Chapter 14 (James' past)

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"No laughing!
James this is serious!
Ugh, if the Night Walkers catch you and you pull this stunt they'll kill you." Luke slapped his little brother in the back of the head.
I'm telling!" James pouted.
"No your not!
Now quit fulling around and do as I say." Luke snapped.
James just stood there with his little arms folded across his chest.
"Fine but tomorrow could you at least act like your trying to learn." Luke said as he hugged the boy.
James felt safe wrapped in his big brother's muscular arms.

James was a surprised birth their mother didn't even know, she assumed Luke was going to be her only child after her husband was killed in the war against the Night Walkers.
Luke was in fact enslaved in the N.W. camp but escaped a week before James was born and their mother passed, leaving Luke to raise the boy.
Luke was only eighteen at the time and not ready to care for an infant but he took on the challenge and others within their camp helped him.

When James turned thirteen he was placed in the scouting party with his brother who was against the idea but had no say in the matter.
Instead of protesting Luke made sure the boy he raised stayed close but James was a hard headed boy and was tired of his brother watching over him like a hawk.
Jame and some other boys decided to sneak away from the group to explore some old ruins which was a mall but to them it was a ruin.

As the boys explored and goofed around a Night Walker observed them while he was planning his attack.

"Look at this.
Must have been one of those arcades my dad told me about!" One if the boys exclaimed as he picked up the toy gun and aimed at the black screen, he made fake shooting sounds.
"Guys over here!" James called to them, the boys rushed over.
"This must be more of a play place, like an indoor playground." James said as he tested the sturdiness of one of the climbing parts.
"Let's try it out!" One of the boys rushed pass and started for the tube.
It could be weak or damaged!" James yelled but no sooner he said it the boy came down a slide giggling.
"Seems strong to me, in fact I swear we aren't the only ones to come here the insides are clean and shiny." That statement made James uncomfortable.

'James never go playing on those inside playgrounds they are Night Walker traps.' James suddenly remembered his brother telling him when he was younger.

"Mitch, Felix, Matty!
We gotta get out of here its a trap!" James yelled.
But it was to late.
They were surrounded.
The only way was through the play set. The boys went as high as the set went, James was able to get out and on top of the one tunnel and into the ceiling he could hear the other boys scream as he hid in a dressing room above that arcade.
Tears streamed down his face as he cupped his ears to drown out their screams.

"James!" Luke rushed in and grabbed him.
James almost cried out not knowing it was his brother but Luke covered his mouth.
"We'll discuss this later but for now let's get out of here.

They tried to sneak out but the place was crawling with Night Walkers and their troops.
"They know one is missing and they won't leave till they find you." Luke explained.
James just looked to his brother with tears in his eyes.
"I want you to go through there.
It will lead to the other camp, they will take you in, you will be trained to infiltrate the city.
Hear take this it was dad's, he gave it to me before he died and now its yours... James the next time we meet I will not be your brother but your enemy do not expect pity from me do you understand?" Luke was certain they would do something to make sure he became one of their drones this time.

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