Chapter 16

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(I have no idea how these things work so sorry if something is wrong and I'm sorry it's short)

Faith's POV:

I've been laying here for 3 days and the doctors still won't let me talk. I say a few words sometimes but they want me to rest my voice so it'll be as good as it was. Tim has been great to me, he is always here. He just goes home to shower and change his clothes. He refuses to sleep there, he just sleeps here with me. The kids have visited a few times but I still can't hold Samuel. My bones are too fragile, I really want to hold him tight and feel him cuddle into me. "Good morning, baby." Tim said and kissed my head. "Morning." I said and smiled at her. "Are you feeling alright?" He asked and got out of my bed. "Yeah." I said and moved a little. "My ribs hurt a little." I said and looked down at myself. "Should I get the doctor?" Tim asked and kissed my head. "No, he'll be here soon to check on me." I said. The doctor is always here, he's always checking on me and making sure my head is fine... I know he's just doing his job but it annoys me. I just want to get home and take care of my babies. I hate being stuck in this bed. I've been like this for three days and I already hate it and I want to go home. How will I survive a few weeks?! "Home... I want to go home." I said and looked back at Tim. "I know you do but we can't. You need to get well first." He said and folded a dress that was laying on the chair. "Wait, baby... Let me see." I said. I recognized the dress, it was the one I bought when I was shopping with Martina and Karen. He let me have it and I looked at it. "I didn't want you to see this dress... I wanted to surprise you. The girls told me you'd love it." I said and tears started falling down my cheeks. "Please don't cry baby! I love the dress and I can't wait to see it on you." He said and sat on my bed. "I'm sorry." I said and looked at him. "You have nothing to be sorry for." He said and kissed my hand. "But-" I started saying but Tim cut me off with a kiss. "No buts." He said and smiled at me. "Morning, Mrs. McGraw. How are you feeling?" The doctor said and walked in. "Morning, I'm alright but my ribs hurt a little." I said. "Okay, do you mind if I check?" He asked, I like this doctor. "Go ahead." I said and looked at Tim. I don't like looking at myself all bruised and ugly. "When we're your bandages changed?" He asked. "I don't remember, Tim do you know?" I asked him. "Yeah, maybe around 4 pm yesterday?" Tim said and looked at the doctor. "4?! The nurse didn't come here last night?" He asked sounding surprised. "Yes..." I said. "I'm so sorry, as you know you have a cut on your skin and the bandages need to be changed and yours haven't been changed. I'll change them now." The doctor said. "Is it bad?" I whispered to Tim while the doctor got what he needed. "Let me see." He lifted them up a bit and his jaw dropped. "Yeah..." He said and put it back down. "Great." I said. "That was just what I needed." I said angry. I want to get out of here now!! This sucks.

Why are things so hard? - Sequel to We'll get trough this togetherWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt