Chapter 30

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Faith's POV:

*A month later*

A month since my mama died. I can't believe that I'll never see her again. Maggie has been very upset, she hasn't been to school but Audrey and Gracie started a week ago. I think it would be good for Maggie to go and meet all her friends but I won't push her. "What's for dinner, mom?" Audrey asked and sat next to me. "I don't know, your dad wanted to cook tonight." I said and played with her hair. "I'm gonna go ask him." She said and ran to the kitchen.
"YOU'RE JUST A STUPID WHORE. YOU DRINK ALL DAY AND SMOKE ALL DAY. I HATE YOU." I heard screamed. "YEAH? WELL AT LEAST I'M NOT A CRYBABY. YOU CAN'T EVEN GO TO SCHOOL." I heard screamed back. I ran upstairs and saw the girls pulling each others hair. "Tim get up here!" I said and Tim ran up the stairs. "GIRLS!" I said and ran to them. Tim grabbed Gracie and I grabbed Maggie.
"What the hell is going on in here?!" I asked and looked at the both of them. "She is a bitch." Gracie said and shot her sister an evil look. "Don't say that about your sister!" I said and got angry. "Of course. Take her side, your favourite daughter." Gracie said.
"Stop it!!" I said. "What is going on? why are you two fighting?" I asked and put my hands on my hips. "She's acting like she lost a limb or something." Gracie said and rolled her eyes. I looked at Maggie and she had tears in her eyes. "Gracie Katherine McGraw. What did you just say?" I said. I cannot believe she just said that. "I said what I said." She said and crossed her arms. "Don't snap at your mother like that." Tim said and I could hear he was very mad. "Don't you ever say something like that EVER again." I said loudly. "Maggie, go help your dad in the kitchen. Tim, go to the kitchen." I said and I am beyond pissed. "Oh, of course the perfect child gets away with everything she says." Gracie said and walked away. "You're not leaving, young lady." I said and she sat down on her bed. Tim and Maggie left and I stood there looking at Gracie. "What's going on with you? You know your sister is hurting."
"Oh yeah she's hurting and we need to be careful because she's the only one that knew grandma." She said. "GRACIE! You're grounded. No TV or phone for a week and no going out unless it's school for a month.
"MOM!" She yelled. "Wanna make it two?" I said and I saw the hurt in her eyes. I calmed down a little and sat next to her. "Talk to me, something's wrong, baby. I know my girl." I said and held her hand.
"Nana and Maggie were so close and they talked about everything... I had so many things I wanted to talk to her about but I can't  because it's too late." She said and started crying. I pulled her to me and held her. "You're hurt too, I know that, we all are but you need to be there for each other." I said and she nodded. "I'm sorry, mom." She said and cried. "Thank you for saying that but you know I'm not the one you need to apologize to." I said and rubbed her arm. "I know." She said and looked down. "I'll go get her. No fighting this time."I said and she nodded. I walked out and I saw Maggie standing there with Tim. "Maggie, sweetheart... Can you go in there and talk to your sister?" I asked and reached for her hand but she pulled away. "No! She's just a mean backstabbing bitch I don't care about!" Maggie yelled and ran downstairs. "Maggie Elizabeth McGraw!!" I yelled and ran after her. "What did you just say?!" I asked and put my hands on my hips. "You heard me." She said and crossed her arms. "You do not say that about your sister. Or anyone." I said and Tim walked to us. "Maggie!" He said and she started crying, she turned around and looked down. "Maggie..." I said and went to hug her. "Don't touch me!" She yelled and Samuel started crying. "I'll go." Tim said and ran up the stairs.
"Maggie, don't push me away." I said softly and tried hugging her again and she let me. "Talk to her. You two need each other right now. Talk to Audrey too so she doesn't feel left out. We're all hurting, you know?" She nodded and cried to my shoulder.
"I'll go." She said and walked up the stairs to Gracie's room. Went to sit on the couch and Audrey walked in.
"Mommy, why are they always yelling?" She asked sitting down next to me and cuddling to me. "They're hurt... I wish they didn't yell so much and just talked though." I said and played with her hair. "I hate to see them like this." She said and I could hear she was about to cry. "Me too." I said and held her. She completely broke down and put her head on my shoulder. I just held her and let her cry. Tim walked in and sat next to us and rubbed her back.
"It's getting late, do you want to go to sleep?" I asked Audrey. "Yeah but... I don't want to be alone." She cried.
"You can sleep on our bed, baby." Tim said. "Thank you, dad." She said.
We walked together upstairs and got ready for bed. Audrey got in between Tim and I and we held her.
"We love you. We're always here for you baby." I said and kissed her head. She nodded and someone walked into our room. "Can we sleep here too?" I heard Maggie ask. "Of course." Tim said and they got in. "Thank God you have a big bed." Audrey said and we laughed. We'll get through this. We'll do it together.


Maybe I'll do a sequel to this one too if y'all want. :)

Why are things so hard? - Sequel to We'll get trough this togetherWhere stories live. Discover now