Chapter 3 (Biggest Mistake)

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It's been quite a few years since the Dawson's moved into their high society like prison, they are now one of the high class snobs, no one in the lower class likes their type...
Well their not exactly snobs but play the part well so not to get marks against their boys.
You see if they don't host or attend high standing parties or events they would be judge and if found that they were really just trying to be modest, they would still get a mark that would effect their children's placements in society.
They have hosted many grand event and parties themselves, not to mention the best wedding ever to be hosted, Rose was lucky to be picked by one of the wealthiest sons, his family were almost considered royalty.
.................Rose's Social Ball................
'Rose caught Andrews eye the first day she decided to attend classes at age fifteen.
She wanted to be apart of the grand ball instead of being a spectator.
As soon as she found out only those who attend school get to be apart of the ball she argued with her mom, aunts, uncle and grandmother who were not at all pleased with the idea of her being wed at age fifteen.
Somehow she made them think it was impossible for her to be picked so soon because she was still technically an outsider.
But the day she entered the class that Andrew was in, well she wasn't an outsider for long.
He made it his mission to be near her, help her get use to her new surroundings, even after all his peers told him she was just a lucky orphan who was on death row, that didnt stop him, he still pursued her.
Even when he brought her home to meet his family, they too fell in love with her, they even recalled attending her ceremony and that the two were inseparable that day.
Mrs. Hawkins got out her tablet and shared the photos and videos they captured that day.
"This was always Andrew's favorite thing looking at the pictures of you two, he couldn't wait to go to school to see you again, he would proclaim he would marry you one day." Mrs. Hawkins giggled as she embarrassed her son.
Sorry for her she likes to embellish the memories..."
"Who are you kidding baby brother, you know its true." An older boy teased and tossled Andrew's hair.
"Where are my manners.
I'm Ishmael and you princess must be Rose, my brother's soul mate." Ishmael teased some more..

On the day of the Social Ball the boys and girls were separated for some time so they could have a last fun gathering almost like a bachelor and bacheloret party.
Usually it's to have fun and for friends to have one last gathering but for Rose her only friend she couldn't be with till the Social ball begins.
Her stomach was in nots, she was both excited and nervous even, her whole family felt the same because they knew Andrew would choose her but was she actually ready.
Noah attended the ball with Elexis and the Grandmother, to be the supporting gaurdians.
Before the Amaizing Black performed some tricks with his ten year old son.
"I seen that man before.
He was on the train with us.
Poor boys." Noah frowned.
I only know of one...
There are two!?" Mrs.Hawkins sighed.
"They live near us the poor boy never gets to play outside.
He is always yelling at him for nothing.
I saw some pretty good bruises on him at the parents conference yesterday." Mr.Hawkins sighed...

The trumpets sounded making the girls giggle with glee, only Rose kept silent searching the crowed for her blond prince.
He stood out from the other boys, he was like an angel, taller than his age group and the most handsome, he was like a model if they still had them.
As soon as he spotted Rose his smile grew wide, he didn't walk, he glided over to her, it was as if they were the only two in the room.
Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins stood with the Dawson's as they watched their children dance, talk, laugh and love being in each others presence.
At the end of the day before it was time to leave the council held a meeting with the boys and their fathers to get documents signed saying who they chose for their wife.
When it came to Andrew there were gasps and snickers because he chose so lowly but the council put an end to their antics.
"Mr. Hawkins has the right to choose any girl attending the ball no matter her past. I know most of you are picking by looks and the fact they have zero marks as we usually advise but you also can choose with your heart as he obviously did. Now from this moment forward I don't want to hear any rumors or talk about Hawkins choice nor of his wife." The elder of the council scolded.

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