Chapter 24 (Eternal City)

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Cam and Johnny sat against a high wall in the hot desert sand.
"What just happened?" Johnny said as he tried to stand with Cam's help.
"In short not a clue." Cam muttered as he looked up at the high sandstone wall.
"There's a long version?" Johnny smirked.
"Well kinda, from what happened at the dungeon to that bright flash but after that blank." Cam smirked at his brother who was still leaning on him.
"Yeah kinda on the same page there myself." Johnny chuckled as he touched the wall to make sure it was real.
"Don't move!
Place both hands on the wall!" A commanding voice ordered.
The boys were still afraid and did as told without argument.
"How did you Darkling scouts get here?" The same man asked as they were searched for weapons.
"Malac this one is injured." A younger boy took hold of Johnny and supported him as he and another rushed him inside.
"Are you kidding me he's...
Oh for crying out loud let's go." Malac grumbled as he grabbed Cam's arm and followed his young apprentices.
"When are you two going to listen to me?
You can't save every injured Darkling scout we come across.
They could kill you in a second." Malac grumbled as they waited for Doc to check Johnny's injuries.
"Yeah they look real scary.
This one hasn't even looked at you the whole time you sat him in the chair.
Any half wit can see he's petrified, he hasn't stopped shivering once.
The other looks like he was thrown into a wall." The boy who was almost Malac's height pointed out.
Cam looked at him when he mentioned Johnny being tossed into a wall.
"Well I made more progress than you would have scaring him during your intarigation." The boy smirked.
"Carful Vincent.
Your on a fine line of getting yourself put back into the kitchen." Malac teased.
"Hey kid what's your name?" Vincent knelt in front of him.
I'm eighteen.
I'm not a kid." Cam muttered softly.
"Trust me tough guy your still a kid." Vincent teased.
"What's your brother's name?
Was he really tossed into a wall?" Vincent continued.
Cam looked up into Vincent's soul piercing blue eyes.
Cam always thought he Johnny had those kind of eyes but this guy had them beat.
"Yeah he was by some shadow demon thing...
His name is Johnny.
We were chipped but the chip releases a toxin if removed." Cam sighed.
"Man I am on fire." Vincent smirked at Malachi who was ready to slap him for his cocky attitude.
"Don't worry kiddo we know all about the chips.
Speaking of chips you hungry?" Vincent made a small bag appear out of thin air Cam smirked as he took the bag.
"We can do that to." Cam said with a grin.
"Not like I can.
Secret is I had it stowed away with my spiritual armor, makes a good icebreaker for frighten kids." Vincent winked as he sat next to Cam all pleased with his progress.
Malac just grumbled to himself.
"Don't mind him he always has a chip on his shoulder." Vincent teased as the other boy removed a chip off Malac's shoulder and ate it.
Malac tackled him for being in on it.
"Victor, Vincent, I had with you two goofing around, can't either of you take things seriously?"Malachi grumbled as he held Vic in a headlock.
"Nope." Vic chuckled.
"If your done goofing around Malachi I like to discuss the boy's condition.
Please bring his brother in so I can also remove his chip." Doc smirked at Cam who giggled.
Malac grumbled as he roughly yet gently grabbed Cam's arm and drug him into the room.
Doc gave Cam a shot that would neutralize the toxin.
"I gave you a local anastetic you should only feel a little pressure.
As for the other boy he has mild concussion.
so we need to keep an eye on him, slurred speech, confusion, dizziness..." Doc started explaing.
"Nausioa, vomiting, try and keep him alert and if he goes to bed wake him every hour, ask questions he should know." Cam mumbled.
"Been down this road before?" Doc chuckled as he cleaned the site and used medical glues to seal it.
"Yeah we got hurt a lot during our dads illusions we performed." Cam sighed as he looked at Johnny who was asleep.
"Well I am monitoring his brain activity so we don't have to wake him.
Now I want to give you a physical.
Any head injuries?" Doc asked as he handed Cam a hospital gown and had him change in the bathroom.
"Yeah..." Cam mumbled as he came out and moved his bangs to reveal his wound.
"Well they did a fairly good job closing it up." Doc half frowned as he saw it was clearly wanting to blead again.
Doc had Cam lay on the bed while he checked it.
"Just what I feared its infected.
Malachi please get that herb jell Newt makes.
That stuff works wanders.
Newt is a smart kid.
You'll like him." Doc talked to Cam as he tended to cleaning and cutting away the dead skin.
Doc made a sound that turned Cam's stomach.
Doc saw the concern in Cam's eyes.
"Oh sorry...
I hate when people play doctor and have zero clue on how to properly clean the wound to avoid infection and gangrene." Doc sighed.
"What's gangrene?" Cam asked.
"Your from that glorified city slash prion aren't you?" Doc smirked as he shook his head.
"That's another thing that annoys me.
That city only teaches you what they want, the rest you have to figure out on your own.
Worse you don't.
Even their medical team is a bunch of teenagers playing doctor." Doc sighed.
"So did I have gangrene?" Cam asked as he tried to look up without moving his head.
"Gangrene!?" Johnny sat up and was already at Cam's side.
Could you catch him please."Doc muttered as Malachi and Johnny looked at him confused.
Suddenly Johnny felt faint.
"How the heck did you know?" Malachi asked as he laid Johnny back into the bed.
"The neutralizer.
If Cam were to stand he too would fall over." Doc smirked.
"Okay time for you boys to rest.
You can harass them maybe tomorrow if I decide to give them a clean bill of health.
Meanwhile get their clothes clean and tell the tailor to use their clothes as a size reference for mor clothing." Doc ordered as he handed Malachi two bags with the clothes in it.
Malachi grumbled something as he walked out.
"That will keep him busy and off your back.
The tailor as a young girl who has a crush on him and she won't let him leave so quickly.
Granted she's only thirteen.
Kinda resembles you two, we found her and her little brother.
Their names are Anastasia and Chase." Doc said as he made sure their IVs were working and their vitals were stable.
Both Johnny and Cam started to worry.
"Where was mom and dad where did you find them?" Johnny sat up this time ignoring not about to let himself give into the faint feeling.
Cam on the other hand was slightly weaker.
"Johnny relax.
As for now I am assuming your parents they weren't with them and neither knew what happened.
All they knew they were looking for their brothers and a few other kids that suck out.
The two insisted on being allowed to join the search.
But were told to stay home.
Ana said they wandered off the border to search some ruins.
They were ambushed brought out here to the city where sodom once stood and trust me its just as bad if not worse.
We sent scouts to the city to traid for supplies and people especially children.
Malachi saw Ana and her brother it took everything he had to tried for those two.
They must have known their value or the fact they were young and untouched." Doc frowned.
"You mean virgins?" Cam whispered.
Luckily they threw to other girls in when they wanted something else he had it was his grandfathers watch.
Luckily our two boys you met are good at slight of hand, they were able to get it back for him." Doc smirked.
"Wait to girls?
Are their names Kay and Ariel?" Johnny asked as he sat on the edge of his bed.
"Yes I figured if you knew the other two you'd know the girls.
I'll send them to check on you.
And assure Malachi you boys are no threat." Doc smirked.
He left so the boys could rest while he did their blood work.
"So how are they?" Vincent asked peeking back as Doc closed the door.
"They'll live.
Why are you two sitting out here like guards?" Do inquired as Vic slept in the other chair on the otherside of the doorway.
"Malac is paranoid.
So are they like us?" Vincent asked.
"I think they might be related to you.
Your dad never talked about his family?" Doc sighed as he anilized the blood.
"You mean while he chained us up and beat us or when he made us learn slight of hand and other tricks that nearly killed us." Vincent sighed.
"I'm sorry I forget you boys had a horrible up bringing.
Alexander is one with the Darklings he is incapable of loving anything." Doc sighed as he thought of the day he rescued the boys from Sodom.
They were fifteen at the time.
"Its cool Vic thinks its good to talk about it but I don't know I feather pretend it never happened.
You know this is the first time you sounded as if you knew him." Vincent looked at his rescuer slash new dad.
"I did I was his medical stage when you boys were much younger.
We use to talk he would mention his twin Sebastian and how his older brother beat him to taking you boys.
Alexander was furious.
He was determined to find them.
But your uncle had help and kept them well hidden even while using them I  his performances.
I worked in the free clinic I can say one thing he didn't show love either bit he wasn't as cruel as your father." Doc sighed.
"They lived a life like us?" Vincent looked back at the door, he could see through the window.
Johnny had got in bed with Cam.
"He's like me with Vic." Vincent chuckled.
"He is protective of his brother.
But Vic is tougher than Cam.
But than yet you boys had a longer time to heal and had Malachi as a trainer and mentor." Doc chuckled.
"Oh yeah he helped us heal." Vincent said sarcastically.
"True he was tough on you but he loves you boys and never wants you vulnerable." Doc smirked.
"Yeah well if you think so." Vincent smirked.
"Hey Doc.
You wanted us to check on the new patients." Kay smiled as she and Ariel signed in.
"Yeah their in there.
Here they might want a snack." Doc smirked as he gave them each chocolate pudding cups.
Kay and Ariel stood surprised in the doorway when they saw their boyfriends.
"Hey beautiful." Johnny smiled at Ariel as she walked over to him.
"Don't hey beautiful me.
I thought you were dead." Ariel punched his arm.
"Ow I am in the hospital for a reason." johnny teased as Ariel hugged him.
She started crying.
"I was so worried I never see you again." Ariel cried.
Kay wasn't as upset but she of course was hugging Cam.
"I'm sorry.
We got board and snuck out.
It was stupid on our part but you did do the samething." Johnny countered.
"Oh no you don't.
You don't get to make it okay because we were out taking a walk." Ariel snapped.
"Okay I know we were stupid but we're together again." Johnny sighed as he pulled her into a hug.
Johnny and Ariel moved over to the other bed so they could rest together and so Kay and Cam could do the same.
Doc smirked as he glanced in.
"They were betrothed.
But after leaving the city they chose to take it slow." Doc said to Vincent.
"You get around more than I know?" Vincent looked surprised yet concerned how Doc seemed to know things he technically shouldn't.
"I have my sources." Was Doc's reply every time.
"Get Victor to bed before he wakes up cranky from sleeping in the chair.
The room next to the boys is empty.
Doc did his rounds and saw Cam and Johnny back together like magnets.
Kay came out of the bathroom in the hall.
"He had a nightmare only Johnny was able to calm him.
I think I heard the other twins scream out too." Kay yawned as she went in and snuggled in bed with her sister.
Sure enough Victor was sobbing in Vincents arms as he hugged his brother trying to calm him.
Only twenty-two the boys still looked like children to Doc.
Cam and Johnny at four years younger than the other boys looked like babies to Doc.
"I must be getting old." Doc chuckled to himself.

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