Chapter 22

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Faith's POV:

I feel so sorry for Tim, I know that this has been haunting him forever but he shouldn't worry about this anymore. I hate to see him like this because he's so strong, he must've felt so bad since he is crying. "Are you okay, baby?" I asked Tim and gave him a glass of water. "I'm better." He said and looked down. "Let's go upstairs and cuddle for a while." I said and took his hand. I took Samuel up and we went upstairs to our room. "Baby? You go lay down and I'll go make this little guy rest." I said and kissed Tim. I walked out and into the nursery. "You're gonna be good to mommy today, right?" I said and laid him down. I could see he was very tired so he fell asleep fast. I kissed his head and walked back to my room where Tim was sitting on the floor. "Baby. Something more is wrong, what is it?" I said and walked over to Tim and he was looking at his iPad. "Tim?" I looked at his iPad and he was watching a video of us singing It's Your Love on the Soul 2 Soul tour. I took the iPad from him and sat down in front of him. "Please tell me what's wrong, baby." I said and put my hand on his leg. "Just that I hate that I've caused you so much pain." He said and put his hand on mine. "That's all behind us now. Let's just cuddle for a while, that'll make us feel a lot better." I said and kissed him. I jumped on the bed and under the covers. "Come here, baby." I said and he got in smiling, he put his arms around me and I kissed him deeply. "Sing for me, baby." Tim said and put his hand on my ass. "What song?" I asked and put my fingers in his hair. "Lost." He said. I smiled and started singing softly. I finished the song and saw that Tim had fallen asleep. "Oh, baby. I love you so much." I kissed his head and played with his hair.

"How long was I out?" Tim asked and rubbed his eyes. "About two hours, the girls are gonna order pizza. You can sleep some more if you want, baby." I said and put my hand on his cheek. "No, it's alright... I'm sorry I had a moment earlier." He said and looked down. "It's okay, Tim. We all have our moments. We just gotta let them come and deal with them when they do." I said and made him look at me. He looked me in the eye and kissed me deeply. "I love you so much." Tim said and hugged me tight. "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." I smiled and hugged him back. "I love you too, baby. I love you so much." I said and kissed him. "PIZZA IS HERE." The girls all said and ran inside. "Ew, y'all are kissing. Gross!" Audrey said and they covered their eyes. I looked at Tim and we both laughed. "Oh, stop it." I said and sat up. They ran to us and jumped on the bed. "Can we all come in here with the pizza and watch movies like we used to do?" Maggie asked and laid her head down in my lap. I looked at Tim and he nodded. "Sure!" I said and smiled. "Yay!!" They all said and ran back out. "They're excited." Tim said and laughed. "Yeah." I said and went to the nursery to get Samuel. I walked back and Samuel smiled so big when he saw his Daddy. "Dada!" He said and reached for Tim. "Hey there, baby boy!" He said and took him, they played for a little while and then the girls came upstairs with everything. "Dinner is ready!" They said and put the food down. "I brought baby food for the little monkey." Audrey said and gave Tim the food. "Your brother is not a monkey!" I said and. "He kinda is." She said and smiled. "Monkeys are cute and so is he." I smiled at Audrey when she said that. "I'll feed Samuel, you can eat, baby." I said to Tim and took Samuel. I started feeding Samuel while the others ate. "Baby, try giving him some pizza." I said and smiled at Tim. He smiled and cut a piece for him. Samuel opened his mouth wide and ate the pizza. He smiled and reached to Tim. "More?" Tim said and gave him more, he loved it! "Let's not give him more, his tummy will hurt." I said and kissed Samuel's head. I put him down and he held my fingers and we walked around. I let him stand on his own and he got scared. "It's okay, baby, Mommy's here." I said and reached for him. He took two steps on his own and and fell into my arms. "Oh my God!! Did y'all see that?! My baby boy!!" I said and hugged him tight. "We did!! Good boy!" The girls said and clapped their hands. "You're only nine months old, Samuel!" Tim said and smiled wide. "He's in a hurry!" Gracie said smiling. I got teary-eyed and I kissed Samuel's face. "My baby." I said and the tears started flowiing. "Don't cry..." Tim said and came to me, he put his arms around me and I leaned against him. "Sorry, I'm just emotional." I said and wiped my eyes. "It's okay, I almost cried myself." Tim said and kissed my cheek. I smiled and stood up. "Can y'all take him while I eat?" I asked and the girls took him. "He's growing up too fast." I said to Tim and sat on the bed. "Way too fast." Tim said and smiled. We both looked at the kids and smiled. The girls love their brother so much, they are so kind to him and they look out for him.

Why are things so hard? - Sequel to We'll get trough this togetherDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora