Chapter 26

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Faith's POV:

I can't lose my mama. Not now. I love her so much, she's my rock and I need her right now. "Hey, Maggie? Can you go check on your sisters?" Tim said. I held Samuel closer to me and turned away. I heard the door close and Tim walk to me. "Baby?" He whispered and put his arms around me. I felt tears form in my eyes and laid my head on his shoulder. "Dada." Samuel whispered. Tim smiled and kissed his head. "Dada loves you." He said and rubbed his head. He looks a lot like Tim, he has his eyes and his mouth. "Do you want some time alone, baby?" Tim asked and kissed my cheek softly. "No, please don't go!" I said and held Tim's hand. "I'm not going anywhere, baby, relax." He said and kissed my shoulder. "You lay down on the bed and I'll show Samuel some toys on the floor." He said and took Samuel. I laid down and the tears started rolling down my cheeks. I heard Tim talk to Samuel a little then sit down on the bed. He rubbed my back and I reached for his hand. He laid down behind me and put his hand in mine. "You wanna see her, don't you?" He asked and put his arms around me. "Yes." I said and I cried more because it could be the last time I meet her. "Shh, baby. It'll be okay." He said and kissed my head. "You need to talk to your dad and your brother." He said and I let go of his hand. "Don't. You know you need to." He said and sat up. I know he's right but I need a little time. "I need to see my mama first." I said and I saw Samuel holding on to the bed and walking to me. Tim chuckled and Samuel smiled at me. "Mama." He said and reached for me. He started whining because he wanted to come up to the bed, I pulled him up and he hugged me. The hug only lasted for a second because he can't stop moving these days. Tim grabbed him and Samuel squealed with joy. He smiled and drooled all over Tim. "No, Samuel!" He said and I laughed at him. "Is mama laughing at us? We gotta tickle her!" Tim said and tickled me. "Stop!" I said laughing and Samuel laughed with me. He's such a precious little boy. We laid there for a minute just laughing and playing.
We heard a knock on the door and I propped myself up on my elbows. "Come on in." I said and Wes walked in. "I'm going to the hospital, I thought maybe you'd like to join me and dad." He said. I decided to go, I can't be angry at them, this is the time they need me the most. "Yeah, I'd like to." I said and got up. I looked at Tim and he got up too. "Please come with me." I said and he nodded. "Of course, baby." He said and took Samuel. The girls were going to take care of him and Wes' wife was going to stay with them. The ride over is silent, I kept my eyes on Tim, I think he's very upset too, I mean, I'd be heartbroken if this was Betty. "Faith, I'm so sorry for-" My dad started saying. "No, don't be sorry. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. This is a time where we need each other and need to stay together and deal with this as a family." I said. My dad nodded and Tim looked at me and smiled a little. I took his hand and held it. We got to the hospital and we walked to my mom's room. "She's asleep, she's been very weak today." The doctor said and opened the door. It hurt so bad to see her there, she was so pale... I started shaking and I felt like I was going to pass out. "Baby, relax. Breathe." Tim said and I turned to face him. "I can't do this." I said and he wrapped his arms around me. "Faith, you can do this, just breathe and try to relax a little." He whispered and I calmed down. "I'm okay." I said and we walked to the bed. She started opening her eyes a little. "Mama?" I said and my tears poured down. "Faith... Baby..." She said and I broke down. "I laid my head carefully on her chest and Tim rubbed my back. "It's okay honey, it'll be okay." Mama said and rubbed my head. I just can't lose her, I feel so bad now, she's much worse than I thought she'd be. I looked up at her and she smiled a little. "I love you, I love Tim and I love your children." She said, I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I couldn't say anything. "I love you mama." I managed to say . "Can I talk to Tim alone for a minute?" She asked. I stood up and walked out with my dad and brother. We were all kinda confused... I wonder what it is. We waited there for about ten minutes and then Tim came out. My dad and brother went back in and I pulled Tim to me. "What did she say?" I asked. "Nothing." He said and looked down. He looked weird, I hope everything's okay. "You're lying to me." I said. "Your mama told me not to tell you." He said quietly, he is hurt, I can tell.
"Baby?" I said and he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I hugged him back and held him. He started to cry softly and so did I. God, I hope she'll be okay.

Why are things so hard? - Sequel to We'll get trough this togetherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें