Chapter 19

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Tim's POV:

I'm thinking about making chicken and dumplings for dinner. Faith loves it, it's her favourite food. "Baby? Can you come here please?" I hollered. Faith came with Samuel. "What is it, Daddy? We were watching SpongeBob!" She said looking at Samuel. "You were? I was just thinking if you wanted chicken and dumplings for dinner?" I said and smiled at them. "Sure, that sounds great." Faith said and smiled. I could see she was tired, Samuel is kinda heavy now and she needs to take it easy. "Maggie, can you come down here?" I called upstairs and she came down. "Can you take Samuel, your Mama is getting tired." I whispered to her and she nodded. "Hey there baby brother, come play with me." She said and took him from Faith. "Hey, Faith?" I asked and started cooking. "Yeah?" She said and yawned. "Do me a favor and go upstairs and take a nap. I'll wake you up when dinner is ready." I said and looked at her. "I'm fine." She said. "You're tired. Go upstairs now." I said and walked over to her. "Tim, I'm fi-" She started saying but i cut her off. "Audrey Faith, go rest." I said and kissed her. "No one likes a cranky, tired mom." I said and smiled, she laughed and shook her head. "Fine, I'll go." She said and left. I smiled and went back to cooking.

"Baby, wake up." I said and kissed Faith's cheek. She opened her eyes slightly and rubbed them. She pulled me closer to her and hugged me tight. "I love you." She said and I chuckled. "I love you too baby, you're the cutest." I said and kissed her neck. "Dinner is ready. The girls already ate, I didn't want to wake you up." I said and picked her up. She usually complains when I pick her up like this but she just wrapped her arms around my neck, closed her eyes and cuddled into me, she's very tired. "Why aren't you always like this?" I whispered to her and smiled. She playfully hit my shoulder and laughed a little. "Shut up." She said. I put her down on the kitchen island and stood between her legs. "I'll feed you, baby." I said and reached for her plate. "Okay." She said and smiled. I fed her and gave her some sweet tea. "What happened to you? You always pushed me away when I tried to feed you and hold you." I said and kissed her. "A girl likes to be spoiled every once in a while." She said and kissed me back. I shook my head and kept feeding her.
"There, all done. Good girl!" I said and we both laughed. "Thank you." She said and kissed me. "Anything for my beautiful wife." I smiled and hugged her. "I love you so much, Tim. I hope you know that." She said and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I know that, baby and I love you too." I said and rubbed her back. "Let's get you back to bed." I said and picked her up again and walked with her upstairs. I saw the girls in Maggie's room playing with Samuel, they're the sweetest. I walked to our room and laid Faith down. "How's your arm, baby?" I asked her. "A little sore but I'm just glad that the cast is off." She said and kissed me, I smiled and kissed her back. I'm so glad she's feeling better. "Goodnight, baby. I'm gonna go check on the kids. I'll come and lay with you soon." I said and kissed her forehead. I walked out and into Maggie's room. "Dada!" Samuel called when he saw me. "Shh, baby! Mama's asleep." I said and laughed. "Daddy, how could you make such pretty babies like us?" Audrey said. "What's that supposed to mean?!" I said and tickled her. "Nothing!" She said laughing. I laughed with her and let her go. "Sorry, daddy." Audrey said and hugged me. "It's alright." I said and smiled. "Y'all can hang out here for a while but don't go to bed too late, y'all have school tomorrow." I said and took Samuel. "Thank you! Goodnight dad." They all said and kissed my cheek. "Night." I said and walked out. "Let's get you to bed, little guy. Maggie already fed and changed you so I just have to brush the 5 teeth you have in your mouth and get you to sleep." I said to him and he laughed at me. "Dada." He said and smiled. "Yeah." I said and smiled back. I walked quietly into out bedroom and to the bathroom there and brushed Samuel's teeth. "There you go, buddy. Now let's go to sleep." I said and kissed his head. I walked back out of the room and to Samuel's room. I laid him down and he started crying. "Shh, baby. You gotta sleep." I said and he started screaming. "Hey, I'll sing for you!" I said and started singing my song Humble and Kind. He calmed down and laid down. I pulled his covers over him and rubbed his back. He soon fell asleep and I walked back to my room. I laid down next to Faith and wrapped my arms around her. "The baby monitor was on." I heard her say. "It was?" I said and smiled. "Yeah. I love your voice, baby, and that song, my God!" She said quietly. "You love that song." I said. "I do." She said and we both fell asleep.

Why are things so hard? - Sequel to We'll get trough this togetherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz