Chapter 17

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Tim's POV: Her wound was really ugly, it's probably infected or something. I feel so sorry for Faith, she just wants to get home and to be able to hold Samuel but she won't be able to do that for a while. Her ribs are all messed up and her arm and head too. "Tim, how bad was it... the cut? On the scale of 1 to 10." Faith asked me. "Maybe a six?" I lied. That was definitely a ten. I hope she doesn't see that I'm lying to her. The doctor walked in with a nurse, not the same nurse that is usually here. "Your throat seems fine, you can talk now." The doctor said. "Thank God." She said and I smiled a little. "Well, Mrs. McGraw... We're very sorry but we have to look at the wound a little more... It's infected, the nurse didn't put the bandage on very well... It's going to hurt." The doctor said, he obviously didn't want to hurt her but he needs to do what he has to to make her feel better. "Do it." Faith said and they got everything they needed. "I'm right here for you, baby." I stood up and held her hand. The doctor sat down and got everything ready. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Yes." She said, she looked into my eyes and I saw that she was scared. "It's okay, you'll feel better soon." I whispered to her. She started screaming and squeezed my hand tight. "OW, BABY!!" She screamed. "I know it hurts." I said and looked at the doctor. "I'm sorry." He said and kept going. Faith screamed more and started crying. I got tears in my eyes so I hugged her. I put my head to her neck and put my arm around her but made sure I wasn't blocking the doctor. "It's okay, baby. Just think about something else. I know it's hard but try... for me." I said to her and she kept screaming and crying. It breaks my heart to see her in so much pain. She let go of my hand and put her arm around me, she held me so tight, I hate to see her like this. She should be healthy and at home, she doesn't deserve this. "There. All done. I'm so sorry for this." I looked at him and nodded, I couldn't get away because she wouldn't let me go. "Baby, let me go so I can lay in here with you." I said and she let me go, she was crying so hard. I got in with her and held her. She cried to my chest and I tried to hold my tears back. "I'm so sorry." I said and rubbed her head softly. "It's not your fault." She said and buried her face in my chest. I kissed her head and sang a little too her, I'm trying to get her to fall asleep, maybe she'll feel better if she does. "Hold me tighter." She whispered to me and I kept singing, I wrapped my arms tighter and made sure I wasn't hurting her. "I love you." I said and looked down at her. "I love you too." She mumbled and fell asleep.

"Tim?" I looked up and saw Karen standing there. "Hey." I said and smiled at her. "How is she?" She asked and walked closer. "Not so good. She had an infection in one of her cuts." I said and looked down at Faith who was still sleeping. "This shouldn't have happened to her. She doesn't deserve all this." Karen said and looked at Faith. "No, she doesn't." I said and Faith started waking up. "Hey baby." I said and kissed her head. She looked at Karen and smiled. "Hi." Faith said and I moved out of the bed. "Hi, how are you feeling today?" Karen asked and sat on her bed. "I'm alright, still pretty banged up but alright." Faith said. I could see she was in pain. "I'm gonna go to the cafeteria and get a sandwich, do you girls want anything?" I asked them. They both said no and I left. I told a nurse she was in pain and she went to her while I got a sandwich. I stayed down in the cafeteria for a while just thinking. Thinking about how close I was to losing her. I almost lost the love of my life, my wife, the mother of my children, my best friend. I'm so lucky to have her here with me. I went back upstairs and I could tell Faith was feeling better. "I'mma get going." Karen said. "Bye." She said and kissed Faith's cheek. "Bye." We both said and and she left. "How are you feeling, baby?" I asked Faith and sat down. "I'm alright, the nurse came and gave me my medication, that helped for the pain." She said and looked at me. "Thank you for always being here." She said and reached for my hand. "No need to thank me baby. You're my wife, I'm always going to be here when you need me." I said and held her hand. I kissed it and smiled at her.

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