Chapter 32 (Captured yet again)

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Jones swung the pipe at Johnny...
Scarlet screemed...
Johnny stood frozen in fear as wood flew everywhere...
Jones slammed the pipe inches from Johnny's face smashing the old building instead.
Still in shock Johnny just stood there as Jones punched him in the face half knocking him out.
Johnny laid there dazed as Jones and Scarlet yelled at each other.
At some point Jones smacked Scarlet.
Usually this would have Johnny up and attacking.
Johnny couldn't figure out what was wrong, he felt like Cam.
"What did you give me?" Johnny finally slurred as he tried to get up.
"Good it works on you too." Jones smirked as he grabbed Johnny by the arm and forced him to his feet.
You've been drugging Cam all this time?
But he never acted like he was drunk." Johnny shook his head and reluctantly leaned against Jones as they walked back.
"Because I been giving it to him since birth.
This is your first time.
Now I know how to make you two really identical." Jones chuckled as he held on to Johnny helping him keep his balance.
Scarlet glared back at Jones.
Johnny frowned at the purple color on her cheek.
"If you had something to make me more like Cam why didn't you use on me too instead of beating me?" Johnny whispered as he looked at the ground as they walked back to the vehicle.
"All apart of the tests." Jones smirked as Alex took Scarlet and shoved her in the back where her babies were all sleeping.
Cam sat wide eye watching his brother climb into the vehicle with Jones help.
Once Jones buckled him in making sure the lock ingaged he slammed the door shut.
Johnny laid his head on Cam's lap and started to cry.
Cam combed his fingers through his brothers hair trying to calm him.
"What happened out there?" Cam tried to ask.
"Cam give me your arm." Jones snatched his wrist and pulled him close giving him a shot.
"Now relax, you two will be asleep soon." Jones smirked as he covered Johnny than lifted his head so Cam could cover up than set Johnny's head back on Cam's lap.
"You finally gave Johnny the shot too?" Alexander chuckled.
"Had no choice.
Kid was so freaked out.
I couldn't hurt him, not after he didn't even know why he should be so afraid.
I think I finally broke him." Jones smirked at the two boys.
Johnny was fighting the effects to glare at Jones.
"Or not." Jones smirked as Johnny snuggled closer to his brother the best he could with the seat belt.
When the boys woke they were in a dungeon cell with Jasper, Miles and Malachi.
"Where are we?" The boys woke in the only bed in there.
"Hey just stay relaxed Jones gave you two something." Miles said as he sat leaning against the bed.
"Where's everyone else?" Johnny asked trying to sit up but cried as his head started pounding.
"Why dose my head feel like its going to explode?" Johnny cried as he buried his head back into the pillow.
"I told you, he injected you two with something.
Before he left he said this would happen." Miles sighed as he got on the other side to comfort and calm Johnny.
"Make it stop." Johnny cried as he turned and buried his face into Miles side.
Mile gently rubbed his head and neck trying to relieve the pressure if that was possible.
Johnny cried himself back to sleep as Cam turned and put his hand on his brother's shoulder.
"How you feeling?" Jasper asked as he sat next to Cam who rolled over to him.
"Okay I guess but I didn't try to sit up." Cam sighed.
"Let's not do that yet." Jasper teased as he poked Cam's ticklish spot by mistake causing Cam to giggle.
"Well now I know your ticklish." Jasper sighed at the years he missed playing with his little brothers and protecting them along with Miles and his twin Chris which they still don't know if he was alive.
You ever gonna tell them about Chris?" Jasper whispered.
"I don't know if we should tell them about a brother we don't even know is alive." Miles sighed as he thought about the last time he saw Chris.
They were both thirteen when they got separated and sold.
"He could be alive." Jasper sighed.
"No he was a lot like Cam.
Not that it was wrong." Miles sighed.
When they were separated it tore Miles apart loosing his twin, his soulmate, the only person he knew and felt safe with.
"I moved on, you should to, you never even knew him." Miles said as tears threatened to fall.
"Sorry its just I don't want to think about any of us being gone.
I mean look at them.
Thinking that one day I'd see them alive kept me from going mad and here they are.
Granted not exactly the way I wanted to be reunited and live but still we are all together." Jasper smirked as his big brother pulled him close and kissed him on the head.
"I know little brother.
I just hate giving my hopes up, especially when it comes to a twin its harder.
I don't know why or how to explain it." Miles sighed as he looked down at his sleeping baby brothers.
"Its because of the bond in the womb, you guys were once one than you split but in away your still connected.
That's why you can feel each others pain or just scence things even when you didn't experience it." Malachi said as he sat leaning against the wall were Miles was but more at the foot of the bed.
"How do you know this?" Miles smirked.
"I like to read and like Johnny I just remember things." Malachi shrugged as he rested his head against the cold stone wall and closed his eyes.
"Malac if we lived a normal life, if the bio war never happened.
What did you want to be?" Jasper whispered as he combed his fingers through Cam's hair when he started whining in his sleep.
Malac waited till Cam and Johnny were relaxed again.
"I wanted to be a doctor for kids.
At one of the homes I stayed in I had to care for a bunch of hurt and sick kids.
Granted I was one of them but I don't know it just felt like it was something I had to do.
When I saw them at first it wasn't so great.
I was kinda harsh but than we connected like we known each other growing up." Malac sighed.
As they all jumped when they heard screams coming from the torture room.
"Victor and Vincent.
I saw Alexander take his boys in there." Malac quickly wiped away tears that fell.
Victor and Vincent were like his baby brothers.
"Hey its okay you don't have to be a tough guy.
We all cry." Miles teased.
Malac chuckled as tears still fell.
"How are they?" Jones spoke as he entered.
They all sat there trying to figure out how long Jones was standing there.
"Don't worry I wasn't spying on you boys.
I have a life...
Malac I tried to get Alex to leave his boys alone but he's more stubborn than me." Jones smirked as he checked on Cam.
"Cam sit up you need to drink some water and take these." Jones helped Cam sit up and handed him two red pills.
"These are the same pills you gave Johnny after you electrocuted him." Cam said staring at the pills as he started hyperventilating.
"They help with a lot of ailments its the herbs they are made with." Jones assured him.
Cam sighed as he took them and downed his water, than leaned against his big brother as he hugged Cam who was clearly afraid.
Johnny jumped practically out of his skin and started crying in pain after Jones woke him.
"Take this it will help." Jones put two red pills in his hand.
"No!" Johnny snapped with tears still flowing from the pounding headache as he leaned against Miles.
"Excuse me?" Jones looked at him sternly.
Johnny sighed and reluctantly took the pills and finished his water.
"Come on let's go get you boys all settled into your bedroom its to damp down here." Jones said as he watched the older boys help Cam and Johnny who were weak from the injection and now the pills.
Miles handed Johnny over to Malac.
Miles kept Jones back while the rest followed Duke.
"What did you give my baby brothers?" Miles narrowed his eyes at Jones.
"Always the protector.
It really will help them.
Right now have no intentions on harming them.
Your dad is doing what we agreed.
Which reminds me you have a twin right.
Well bet you think he was gone for good.
But your Aunt, my sister and her husband raised him.
Lucky for him they took him he had an easy life unlike any of you boys.
He became a replacement for their kid, who knew my sister had a nice bone in her body." Jones smirked as he put his arm around Miles shoulder.
"He's alive?
Where is he?" Miles looked at Jones with eyes that finally lit up.
"There's that spark I thought I'd never see again." Jones pulled him close as they walked up the stairs into the living area which wasn't much better clearly the place hasn't been lived in or taken care of.
Jones led them up another flight of stares passed their parents room where they could hear one of the babies fussing and Ana arguing about something and Chase crying.
"Why do you have them too isn't it enough you already screwed up Dad's life and ours.
Do you really need our mom and the new twins along with Anastasia and Chase?"
Miles sighed.
"Yes I do need them and I don't have to explain why." Jones smirked as he shoved Miles into the room slamming the door.
Well its roomy Johnny sighed as they walked around...

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