Chapter 31 (Prison Break)

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Cam and Johnny where asleep when their dad woke them with Luke in toe.
He was helping with their training along with Malachi how wanted Vincent and Victor to train along with Jasper and James.
All the boys followed them out to the open field next to the horses.
"So why do we have to do this so early?" Johnny yawned and stretched.
Bash just smirked at his boy's sleepy complaint as he hung on Cam lazily.
It was clear the boys were not sleeping through the night.
Its been about two months since the imprisoned Jones and his brothers.
But the boys just couldn't relax.
Jumping at the slightest noise expect Jones to come in and ruin their safety.
Bash hears his boys sobbing.
When he goes to comfort them Miles and Jasper were already doing it.
Johnny seemed to be getting closer to his eldest brother Miles, as Cam will cling to any of them that care for him...
"You boys that already been through training, pair off and brush up.
Cam and Johnny show me what you can do." Bash watched as his boys tackled each other.
Cam you need to block.
Johnny stop moving so fast it has nothing to do with speed.
Okay say if Jones was standing infrot of you and grabbed your shoulder like so.
All you have to do is knee him in the groin and run like your pants are on fire." Bash chuckled.
"Yeah easier said than done.
Cam is usually with Duke or he's the one Jones has." Johnny sighed.
"Look I get you feel you need to protect Cam but your life is equally just as important.
He isn't going to kill him, its best one of you get away so you can get help." Bash explained to his boys.
"I know you can have all the training in the world and still feel vaunrable.
Look at Malachi he's a general and Jones still took him down.
But at least you know what you can do and hopefully can help you get less injuries.
Now Cam if Jones had ahold of you like this what do you do?" Bash wrapped his arms around Cam from behind and held him tight.
They heard Mitch yelling as he was running towards them with Daniel in toe.
"What's he saying?" Bash mumbled.
As he felt something hard hit him in the head and he let go of Cam as he fell to the ground.
"Dad!" The bays yelled as they suddenly focused on the attacker.
"Don't even think about running." Jones ordered as he pointed the tip of his sword against Bash's throat.
"Hault!" Jones ordered as the two came up behind Cam and Johnny.
"They got out." Daniel mumbled.
"Yeah we noticed." Johnny grumbled as he pushed Cam behind himself.
The other boys took off except Malachi and Luke.
"Let's go for a drive" Jones smirked as he hoisted Bash to his feet.
"Miss me baby brother?" Jones teased as he wrapped his arm around his neck and held him in a headlock.
"Just let the boys go you don't need them.
You have me." Bash pleaded.
"Yeah but I know I'm going to need leverage to keep you motivated baby brother.
Now if you can do all of their tests than they'll get a break.
I know you can do it even better than your children." Jones looked back at Cam and Johnny.
Miles came running up.
"Dad!"Miles was going to charge at Jones but Mitchell held him back.
"Go home Miles." Mitch said.
"No now that he's here he will join us.
The first born son of my baby brother is the most valuable after all." Duke chuckled as he came up behind and grabbed hold of Miles.
They shoved everyone into the back of the Humvee.
Jones chained Bash to the floor first followed by Miles, Daniel and Mitchell followed by Luke and Malachi.
Jones pulled Malachi aside before puting him in.
"Where you in on that little stunt Doc pulled with Johnny?" Jones was choking him as he pinned him to the side of the Humvee.
"No sir...
It wasn't till we were in the vehicle that I knew." Malachi started to gasp for air.
Chain him with the others I need to make a house visit.
Johnny let's go say good bye to you baby brother and sister.
Cam you as well.
Alex come with me you can keep Johnny in line.
As they neared the house the soldiers blocked their way.
"If anyone values these boys lives you will let us through.
Also I do have the Mitchell boys if we do not leave here they will be killed." Jones smirked as Tyler came out from behind O'Neil.
"Let them through." Tyler sighed.
Sarah stood with him and saw the new bruises and split lips.
"This one was mouthing off on our walk and that one decided to play hero." Jones smirked as Chase came running up to Johnny.
Ana caught him in time before getting near Jones.
Scarlet came out of her room followed by Kay each holding a baby.
Scarlet froze in shock handed Brian off to Ariel and sent them back into her room as she went to her boys.
"Can't you leave my babies alone." She scolded Jones as she hugged her boys that started crying.
"Now where would be the fun in that?
Was that a new set of twins?" Jones smirked as he grabbed hold of Cam who tried to keep hold of his mom.
Jones forced him towards the bedroom door.
"No your not going near them too!" Scarlet blocked his way and grabbed hold of her sons hand as Jones nearly had him perssed against her.
"Your going to deprive Cam and Johnny the chance to hold their little brother and sister one last time." Jones sneered as he put his dagger against Cam's throat.
Cam started to cry harder as his mom squeezed his hand assuring him she was still with him.
"Please let him be.
Haven't you put him though enough?" Scarlet asked calmly.
Jones smirked.
"There's still a lot more I haven't put them through." Jones chuckled as he pulled the dagger closer biting into Cam's skin.
Cam could feel the sting of the small cut followed by the warmth of his blood that started to trickle from the cut.
Johnny who was being held by Alexander off to the side saw and cried out.
"Mom please just let him go in." Johnny cried as he looked at her.
Johnny could tell the cut was deeper than usual.
Jones wasn't caring if he killed Cam and Johnny could scence it.
Jones looked over and smirked at Johnny.
"I listen to your baby boy sis..." Jones smirked.
"You are not family neither of your brothers are.
Only Sebastian and my children.
Your little gang are nothing more than cold hearted men and women." Scarlet snapped at Jones.
Johnny and Cam thought about that for a moment.
'How many siblings dose dad have?'
They were both startled out of that thoughts as Scarlet yelled at Jones and Cam felt the dagger bite in more.
Cam looked into his mom's eyes with fear.
"Please move aside mommy." Cam begged as tears streamed down his face.
Reluctantly she opened the door stepped in inside and moved so they could enter.
Jones shoved Cam into his mother as she checked the damage.
It was deep but not deep enough to cause alarm.
She ran to her bathroom for her first aid and sat Cam on her bed so she could clean the wound.
Jones grabbed Johnny and pulled him over to the infants snuggled together in the crib.
"Twins again.
Adorable they are one of each.
What are their names?" Jones asked Johnny who picked up Victoria who was starting to fuss, she instantly calmed in his arms.
"Brian and Victoria." Johnny kissed his baby sister as tears streamed down his face.
Johnny was tarified as Jones picked up Brian and cradled him.
"Pack what you need sis." Jones smirked at Scarlet.
"No, please no.
Their only babies." Scarlet pleaded as she was now holding onto Cam.
"All the more reason I am bringing you along.
Or do you want to miss out on watching them grow and miss out when these to really do turn eighteen?" Jones laid Brian in his crib and had Johnny lay Victoria on a blanket he laid on the dresser and swaddled her.
Johnny watched as Jones gently held her looking at her innocent face as she started squirming in his arms.
Johnny smirked.
'Smart baby.' Johnny thought to himself.
Jones gently gave her back to Johnny and got him situated with the baby wrap to safely hold her.
Jones walked over and grabbed Cam by the arm pulling him over next to Johnny while he got Cam fitted with the other baby wrap.
After swaddling Brian, Jones put Brian in the wrap and situated it better so Cam could comfortably hold his baby brother.
"Your choice Sis." Jones stood behind the boys hands on each shoulder.
After a moment of silence he grabbed the dipper bag and shrugged.
"At least they'll have their father." Jones smirked as he turned the boys to leave.
Let me pack.
And get them their things." Scarlet sighed.
Scarlet panicked as Ana and Chase ran in Jasper tried to stop them.
"Go pack we are going on a trip.
Alex go help them." Jones smirked as he ruffled Chases hair.
"Why are you doing this?" Scarlet asked as she packed.
"Because I want to keep my family together." Jones wrapped his arms around Cam and Johnny and held them close.
Johnny was glad to be staying with his parents but was equally concerned.
Only a few months ago Jones and Duke boasted about how they killed them.
What was his plan now?
Jones led everyone back into the foyer.
"If anyone follows or tries to be a hero I will toss a baby out while driving." Jones chuckled as he tightened his grip on Johnny who was already being protective and Jones saw that.
Jones glanced at Cam surprised to see that same protective way he saw in Johnny.
Jones smirked.
'Cam is finally growing up.' Jones chuckled to himself as he and Alexander led them out and soved everyone into the Humvee.
Cuffing them to the floor.
He put Cam and Johnny in the backseat where he carefully buckled them.
"I wouldn't kill something so helpless." Jones whispered as he kissed Victoria's little head than looked at Johnny with a smirk and ruffled his hair.
Jones walked around and did the same with Brian and Cam.
"What ever you do don't act like Johnny." Jones pulled Cam close and whispered in his ear as he squeezed hard on the back of Cam's neck.
Cam whimperd in pain.
Jones chuckled.
"There's my little scaredy cat." Jones chuckled as he gave Cam a kiss on the forehead.
When Jones let go and slammed his door shut the boys inched closer.
Johnny put his arm around Cam's shoulder and gave him a gentle squeeze.
"You okay?" Johnny whispered as Cam dried his eyes on his sleeve.
Than checked on Brian who was sleeping.
"Yeah we're okay." Cam whispered with a smirk as he looked at his baby brother sucking his little thumb.
Johnny grew concerned that Cam would easily be like him and protect Brian like he has been trying all of Cam's life.
"Cam please don't be like me." Johnny put his hand on Cam's face and made him lol him in his eyes.
Johnny smirked at his brothers confusion than sudden realization.
"I can't help it I look at him and I want to hurt anyone or thing that threatens him." Cam sighed.
"I know that feeling.
But Cam you can't.
You don't understand what happens to those who are trying to protect.
You have no idea how many times he's nearly killed me for protecting you.
Than to watch him still hurt you.
Cam don't take on that burden." Johnny said with a heavy sigh.
"I'd listen to your brother Cameron." Jones smirked as he turned to face them.
Both boys startled as Jones spoke as if they forgot he was there.
Johnny quickly tried to remember if he said anything that would cause Jones to hurt him.
Jones chuckled as if he could read Johnny's thoughts.
"Your okay Johnathan.
You in fact are doing very well with that conversation, do take your own advise as well.
I hate to start adding scars to that beautiful face." Jones smirked as he turned back to the front with a chuckle.
"Jones..." Johnny half whispered.
"Go ahead ask what you want." Jones turned back to face him.
"Why did you make us two and half years older?
I saw the certificate.
Cam and I just turned sixteen on their birth." Johnny spoke softly with a smiled while he looked at his baby sister who was looking up at him now.
"I have my reason.
But wasn't able now that you foiled my plans so I had to alter it.
Lucky for you two innocent boys." Jones smirked deviously as Cam look oblivious and Johnny started breathing heavy but tried to control it so not to frighten the infant.
"You were going to give us over to those Adult places the ones that pay top dollar for untouched young adults." Johnny spoke threw clenched teeth.
"Always my smart boy.
Yes Johnny I was.
But no need to worry about that, well we'll come back to that on your eighteenth birthdays but for now you'll stay the way you are.
Why do you think I didnt drag your girls along." Jones chuckled.
Cam was hyperventilating as realization hit him.
"You think they wouldn't know we were still just kids.
I mean come on dad saw it the moment he saw us?" Johnny snapped.
"Its all in the paperwork, if your certificates say your eighteen than your eighteen well now nineteen." Jones smirked.
"So why change plans now?
Not that I'm complaining." Johnny sighed as tears started to fall.
"Because your father has gotten into the main city data base and fixed both your dates.
What I have now is garbage." Jones grumbled.
"Johnny they did know when I was making my arrangements, where do you think Cam was going after his map test.
You were next, with intentions to keep you two separated long enough." Jones chuckled.
"Still don't get it, boy homes are allowed.
What's the difference?" Cam muttered.
"Those boy homes are not allowed the way you think.
What they are doing will get them killed if caught by the authorities.
But now the Adult apartments they are a different story, if your of breeding age its allowed.
They even have allowance to have their people used for the breading Camp if they have interesting stock." Jones explained.
The more Johnny thought about it the so called City they grew up in were no different than any of those places he grew to know about and hate.
They just follow legal ways, well what they deem legal and safer.
But still girls in the City at age fifteen can be chosen to marry a boy of eighteen.
Johnny sighed at all of this.
"Wait if you sold us you'd get your place back in the City?" Johnny narrowed his eyes.
"Thats right." Jones smirked.
"But why?
What's so valuable in there that is worth our innocents?" Johnny snapped.
"My place of honor.
I would become the ruler.
Than get you boys collected, hopefully before you'd gain experience." Jones had a look that started to bother Johnny.
"You didn't care if they touched us when we were like what now five and a half.
Mitchell saved me you know.
He told me he got to me before those kids could do anything.
Cam had Daniel.
But by than we were to in shock and just assumed we were.
But you didn't care.
Was it a test to see if we were ready or would be ready one day?
But you said top dollar for innocent." Jonny started getting upset causing his baby sister to fuss.
"Yes it was a test to see if you two would fight them off.
I was going to test it again on your fake birthday but than we got sent to the factory and than everything else that has happened messed up my plans.
Don't worry Johnny I don't blame you for all of it.
But I'd watch yourselves.
One screw up and I will send you to the overseas one.
Than I'd love to see you get yourselves out of that one.
Not knowing their language.
No proper papers, you would be tossed into their prisons.
You know what happens to pretty boys in prison?" Jones smirked as he turned to face out the front window again.
"Victoria needs mom so dose Brian." Johnny said threw tears.
Alexander pulled over and unbuckled Johnny while Jones got Cam.
"Help your mother get the wrap on.
Cam you wait with Alex till johnny And I  come out."
The boys did as told.
Johnny handed His baby sister to his mom and helped her get comfortable with the infant.
"Johnny what's wrong?"" Scarlet asked as Johnny cried in her embrace.
"I know why he made us two and a half years older.
He was going to sell us to be slaves for that Adult apartment." Johnny mumbled into her shoulder.
Scarlet looked at Jones with such hatred.
Scarlet handed Ana, her baby sister.
"Can I please stretch my legs and I need to talk to you." Scarlet tried to stay as calm as possible.
Did the snitch tell you?" Jones glared at Johnny as he undid Scarlets ankle cuff.
He grabbed Johnny by the front of the shirt and drug him out first.
Johnny fell out by the way Jones was pulling him.
Johnny stood there shacking with fear as they waited for Scarlet to come out.
"Have him give the infant to Chase than buckle him back in while we three take a walk." Jones growled as he pulled Johnny along with his mother.
"Ease up your hurting him." Scarlet snapped as they walked deeper into the woods.
Johnny was crying for fear of what Jones was planning.
Jones knew it, Scarlet just assumed it was because he was in pain.
"No Scarlet your baby is terrified of his punishment." Jones grabbed Johnny by the hair and tossed him into a dilapidated cabin.
Johnny coughed as he slammed into a dusty mattress.
"You leave my son alone." Scarlet jumped on Jones back.
He easily flipped her off over his shoulder slamming her back onto the floor boards.
"Mom!" Johnny was about to rush at Jones but Scarlet grabbed him.
"Johnny no!" Scarlet said as she pulled him down to her side.
Jones chuckled at the two huddled together.
"Isn't that nice Johnny, having your mommy to hold you when I hurt you." Jones growled as he grabbed Johnny by the hair and tried forcing him to his feet but Scarlet wasn't letting go.
"You know you are hurting you son?" Jones smirked as he put his hand over Johnny's mouth to muffled his screams.
Scarlet reluctantly let go.
"Now stay put." Jones kicked her in the side.
"Leave her alone!" Johnny tried to fight Jones off but he held onto him and pulled him into another room and locked him in there.
"Shut up or I'll kill her." Jones said and listened to Johnny quiet down and slumped to the floor in defeat and cry.
"He really is a good kid when he realizes who's boss.
Now as for you.
I don't even care about what he just let you know, keep in mind, I am the one in control.
I have your other boy along with your loving husband.
Duke is taking care of them and if anything happened to myself or Alexander you will never see them again.
Now go back to the vehicle." Jones ordered.
"Wait what?" Scarlet stood up holding her side.
"Go back to the vehicle." Jones said slow as he took out his dagger.
What are you planning to do to my son!?" Scarlet yelled.
Johnny heard them, he started looking around for an escape.
Obviously Jones was planning to hurt him.
"Teach him to keep his mouth shut." Jones said as he grabbed her by the hair and shoved her outside.
"I better see you at the vehicle or I will do more damage than planned to your boy." Jones smirked as he slammed the door in her face.
Johnny curled into a small tight closet he found.
Jones smirked as he entered and heard Johnny's sniffles.
Jones squatted down and looked in the closet.
"When will you learn Johnny?" Jones chuckled.
"I'm sorry...
I didn't know it was such a big deal I told her...
I didn't even tell her all of what you told me...
Just that you planned to sell us to that Adult apartment...
If I knew you didn't want me to tell her I wouldn't have." Johnny said as he rested his head on his knees looking at Jones while hugging his legs to his chest.
"Tell you what since you didn't mouth off for once and your mother did hold you back from going at me I won't hurt you this time.
You tortured yourself enough by worrying yourself about what I'd do to you.
Now come out of there." Jones said as he grabbed Johnny's arm and pulled him out.
Jones saw Johnny's arm was bleeding.
"What happened!?" Jones pulled out his first aid kit he planned to use after hurting Johnny.
"There was a nail I think." Johnny whinced in pain as Jones gave him a shot.
"Just in case so you don't get tetanus.
Remind me to give Cam his shot." Jones said as he continued cleaning the cut.
"What were you going to do?" Johnny asked as he dried his eyes with his sleeve.
"Doesn't matter.
Look at me...
Even because I now have your parents doesn't mean you can disrespect me.
They are just two people I now have control over.
That is all they are.
Understand." Jones forced Johnny to look at him.
"Yes sir." Johnny all but whispered.
"Let's go." Jones grabbed Johnny by the arm and forced him to the door.
Unfortunately Scarlet was there waiting with a pipe she swung at Jones who caught it and yanked it out of her hand.
Johnny stood there in shock not sure what to do, he heard Jones say he was going to hurt him if she stayed.
She not only stayed but plotted in harming Jones.
Jones looked at Johnny who stood frozen in fear.
"You know at this point I have to say he is smarter than you.
I did warn you I would do more damage to him if you were still here.
You not only stayed, you planned to hurt me yet!" Jones yelled as he swung the pipe in the direction off Johnny.
The last thing Johnny remembered was his mom screaming...

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