Chapter 23 (Darklings)

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Cam woke in a cell only the size for him to fit in.
The darkness was overwhelming as were the voices that whispered in his ear.
Cam cried as he covered his ears trying to drown out the voices.
Someone gripped his wrists and pulled his hands away from his ears.
"You can't drown them out you must listen." The voice was against his ear, he could feel the heat of its breath on his ear.
Cam only cried harder as his hands were chained tighter to the ground.
"Please stop why are you doing this?" Cam cried.
"Because its fun." The voice chuckled as the door slammed shut.
The voices started again.
Tormenting him on how he will be tortured, how his brothers and cousin will die than him.
"Shut up!
Leave me alone!" Cam screamed...
"Cam!?" Johnny's eyes opened wide.
"He's dead." A voice whispered.
"He will die." Another chuckled.
"Do not fear you will watch each other die." Another added.
"Bind your tounge heathen." Johnny scolded.
"Be carful this is not your war boy." A new stronger voice said as Johnny felt it grip his jaw with such force as to snap his jaw clean off.
Johnny cried and screamed from the pain and gaged at the fowl stench of the creatures breath.
"Your right that war has already been won." Johnny narrowed his eyes in the direction of where he assumed the creature was.
"Your stronger than than the other boy.
We will have to fix that." The voice was only inches from Johnny's face.
Before Johnny could say anything more he felt a blinding pain as he slipped deeper into darkness of sight, feel and sound.
"He must not be allowed a chance to realize his strength.
He will be our undoing." the voice was angry.
"What of the weaker one? Sire." A more timid one inquired.
"Do not be fooled by his cowardliness.
He to is strong if not stronger." He scolded.
Luke sat in his cell praying and quoting the verses he could remember.
"What of those two?
None will dare torment them." The timid one spoke.
The other growled in his throat as he heard their prayers as if they were yelling in his ear.
"Silence them.
I don't care how, just do it." His voice roared.
Johnny woke again to the the voice echoing through the dungeon hall.
Johnny rested his head against the cool of the stone wall and started crying as he just started praying silently for any scence of peace for him and his brother.
For some reason Cam too started praying.
The voices were growing angry at their prayers and tried to frighten them but surprisingly they didn't hear them anymore as they drifted off to sleep.
"How!?" He growled.
"We underestimated them.
Jones didn't do as he said." The other grumbled as they stood in the hall looking at their cells.
"Once they sleep and their guard is down inject them with this.
They will be too weak.
Their minds clouded and we can move them to the tests." He smiled.
"Yes sire." He nodded.
"Judas!" Draco called to a tall Japanese boy.
"Yes sire?" Judas stood at attention.
"You will be in charge of ensuring the twins stay docile.
Use them against the other, they will comply if they fear for the others life." Draco smirked.
Judas sat on a chair leaning it against the wall between the boys cells weighting.
"Hey imp you inject them yet so I can play with them?" Judas smirked at a dark, thin, yet strong looking creature.
It chuckled as it entered through Cam's cell without opening the door.
Cam woke up trying to scream as he felt a pinch on his neck and a Large hand like thing cover his mouth.
The cuffs were removed.
Cam felt himself being forced to his feet as he was held from behind.
The cell door opened and Cam was shoved out into the hall.
A boy that looked like Judas strolled down the hall and grabbed hold of Cam.
"Where were you Iscariot?" Judas smirked at is exact duplicate.
Both boys were unusually tall and strong.
"Sleeping unlike you Judas.
You seem to think your one of them." Iscariot chuckled.
Cam was trying to place the names.
"Take him to the maze test.
But wait let him see his brother one last time." Judas looked down at Cam with a devious grin.
Cam shuttered under Iscariot's hold.
It almost pained Iscariot on how terrified Cam was shaking in his arms.
Judas saw the look in his brother's eyes.
He shot him a warning look as Johnny was tossed out like a rag doll slamming against the wall across the cell.
"Hey you know the rules." Judas scolded as he checked Johnny.
"He tried to rebuke me!" The creature growled as he tried to get near Johnny but Judas stood in the way protecting Johnny.
Cam saw the creature seemed to fear Judas.
Cam stared at his brother's still form that laid slumped against the wall.
"The dream." Cam muttered as he started hyperventilating.
"Johnny!" Cam started screaming and trying to break free if Iscariot's hold.
"Judas the serum hurry." Iscariot yelled as he tried to hold onto Cam but he broke free and was at his brother's side as blinding light enveloped them.
Once it went out the boys were gone.
Luke and Jasper stood in their cells chuckling.
"You can't mess with the Almighty's property and favorite warriors." Luke laughed.
Judas looked at Luke and shook his head as the other creature ran off to warn the others.
"Your stupid warrior.
You didn't train them when you had the chance." Judas pulled Luke out as Iscariot pulled Jasper out.
Jasper got a glimpse of the gold chain.
"Your the ninja squad.
The group of identical twins.
What are you doing here?" Jasper asked.
"We had a plan to get you kids out safely but now we are gonna have to fight our way out." Jude smirked as he dawned his golden armor and wings that were like blades.
"Wait are you guys like us or actual Angels?" Luke half stuttered as he to dawned his armor but his wings were not as cool.
"Different ranks.
We been at this for a long time so our armor was upgraded." Iscariot chucked.
"You know I forgot this is not the place to be in the spiritual realm." Jasper coward his back against Luke's as he saw some hideous creature come towards him.
"Down!" Iscariot yelled as he shot it with an arrow.
"Your welcome to step out and be guarded kid but spiritual sight or not they are no longer hidden here." Judas smirked as he helped Jasper to his feet
"By the way names really Ishmael my brother is Judah." Ishmael smirked as they ran down the tunnels.
"What's with the traitor name you two used?" Luke inquired.
Our real names aren't evil.
So we give that as our face Darkling warrior names." Judah shrugged...

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