Chapter 21 (Bad Idea)

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The boys ventured all the way up to the falls.
Sure enough there was a cave but no treasure.
They continued through and when they exited out the other side they came to a bridge that led to a village.
"Okay maybe we should head back." Johnny said as he pulled on Cam's shoulder.
But it was to late they were surrounded by warriors.
"We must have tripped an alarm." Cam mumbled as Johnny tried to stand protectively in front of him.
Johnny felt something sting his neck and within seconds he was in a heap on the ground.
Exposed and alone Cam sat by his brother as the warriors got closer.
Cam was grabbed from behind, they gagged and blindfolded him.
Cam tried to struggle but they were to strong for him...
"Where are they!?" Jones yelled.
I clipped a tracker on their necklaces.
Jones that's the forbidden forest right?" Jordan looked up nervously.
"Yes they must have ventured through the caves.
These people are no better than the Darklings." Jones sighed.
"How did you not feel them get up?" Duke snapped.
"Don't you blame me they're good at sneaking around.
Why didn't his alarm trip when they walked off our grounds!?" Jones snapped back.
"I was running tests." Jordan sighed.
"I'm not blaming you Jordan." Jones assured him.
"How do we get them back?" Duke asked with a sigh.
"You don't.
But Jasper and I might be able to get in but that's not the Forbidden City anymore..
Well I guess it still is with a new owner.
That's Bruce's land now, he attacked them a year ago and took hold of the land.
Jones if we go in there we too might not come out.
I don't know if Bruce knows about my betrayal." Luke sighed as he looked at his uncle than his dad.
"No I'm not risking it." Duke said.
"Well I am.
Those are my baby brothers in there.
I'm not leaving them to Bruce.
He's a Darkling and he too knows about our blood.
Before releasing me into Luke's care he did herendous tests on me.
I thought he was going to kill me." Jasper said as tears started to form as he was remembering what Johnny said happened to him before going to the factory.
"I know but I can't let you boys put yourselves in danger." Jones sighed as he and Duke stepped out of the room to discuss a plan.
Jasper and Luke were adults and already had their minds made up...
"Jones is going to beat the crap out of us when we get back." Luke chuckled.
"Provided they don't kill the four of us first." Octavia added as she and James joined them.
You cannot join us.
James go back now.
Bruce would love to use you as a torture for me, he has made threats of killing you slowly if I did anything he didn't like." Luke practically shoved James back the way he came.
"I'm an adult Luke I can handle myself." James scowled.
You being nineteen doesn't deem you adult.
Especially if you ignore a direct order from me." Luke grumbled.
"Look we'll stay hidden.
Your going to need backup." Octavia added.
"Thats sweet of you princess but trust me you two would actually be in the way.
It would be best and easier if it was just the two of us and my brothers when we escape." Jasper smirked at Octavia.
"No body calls me princess." Octavia jumped him sending him to the ground and held her dagger at his throat.
Jasper chuckled.
Luke rolled his eyes as he waited till the two love birds got this out of their system.
"Why are you laughing?" Octavia grumbled as she let him up.
"Because your cute." Jasper teased as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.
"I know you want to help but I love you to much princess." Jasper whispered in her ear as he have her a kiss.
Octavia melted in his arms.
She was falling in love with him too but she never wanted him to know that.
"Fine you two go get yourselves killed while I go tell your dad and Jones what your up too." Octavia tried to shove off but Jasper held onto her.
"Tell me you love me." Jasper smirked.
Octavia turned herself to face him.
She looked into those deep blue eyes and melted.
I like you." Octavia whispered.
Jasper smiled wide and kissed her on the forehead and hugged her tighter.
"Close enough." Jasper chuckled.
Octavia hugged him back.
"Don't you two die on me and bring those boys back." Octavia whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek.
"I'll try...
Well we'll try." Jasper smirked.
Jasper and Luke watched them to make sure they walked back to Jones' camp...

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