Chapter 20

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Faith's POV:

I woke up to Samuel's cry on the baby monitor. I looked at Tim and he was sound asleep. I got up and went to Samuel's room. "Hey there baby boy. What's wrong?" I asked while walking to his crib. He was crying so loud and I could tell he was really scared, maybe he had a nightmare. "Mommy's here, it's okay." I said and picked him up but he kept crying. "Mama!" He screamed and cried. I ran with him back to my room and I woke Tim up. "Tim, something's wrong!" I said and rocked Samuel. "Is he hungry?" Tim asked and sat up. "No, I don't think so. "Try to put your boob in his mouth. If he's hungry he'll start sucking, I read that somewhere." Tim said and helped me. "Okay." I did as Tim said but Samuel just screamed louder. "Here, let me take him for a second." Tim said and took him from me. "Samuel, please calm down." He said and rocked him. "He has a fever, feel his forehead." I felt Samuel's forehead. "Oh, God, yes!" I said and walked to the bathroom. I got a cold wet cloth and put on his forehead. "Does that feel a little better, baby?" I asked him and he calmed down a little. "Should we take him to the hospital?" Tim asked. "No, it's just a fever, if he gets worse we'll go there." I said and rubbed his back. "Okay." Tim said and Samuel fell asleep in his arms. "He can sleep in the bed with us." I said and Tim laid him down in our bed. We both got in and Samuel moved to me and cuddled to my chest.
"Poor thing." Tim said and moved closer to us. "It's no fun to be sick." I said and rubbed his back softly.
"How are you feeling, baby?" Tim asked and kissed me. "I'm feeling alright. To be honest I thought I'd be a lot worse." I said and held Tim's hand. He nodded and kissed my hand. We soon fell asleep.

Samuel started crying again so I stood up and rocked him but he just screamed louder. "Tim, wake up. Can you go downstairs and get his medicine." I said and he ran downstairs. "Shh, baby. Please don't cry like this. It breaks mama's heart." I said and kissed his head. "Want me to sing for you?" I said and started singing a lullaby my mama always sang to me. Samuel calmed down and I rocked him slowly. "Hey baby, here's the medicine." Tim said and walked to us. I sat down and Samuel drank the medicine, it tastes good so he loves it. "There you go, baby boy." Tim said and kissed his head. Samuel fell asleep and I stood up. "It's 4:30 am. Let's go back to sleep." I said and put Samuel down in his crib in our room. Tim laid back down and I did the same. "I hope he sleeps for a while." I whispered and moved closer to him. "Me too." He said and kissed me deeply. I pulled away because I knew where this was heading. "Tim, Samuel is in here." I said and smiled. "I know." He said and held me tight. "I just like kissing you." He kissed my lips and we soon fell asleep.

*Two days later*

Samuel is feeling better now, he just had a fever. The girls are loving school and I think Maggie is seeing someone. She hasn't told me anything but Audrey accidentally said something. She is only 15 so it's hard to think of my baby with a boy, even though it's nothing serious.
"Mom, can we talk?" Maggie said and walked into my office. "Sure, baby. Everything alright?" I asked and she sat on the chair across from me. "Well... there's this boy I like and we've hung out a few times but I don't know if he likes me back." She said and looked down. "How does he act around you?" I asked. "Sometimes I feel like he's just with me so the boys think he's cool, that's only sometimes but when it's just the two of us he's really nice to me and kind." She said and looked back up. "I don't know what to do, mom." I took her hand and held it. "You wanna know what I think you should do? I think you should give it some time. Maybe he'll come to you but don't wait top long." I said and rubbed her hand. "Okay, thank you mom." She said and stood up, she kissed my cheek and walked out. I love it when my girls come to me for advice, I love to be able to help them. "Hey, baby." I heard Tim say as he walked in. "Hi." I said and Tim leaned down and kissed me. "Samuel is asleep, he was very tired." Tim said and kissed me again. "What are you doing?" I asked and kissed him back. "We haven't had sex for 5 whole days. I don't think that has ever happened." He said and picked me up. "Oh!" I kissed him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Did you lock the door?" I asked and kissed him again deeply. He nodded and swept everything off my desk. "You're cleaning that up." I said and he put me down on the desk. He smiled and kissed my neck, he started unbuttoning my flannel shirt slowly and kept kissing the right spots on my neck. God, that feels good. I tilted my head to the side so he could have more room. I heard a chuckle and I knew he just left a mark, he always does that when he gives me a hickey. I pulled his shirt off quickly and kissed his lips. "You're so hot like this." He said and I started taking his pants off. I could see that he was rock hard. "Someone's excited." I said and kissed his neck. He lifted me up and pulled my pants off quickly. Soon all clothes were off and we were wrapped up in each other.

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