse." Jones shoved a tablet that showed two young people in cloaks walk onto their property.
"Cam, John, I am going to trust you not to run, same with your friends.
John take it easy and relax when you feel up to it go see Dina for your meal.
Luke can you make sure they stay and relax?" Jones put his hands on Lukes shoulder and looked him in the eyes.
"Yes sir.." Luke said sheepishly.
"I like the respect but you, neither of you have to do that my name is Jones." Jones hugged the boy and smirked back at the boys who were still trying to wrap their heads around this suddenly nice Jones.
"You two okay." Luke asked once alone as he got over to Johnny and saw the bruise on his stomach.
"You don't taste blood in your mouth do you?" Luke asked Johnny as he checked Cam's neck.
"No..." Johnny sighed.
"Good no sign of internal bleeding.
But if at any moment you do, don't hide it." Luke order as he moved Johnny's bangs and Cam's to make sure there were no head injuries.
"I think I'm ready to eat." Johnny said as he forced himself out of the bed.
It hurt to walk but he did it.
"Okay boys today I made broccoli soup and grilled cheese." Dina smiled as she served them.
"Thank you." Johnny looked at her.
"Your welcome Johnny.
Cam darling don't play with your food." Dina scolded as Cam was clearly checking to see if anything else was in his food.
"Its hot Dina the boy is just cooling it off." Gunter teased as he winked at Cam.
"Oh no you don't put that away." Dina scold the Asian boy who was messing around with a tablet.
"I remember you guys you helped with Da...
Jones shows." Johnny smiled.
He liked them the first day they met.
Because of them the two survived a lot of the dangerous stunts.
"Yes Johnathan.
I'm sorry we left you boys but we had to come here to get things secured for you boys." Dina sighed as she sat next to him.
"So you know than?" Cam asked.
"Yes Jones told us everything.
What he probably left out was he didn't only save your lives but that of your parents..."Dina sighed.
"We did not a prove of his methods we spent hour arguing but he assured us you boys would survive.
But when I saw how bad of shape Johnny was in well that was the last straw.
I didn't think they condemn you with that fool." Gunter grumbled from his seat.
"Wait your the one that turned him in?" Cam asked with surprise and anger.
I'm sorry Cam...
I just figured they let you boys plead your case but instead...
I should have known better.
Just glad Troy was a man of his word." Gunter sighed.
"Wait Kay's dad?" Johnny asked.
See when you two were infants they actually helped Jones sneak you out.
Sarah shared her girls milk with you boys.
You boys were destined to find those girls again." Dina smirked.
"Wait they knew too?
Are we the only ones clueless?" Johnny yelled as he got up and stormed off.
"Johnathan!" Dina called after him as Cam took off following his brother.
"Give them space love." Gunter sighed.
Johnny didn't know where he was going nor did he care as he wandered the stone hallway to a balcony that overlooked the waterfall.
"I can't believe all of this was his so called way to protect us.
I'm not buying.
What about you Cam you buying what they are selling?" Johnny sighed as he leaned on the railing.
Johnny looked over at his brother who was just staring out.
"Hey you okay?" Johnny put a hand on Cam's shoulder startling him out of his thoughts.
"Oh sorry I was just trying to think back on all he did, to see if I ever remember a time he cared about us." Cam sighed as a tear escaped.
Johnny knew Cam always longed for Jones' approval and love.
Johnny never thought he felt that way too but he guessed in away he too wanted it.
"Cam I don't know if I have a good memory.
I think I remember a few times he actually slept with us when we were toddlers because we got afraid of the storm or a bad dream.
He sat up with us in the steam bath room telling us stories keeping us calm when we got really sick once.
But once we were older things changed, he got more distant and cold, at the time I think we needed and longed for his approval the most.
So yeah there are some good memories but they were so long ago you probably never remember." Johnny sighed.
"I hate that.
You remember and I'm always left in the dark.
If we are identical why didn't I get that too?" Cam asked as angry tears formed.
"Cam we're still two separate people.
What's really bothering you?" Johnny turned Cam to face him.
"Everyone knew!
They could have saved us from the beginning before he destroyed us..." Cam started.
"Cam if they did, the moment we entered the city with them we would have been taken to be raised as what ever the city saw fit.
Heck we could have been separated never knowing each other.
Or sold in the black market you know what happens to kids and infants sold there.
I'm not defending what he did but think about it Cam could have been way worse.
So we got a few scars but we also can escape just about anything and our slide of hand is the best, in away he made us stronger by mistake.
Sure our emotions are mush but we can work on that, besides we are stronger together." Johnny smirked at his brother who chuckled at him.
Johnny pulled his brother into a hug.
"Just remember no matter what we will always have each other.
I will never leave you, they'd have to kill me first." Johnny chucked as he squeezed Cam tighter.
Jones stood in the doorway watching them...
"Great plan going through the dark cave.
We're from here you say.
I should have left you back in the cell at that stupid camp and let them finish killing you." Octavia yelled at Jasper who was acting all cool and calm as she tossed her pillow at him.
"Your cute when your angry." Jasper teased.
Octavia stopped pacing and gave him a cold stare.
"Are you kidding me!?
We are being held hostage by N.W.s and your still flirting!" Octavia was about to go beat the crap out of him when Gunter came in and caught her.
"Hold it little lady.
Take it easy." Gunter had his arms wrapped around her from behind hoisting her inches off the ground.
"Let me go you big goon." Octavia kicked at him.
Jasper just giggled.
"Don't just sit there help me." Octavia grunted as she struggled against the hold.
"You can put her down Gunter." Luke smirked as Octavia's eyes lit up when she saw him.
"Your alive!" Octavia ran and wrapped her arms around Luke's neck.
He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.
"Man you grew." Luke said as he examined the female warrior that stood in front of him.
"Thank you for getting her here safely Jasper." Luke smirked.
"Wait you two planned this?" Octavia was mad.
"Yeah you were a target." Luke sighed.
Who was after me?" Octavia sat on the edge of the bed.
"The mock trinity.
The ones who seek to destroy and act as if they rule the this world now." Luke sighed...
"Its cold you two should come in before you get sick." Jones said as he approached.
Johnny looked at Jones like he wanted to kill him.
"Please John." Jones sighed.
Johnny reluctantly listened he kept Cam protectively away from Jones as they walked pass.
Cam go get ready for bed." Jones ordered.
Cam looked at Johnny.
"Go ahead." Johnny sighed.
Cam scuffed down the hall by himself.
"Sit." Jones ordered.
Johnny shuttered at the tone and complied.
"Sorry I'm not mad at you John.
Look if you boys go through with this training you have to realize, you will be fighting demons, actual demons...
Well half breeds but still they are what they are.
And as demons they have abilities we don't have except you boys.
When you were born they found something in your blood and in Cam's that not many people have.
Your blood is the purest blood ever known.
The only blood that pure was one man.
Now I'm not saying your that pure but pretty dawn close he has plans for you boys.
All the boys here with you also have it the two kids that I just found on the property also have it.
If I didn't take you the doctors would have.
After killing your parent.
They wouldn't have put you two through testing at the proper age for placement.
They would have taken you to their lab where they would have done horrendous tests on you boys.
I know it doesn't make up for all I have done.
Duke is right I should have done better by you boys.
I did try in the beginning, it was hard to be so cold to two toddlers who depended on me.
That trusted me to love them.
Even when I did start on you boys it was the hardest thing to do.
Sure as days went on it was easier.
But it was all to protect you boys.
They have spies everywhere.
They never knew the real names just that there were identical.
I figured as long as I kept your identity hidden they would never find us.
You boys became stubborn, especially you thats when I started being hard on you boys...
John its not your fault.
Never think that.
I should have made the better choices it was my fault.
It was stupid of me to try and break your will.
My fear is I did break Cam's will.
With the way he latches onto you for saffety I can see he is weak." Jones sighed.
"Look I get it okay.
Sure you were abusive but you never went to far.
But Jones we will never trust you.
Of course Cam latches onto me I was the only thing safe in his life the only one that showed him he was loved as he did for me.
I get it, if you could go back and do things differently you might, at least that's what your implying.
But damage is done.
I will do my best to move forward pass all that and get Cam to also.
But trust me, you step out of line once, threaten us or our friends, I will not hesitate to make sure we get out of here after killing you." Johnny said as calm and as stern as he could with his heart beating so fast he thought he was going to pass out.
Jones stood and grabbed Johnny's arm to stop him before he coukd storm out, that was enough to make Johnny feel weak in the knees for fear he was going to get a beating of his life for his boldness.
Jones chuckled lightly and shook his head.
"I am surprise, you always find the nerve to be so bold with me after all I done to you...
Johnny I promise this time around I am on your side." Jones pulled him into a hug.
It was weird but Johnny felt safe like he remembered from when he was little.
Johnny wrapped his arms around around Jones as he started to sob.
Jones rubbed his back and soothed him.
"I'm so sorry Johnathan...
I really do love you boys and never wanted you harmed like they planned.
When Sarah offered to take you I should have allowed her or the Dawson's they to offered help.
If I could go back, I would change it all...
Cam come here." Jones smirked at Cam who was peeking around the corner.
Slowly Cam walked over, by the time he was in reach Jones pulled him into the hug.
Both boys sobbed as Jones to had tears.
Jerry watched from the door way...
Jerry never spent much time with his dad but what little he did, he had mixed feelings about him.
Jones is a complex guy, in one moment he could tear your head off the next he cares about you.
But thats the factor, Jones cares but has a hard time showing it.
His father was a hard man never showing love or care but Jones' big brother was always there for him.
One day Jones witnessed his father kill his brother.
Jones ran away ending up with the Night Walkers.
Jones traded one abuse for another.
He had an older friend that protected him for awhile but again he witnessed his death.
Eventually Jones figured his love and care was poison.
Duke was the one to convince him that was wrong and not the fact.
By than damage was done with the boys.
But Johnny remembered how different Jones was just at the factory.
"Jones at the factory you were different than.
You comforted me when I woke from that nightmare screaming for Cam.
I never notice the change than." Johnny said as he stepped back drying his eyes.
"I know again damage was done Cam was in the city alone and I knew if I didn't start showing you some sort of safety you might run and be captured alone by them...
Okay boys time for bed." Jones sighed as he led them back to their room.
Cam and Johnny snuggled together on the large bed.
"You think its one of his tricks?" Cam sighed as he stared up at the ceiling.
But if he keeps it up I'm good with it." Johnny shrugged.
Cam chuckled.
"Guess when you said you never wanted anything from him you lied?" Cam looked over at Johnny who was looking at him.
"Yeah I guess so.
Guess I lied to myself too." Johnny smirked.
"How long will his niceness last this time?" Cam asked.
"I thought you forgot about his spurts of niceness." Johnny chuckled.
"I chose to forget it I guess.
What was the point of holding onto that hope he be nice for a moment.
It hurt more knowing he could be nice if he felt like it." Cam sighed.
"Remember that time you came home with that report card?" Johnny chuckled.
"Yeah he made a big show of it like I won the lottery.
The was a nice week our birthday was that week too." Cam chuckled.
"I don't know did we just dwell on the bad?" Johnny pondered.
"No it was bad, he beat us a lot, if we back talked, didn't do the stunts just how he wanted it done and if we got caught sneaking out." Cam sighed.
"If you think about it you just said if we back talked what kid do sent get hit for that.
If we were taken by those guys and we back talked to them what would they do to us?
Or if we didnt know how to escape how would we get away from them if captured.
We made sure never to get caught sneaking out again." Johnny chuckled as did Cam.
"True we became ninjas at sneaking out.
Johnny are you saying it was alk apart of his training for us that he wasn't abusing us?" Cam asked as he looked over at Johnny.
"I don't know Cam.
I'm just trying to figure it all out." Johnny sighed as he rolled over to his side away from Cam, his way of saying just go to sleep now.
"Goodnight." Cam whispered as he rolled to his side tears rolled down his face.
Johnny heard Cam sniffling.
Johnny rolled back over and touched Cam's shoulder.
"I don't want to think about it anymore okay thats all.
Yes Cam I know it was abuse.
I just...
I don't know." Johnny sighed.
"you just want like the new Jones and are trying to rationalize it?" Cam shrugged with a sigh as he rolled over to face his brother.
Johnny wiped a tear off Cam's face with his thump before resting his hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah I think I am" johnny sighed as a tear escaped.
"Now you get what I was doing everyday trying to please him.
To shut him up and do the dumbest deadliest stunts he came up with.
I also did in hopes he back off and let you alone but that was pointless." Cam yawned as he pressed his forehead against Johnny's.
"Cam would we have ever survived without each other?" Johnny sighed.
"Odd question...
You maybe but I know I'd be a goner." Cam chuckled.
"So true." Johnny teased.
The just looked at echother in silance as the started falling asleep
Johnny left his hand on Cam's shoulder as they both fell asleep.
"Goodnight baby brother." Johnny smirked.
It annoyed Cam when they were twins but some how Johnny was older.
"Just sleep don't sweat it squirt." Johnny chuckled.
Cam just smirked at him.
At some point Johnny woke to Cam snuggled up against him whimpering in his sleep.
Johnny combed his fingers through Cam's hair instantly he started to relax.
Johnny was able to fall back to sleep once Cam was relaxed...
Jones happened to be walking pass.
The boys never closed their door growing up and he would always watched them as the slept peacefully as if nothing of the day happened.
But Jones couldn't sleep for how he would push them to their limit hitting them for being bold with him.
Sure he knew he was rough and the stunts were dangerous.
"Will I be able to undo the damages I done?" Jones sighed as he talked to Duke who joined him.
"Their tough boys.
I think if you give them time maybe.
But Jones its going to take a lot to get them to ever trust you." Duke sighed.
"Just as long as we can get them strong thats all I care about.
Trusting me is not the top priority.
But it would be nice.
Send a letter to the Black family let them know the boys are well and that...
they need a different name I feel like I'm saying something wrong calling them the mock trinity...
Darklings thats what we will call them.
Alert them that the Darlings have targeted the children with the the pure blood.
They need to start protecting the rest.
I'll have Jerry alert the holy city...
Jerry go tell your mom we have Octavia and the boy they rescued along with Luke assure her he is back with his father.
Oh Duke let the Blacks know their eldest boy is alive.
Tomorrow I will tell the twins who Jasper is." Jones smirked with a sigh as he watched the boys peacefully sleeping.
Jones went in and set the chair up so he could keep watch over them.
"This your new your thing now?" Johnny whispered with a slight smirk.
Jones walked over and sat next to him.
"Scoot over." Jones nuged as he settled down next to Johnny.
"You know where you get they from?" Jones smirked as he comes his fingers through Johnny's hair.
"You!?" Johnny looked surprised.
"You woke up feeling sick you we're four Cam followed suit oh man you kids made a mess.
After cleaning you both up we snuggled on the floor by the fire place can laid on one side of me as you laid on the other.
You two wouldn't relax till I started petting your heads.
Became a nightly thing till you to turned six.
But every night I watch as you two shoved your beds together and sleep you always took my place in calming Cam." Jones whispered as he told Johnny.
"I remember that." Johnny sighed as he turned his head to face Jones.
With tears in eyes johnny looked at the man he hated but longed for his approval.
"Promise me this isn't a trick dad." Johnny whispered.
Jones looked at Johnny surprised he still called him dad.
"I promise." Jones kissed the top of Johnny's head as he sobbed.
Duke watched as this new chapter in Jones and the twins life unfolded.
Duke had to keep a close eye on his baby brother to make sure he doesn't backslide into his old ways.
"Dad why doesn't Jones know about you?
Jerry knows." Luke asked as they peeked in.
"We were little when our dad tried to kill me.
I survived and Jones had already ran away.
We never saw each other again till way after you were born Luke it was during the prison at the N.W camp that saw him.
Luke you understand why I stayed away?
It was to protect you boys and my family.
Funny part they too are your cousins.
Bash is our baby brother but he was adopted by another family.
All the more reason Jones had a strong desire to protect those boys." Duke smirked as he ruffled his son hair as they walked back to their room where James was fast asleep...

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