Chapter 8

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(sorry it's so short ❤)

Tim's POV:
I can't sleep. I don't want to move because I think Faith is asleep and if I move, she'll wake up. I heard Samuel cry and of course Faith woke up, she looked at me and kissed my head. "Why aren't you asleep, baby?" She asked and got up. "I just woke up when Samuel did." I lied. "Liar, you never wake up when he does." She said and walked out. She knows me too damn well, I can't lie to her and I don't want to. She came back with Samuel, she laid him down next to me and handed me his bottle. "Here, feed him." She said and smiled at me, I smiled back and started feeding him. She turned around and walked to the door. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Check on the girls, I'll be right back." She walked our and I looked at Samuel. He was wide awake and wouldn't drink. "You're not hungry are you?" He laughed at me and rolled over. "Mama, Mama, Mama." He said. "Mama is with your sisters." I smiled at him and he crawled over to me. "Now say Dada, say Dada." Faith walked in when I said that. "Where's Mama's little boy?" Faith said and kissed him. "Mama, Mama!!" He got all excited when he saw her. "This is unfair, all he says is Mama." I said and smiled. Samuel laughed at me and laid down close to me. "He loves his daddy." Faith said and smiled at me. "How are the girls?" I asked and rubbed Samuel's head. "They were all asleep in Gracie's room." I nodded and looked down. I want to cry. I can't believe this happened to my little girl, I should've been home! "Tim, look at me." Faith said but I didn't look at her. "Tim, look in my eyes." She put her hand on my chin and made me look at her. She moved her hand to my cheek and kissed me. "This is not your fault, I know you blame yourself but you shouldn't and you know it." She said. She's right. I can't keep doing this to myself! I just nodded and kissed her again. "Say it." I looked at her confused. "Say that it's not your fault." I looked down then back at her. "It's not my fault." I said. "I'm sorry, I can't hear you." She said and smiled. "It's not my fault. I'm not the reason Gracie is hurt." I smiled back at her and kissed her again. "Was that so hard?" She asked and put the bottle back in Samuel's mouth. "Nope, you were right." She smiled and looked at me. "Oh, baby you know I'm always right." I laughed and tried to fall back asleep.

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