Chapter 12

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Tim's POV:

My phone rang in my pocket and I reached for it carefully, I was feeding Samuel and he was just about to fall asleep. I looked at the screen and saw John was calling. "Hey, man. What's up?" I said and rocked Samuel a little. "Not much. Martina hasn't called or answered any of my calls, she said she would be back by 5 and it's 6 now... Is she there?" He said, he sounded worried. "No, they aren't here." I said, I got this strange feeling that something was wrong. "I was hoping they were there. Ask her to call me if she comes, okay?" He said. "Yeah, I will. Bye." I said and hung up. I'm really worried they were going to be here around 5... I finally got Samuel to fall asleep and I moved him up to the nursery. The other phone rang when I came downstairs and I picked up. "Is this Tim McGraw?" Someone asked. "This is him." I said confused. "Sir, your wife got in a car crash, she is at the hospital." The man said. I dropped the phone and ran upstairs to Maggie's room. "Maggie, I have to go, can you watch your siblings for a while? Call grandma for me please." I said and ran back out. I grabbed my keys and ran outside to my car. I drove fast to the hospital and saw John running inside. I ran after him and I looked around but I didn't see her. John and I walked to a nurse. "Excuse me, do you know where Faith Hill is? And Martina Mcbride." I asked her and she looked at the computer. "Martina is in room 305 and Faith Hill is in surgery." She said and John ran off. "Surgery?! What's going on? What happened to my wife? Is she okay?" I asked her, I started to panic. I need to see my wife, I need to make sure she's okay. "Sir, calm down. I don't know anything, you're going to have to wait." She said and I sat down in the waiting room. I don't want to wait, I want to meet my wife. I need my wife right now. I need to see her beautiful face and make sure she's safe. I started crying, I can't lose my wife. Not now, not ever.

I've been waiting for an hour and the wait is killing me. I've been trying to stay strong but I've been crying since I got here. I felt a hand on my back and I looked up, it was John. "Hey, man. How's Martina?" I asked and wiped my tears. "She's pretty banged up, she hit her head hard, her leg is broken and she's weak. Have you heard anything from Faith?" He said and sat down next to me. "No, nothing." I said and almost started crying again. "I'm so sorry, Tim." He said and I just nodded, I knew I'd just cry if I talked about this. "Mr. Tim McGraw?" A doctor said and looked over the room. I stood up quickly and walked over to him. "I'm here!" I said, he better have some news. "Your wife is unconscious, she broke a few ribs, she hit her head and she has a broken arm. She hit her head very hard so her skull fractured. She had to get surgery because there was some internal bleeding but we need to wait until she wakes up to know if she feels okay." The doctor said. "Holy shit. Can I see her?" I said and held back my tears. "Yes, I'll walk you to her room." The doctor said and started walking. I walked with him and when we got to her room I ran to her and held her hand. She has a black eye and she's all covered in cuts and bruises. "The car hit her side of the car, she's lucky to be alive." The doctor said and walked out. "Baby, you scared me. A lot. I thought you died, I've been crying like a baby since I got here. I can't lose you, Faith. I can't live without you and I don't want to. You need to open your eyes for me. You hit your head pretty hard, I need you to open your eyes for me or just move a little for me." I said and kissed her hand. One of the machines she was hooked to started beeping. "Faith?!" I started panicking and I ran out of her room and got a nurse. "Nurse, my wife... She's beeping!" I said and ran back to Faith's room with her and Faith's doctor. "What's wrong with her?" I asked and stayed back so they could do their job. "Her heart is stopping." he said to the nurse. "Sir, I need you to step out, please." The doctor said, I saw John walk in. "I'm not leaving my wife!" I said loud. "Tim, come with me." John said and pulled me out of there. "She doesn't deserve this!!" I said and put my hands to my face. "Tim?" I heard a woman say. I looked up and saw Martina there in a wheelchair. "Martina? How are you?" I asked her. "I've been better. How is Faith? Is she okay?" Martina asked and started crying. "No, she's not. She is not okay." I said and turned around. Tears poured down my cheeks, I can't believe that I'm losing my wife.

Why are things so hard? - Sequel to We'll get trough this togetherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz