Chapter 8 (The Village)

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As they entered into the village there were lots of children playing or doing chores, some were even being trained. Raven, Cam and Johnny were in awe of the buildings, the only time they saw anything like it was in a book but even that didn't do justice of what their eyes beheld.
"Jake is this the most amazing thing you have ever seen?" Raven gasped as he dismounted.
"Yes it is." Jake looked back at Aussie with a questioning look.
"Its safer being up high than on the ground, because of the creatures that lurke these days." Aussie explained as he took the gear off the horse and tossed it in a bin that vacuumed sucked it to where no one but the residents knew.

"Aussie what are these creatures you keep mentioning?" Raven asked as he investigated the bin cautiously with Cam.
"Please back up boys the bin is not human tested...
As for the creatures well that's for your teacher to tell you and I am not referring to young Jake here...
As for you boy if I remove your restraints promise to behave?" Aussie smirked at the still gaged and bound Justin who looked like a terrified child. Justin gave a nod as soon as he was free he stood behind Jake and James for protection.
Aussie chuckled but Jake couldn't find the humor, he was just pleased Justin still trusted him for protection.

"Justin look where we are going to live. We are going to be like owls." Cole excitedly said as he tugged on him.
He picked the child up as to protect him.
Cole leaned back slightly to look at his face.
The child smiled.
"I've missed you big brother." He whispered than wrapped his arms around Justin's neck and hugged him.
A stray tear escaped from Justin's eyes as he squeezed and snuggled the boy. Jake knew all Justin has known was now shattered but it was for the best.

"I hate to break up this reunion but we only have a small window of opportunity to remove those trackers before they have our location." Simon explained. "Okay let's do this, I can remove mine and theirs you work on the others.
Jake I know you and James also know how to remove them.
Where is your med tent set up?" Justin inquired.
"This way follow me." A young firey red head said in a cooing voice.
Johnny and his little group stuck with Jake's

"Is it going to hurt?" Cole pouted.
Justin sighed.
"I'm going to remove his first.
Johnny would you please hold him and keep his arm still." Justin instructed. "The gaurd can be polite after all." Raven sarcastically said.
Mason the rational one ignored him as he sat with Cole on Johnny's lap.
Johnny held onto Cole as tight as he could and looked to Raven to help hold his arm out so Justin could remove the chip.
The boy screamed and cryed as Justin cut into his arm.
Johnny hated it reminded him of when he was branded.
"Johnny you okay?" Justin asked as he saw tears streaming down Johnny's face.
"Yeah just memories." Johnny sighed as he watched Justin gently clean the small slice.
Justin smiled the JB carved on Johnny's wrist.
"You were lucky he didn't nick a vain." Justin sighed.
"He did on both me and Cam.
Took us both to the medical clinic the poor use to keep my identity a secret." Johnny sighed.
"If I even cross paths with that fraud I will kill him." Kurt grumbled as he walked in.

Once everyone was dechiped Aussie led them to the wash station, Cole was still pouting from his dechiping.
"I don't want a bath I want mommy!" He yelled and cried and squrimed out of Raven's hold.
It was Thomas who scooped the boy up again.

"Hey there lady, we gotta stop meeting this way." Thomas said as he picked him up.
"It hurts I don't want to take a bath.
Do I have to?" Cole pouted and pointed at his already sealed up wound.
"I know your hurting lad but the bath will help clean your wound and make you feel better so you can sleep without being smelly and itchy." Thomas said as he pretended to sniff and smell something awful and tickled ever so lightly on is back making Cole giggled. He handed Cole back over to Raven.
"Thank you." Raven smiled.
Johnny let the hot water roll down his back it felt good to get a shower.
Jake walked pass Johnny's stall when he saw the scars on his back.
And than the same for Cam.
"Say Cam, Johnny after I want to talk to you two okay." Jake said from his stall.
"Sure." They both muttered.
They waited on in the dressing room where they wore the provided dark brown sweats.
"I saw the scars on your backs what happened?" Jake sat on the bench across from them.
"That guy who pretended to be our dad if we did something he didn't like or just because he wanted he'ed beat us with whatever he could get his hands on." Johnny sighed.
"Cam I'm sorry ignored the warning signs when I was with my mentor when you went through training." Jake sighed.
"Its cool you were a kid too.
You had your own trumma being ripped from your parents who actually loved you.
We actually wished they took us too but we were infants." Cam shrugged.
They all walked out together as a man who resembled the boys stood speechless in front of them.
"Kurt told me you boys were here." Bash all but whispered as he walked up and wrapped them into a hug come your mother and Brother will want to see you boys." Bash smiled wide as he grabbed their wrists and pulled them to his home on the farside.
Scarlet was cooking away while Chase read from his Bible tag.
"Mom was the biochemical the end revelation is talking about?" Case asked.
"No its just something man did." Bash walked in wrapping his arms around Chase from behind and kissed the top of his head.
"Hi dad.
Mom dad's home he brought guests." Chase giggled as his dad tickled him.
"Tattle tale." Bash kissed his cheek.
"Bash I really wish you would warn me now I..." Scarlet turned around speechless as she stared at her two boys.
Anastasia come in here please!" Scarlet called out for her daughter who was lounging in her room.
"Seriously what is with this family and dramatics.
Can't i.." Ana stood in the hall way looking at her brothers.
"Wait these are my missing brothers?" Ana looked at her parents with shock.
Anastasia was fourteen Chase seven.
"My babies." Scarlet cried as she hugged them.
"Mom your freaking them out." Ana muttered as Bash forced Ana to step closer.
"Correction you and dad are freaking me out." Ana teased.
Everyone chuckled at her.
"You boys like cream broccoli soup and grilled cheese?" Scarlet asked as she walked back over to the stove.
"Never had either.
That other guy gave us canned foods." Johnny shrugged.
"Well I think you'll love it.
Ana go get them settled in there room.
Bash why don't you get a few old clothes you don't wear anymore out of the pack for them to go through." Scarlet said as she when back to cooking.
Chase ran off with them.
"Mom and dad insisted on having a room for you two to share just in case.
Chase and I wanted to turn it into a studio to paint and draw the light is the best in here.
Do you like to draw?" Ana asked as she watched them look around at the baby stuff and other things that their parents gathered for them.
"The closet is filled with every years birthday gifts.
Chase and I got you these for your eighteenth.
The blacksmith made it.
Kurt told us about the guy who had you." Ana smirked as she handed them each small boxes.
Inside were pocket knifes that also had lock picking tools.
Their names elegantly carved on both sides.
"Thank you." Johnny smirked at Ana who looked pleased with her gift.
"Yeah Johnny loves to draw.
I like doing tricks with my cards." Cam smirked.
"Don't do that here.
The man who had you was a sorcerer his tricks are band." Chase gasped.
"Chase that is not true.
Cam its perfectly fine ignore this wild imagined child.
I know how to do card tricks too." Bash chuckled as he scooped up the giggling seven year old.
"I know its kinda odd but we just never got over loosing you too and we gathered  things we thought you'd like.
Dinner is almost ready.
You two let them get settled.
The baby blankets were yours left behind from when he took you both." Bash sighed as he got the kids and himself out of the room.
Cam and Johnny flopped on the beds.
"Is it weird how comfortable I feel?
Like I came home from a long trip." Cam looked over at Johnny.
"No cause I feel it too." Johnny chuckled.
"Boys dinner is ready." Scarlet yelled as Chase ran in and jumped on Johnny's bed.
"May I help you?" Johnny chuckled at the boy who laid on him and stared in his face.
"Are you like my big brothers now? And now you can boss Ana around for bossing me around." Chase inquired.
"I don't boss." Ana pushed him as he sat up.
Cam grabbed her and pulled her to the bed to sit next to him.
"Well your not proving your case." Johnny chuckled.
"Well I don't know about bossing but we will be here for you two now." Cam smirked as he hug Ana.
"Good cause it gets scary when mom and dad have to go scouting." Ana sighed.
"Its not like your left alone completely." Bash frowned from the door way.
They all gathered around the table.
"Thank you heavenly Father for sending your son to die for our sin so we can come to you and thank you for protecting my boys bringing them back to us.
I know it may not feel like it but you were there protecting them every moment I could not.
Thank you for blessing this years crop and animals.
This has been a very blessed year for a lot of us.
Amen" Scarlet prayed before meal.
"You know I think your right how it might not have felt like we were protected.
I know a few things we should have died from or got seriously injured from we survived." Johnny said as he buttered a roll for Chase who planted himself between Cam and Johnny.
"So what kind of tricks can you do?" Ana asked.
"Well we can escape just about anytht.
Cards Johnny dose some cool coin tricks but we can both do everything the same.
He made sure we did and looked exactly the same except for these." Cam said as he showed Chase the homemade tattoo.
Bash grabbed his arm and frowned at the mark.
"He wanted to make sure he could tell us apart.
Johnny has his initials." Cam sighed with a shacky breath.
"How bad was it with him?" Scarlet asked.
"Bad he beat us.
Forced us to learn those escapes or tricks.
His me from the city I didn't exist.
Cam did but with strict rules to go to school and come straight home if he took long or kept after I'd get beat till Cam came home." Johnny sighed.
Scarlet was going to say something but Bash stopped her.
"Look at me boys...
You don't have to think about it anymore your safe now.
The girls you were with are you married yet?" Bash asked.
"No not yet.
Why?" Johnny asked.
"Your still kids.
I'm not going to stop you from marrying I just like a chance to know you and them.
Being Theo's nieces I'm sure they are nice but I think eighteen is to young to be a husband." Bash chuckled.
"To tell you the truth I was nervous about it to." Cam said in a quiet voice.
"Well their is no rush when you four or two are ready than we'll prepare till than just enjoy each other and strengthen that bond that will make for a lasting relationship." Scarlet smiled at the thought.
After diner the boys retired to their room...
"Johnny!..." Cam bolted straight up screaming.
Bash ran in to see both boys on the bed as Johnny tried to calm Cam.
"What happened?" Bash asked as he sat on the bed.
Cam let go if Johnny and went to Bash.
"He had a nightmare." Johnny sighed.
"Dose that happen alot?
Are you okay?" Bash lokjex at Johnny with concern.
"Yeah it started from the time he locked us in this sealed box together we both suffocated me first than Cam and because we couldn't escape he beat us." Johnny explained.
"Did he focus his anger on you more?" Bash felt he already knew.
"Yeah but he forced Cam to watch him torture me.
But trust me Cam got his fair share."
Johnny sighed.
"I'm so sorry I let the nurse take you out of my sight." Bash cried as he pulled Johnny into a hug too.
Scarlet watched as her men broke.
She quietly walked over and hugged all three.
"I know its going to take time but you are safe now.
We are always here for you if you need to talk." Scarlet said as she tucked Johnny into bed.
She lounged next to him as Johnny snuggled up to her while she combed her fingers through his hair.
Johnny liked being cared for usually he was the one caring for Cam.
Cam fell asleep curled into his dad's embrace...

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