Chapter 15

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Tim's POV:

I want her to wake up, I've been waiting for so long and I need her to open her eyes for me. She's just laying there all covered in cuts and bruises, with her broken bones... "Hey, Faith? Your birthday is coming up soon... You need to wake up, you can't miss your own birthday... Maybe you can even wear this dress you bought." I said and grabbed the dress from the table and let her hand touch it. "Baby, you can not miss your birthday!" I said and cried to her hand. I felt her squeeze my hand a little, it wasn't much but it was something. "Faith? Baby?!" I said and stood up, I ran out of the room and got a doctor, we ran back to the room and I held her hand. "Baby? Wake up, please. You can do it!" I said and the doctor checked on her. "I think she's waking up." He said and smiled at me. "Faith, come back to me, baby." I said and kissed her lips. I swear I felt her kiss me back very softly. I looked up at her face and her eyes were opening. "Baby, wake up." I said softly. She opened her eyes a bit and looked at me. She tried to talk but she couldn't because of the tube. "Don't talk, baby. You can talk later." I said and kissed her lips, god I missed looking in her eyes and seeing her move. The doctor started checking on her some more and doing everything he had to. Then he called in a nurse to help him remove the tube. "Mrs. McGraw, I need you to cough for me." The doctor said and she coughed for him, they pulled the tube out and she looked at me. She tried to say something but the doctor stopped her. "You need to rest your voice." He said and I walked closer to her. "You don't have to say anything, baby. I'm so happy to see your beautiful eyes." I said and cried, she moved her hand to my face and wiped my tears. I laid my head softly to her chest and just cried. She held my head and played with my hair. I'm so happy that she's awake, I was so worried about her. It makes me so happy to see her move.

*Few hours later*

Tim's POV:
Faith has been sleeping for about an hour, the doctor said she needed to rest. I called my mom a while ago and told her the news, she told the girls and they were all so happy. "Daddy?" I heard at the door. The girls all walked in quietly then my mom came through the door with Samuel. "Hey? What are y'all doing here?" I said and smiled at them. "They needed to see their Mama." My mom said and placed Samuel in my lap. "Mama!" Samuel said and tried to climb on the bed. "Mama's sleeping baby boy, we can't wake her up." I said to him. "Mama!!" He said and started crying. I saw Faith started to move a little and she woke up. "I'm so sorry, baby." I said and took her hand. She looked at Samuel and smiled then at the girls and smiled even more. They all walked to her and hugged her. "I missed you, mommy." Audrey said and started crying, Faith cried too, I could see she wanted to say something to them but she can't. "She missed you too. Girls, she has to rest her voice so she can't say anything." I said and calmed Samuel down. They all nodded. "Hey, mom, look! We're the same!" Gracie said and lifted her arm. Faith smiled and lifted her arm too. The girls laughed and Samuel climbed up on Faith's bed. "Mama?" He said and I took him, Faith looked at me and reached for him. "I'm sorry, Faith. I don't want him to hurt you." I said and kissed her hand, she nodded and rubbed Samuel's legs. I could see she was getting tired so I walked to my mom and asked her to take them home. They hugged us and said goodbye then left. "Baby, I'm s- sorry." Faith said softly. "You're supposed to rest your voice." I said and rubbed her arm. "I love you." She said and smiled at me. "I love you too." I moved closer to her and rubbed her cheek with my thumb. "You have no idea how much I missed that smile." I said and kissed her lips softly, she kissed me back and pulled me to her. "Lay... here..." She said and patted the bed. "Faith, I can't. Your bones are broken and your body is very bruised." I said and looked in her eyes, she was disappointed. "Please." She said and patted the space next to her again. "Fine, but only until you fall asleep. Now rest your voice." I said and moved in next to her. I put my arm around her and kissed her cheek. "Better?" I asked and she nodded. "Good."

Why are things so hard? - Sequel to We'll get trough this togetherDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora