Chapter 28

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Faith's POV:

We're here still sitting with the girls, we're all crying and praying she'll get better. We don't want to lose her. She's such an important part in my life, I'm not ready to let her go.
Tim has been crying too and I think he's feeling worse than he shows. My mom has loved him from the beginning and I just remembered the look on her face when we told her I was pregnant with Gracie, she even hugged him first, to be honest I was kind of hurt by that because I was closer to her than he was but I can laugh about it now. Tim looked at me. "What are you smiling about?" Tim asked. "Just thinking about the time we told Mama I was pregnant with Gracie. She hugged you first and I was so hurt." I said and chuckled. Tim looked down and smiled. "I remember." He said and held Maggie tighter, who was crying. I held Audrey and Gracie tight to me and kissed their heads. I hate this. I heard Samuel cry inside so I got up and went to him. "Hey there baby boy." I said to him and picked him up. "You've been sleeping a lot." I said and took him back to the others. "Look who is up." I said and kissed his cheek. They all smiled a little. "Hi." Tim said and we walked to him. "Dada, Dada!" Samuel said and I put him down on Tim's lap. Samuel hugged him and then looked back at me. "Yum, yum, yum!" He said and we all looked at him confused. "What does that mean, baby? Are you hungry?" I smiled and asked him. The girls laughed a little. "He's always hungry." Audrey said. "True." The girls said and we laughed. "I'll go get some food." I said and walked inside and to the kitchen. I looked at the refrigerator and saw all the pictures on there. I saw a card on there and I opened it. It was a mother's day card from me to mom that I made when I was 8. I started crying so hard, I remember hoe proud of it I was. I stood there crying and sobbing for ten minutes then Tim walked in. "What's taking-" He started saying but he saw that I was crying so he ran to me. "Honey." He said and wrapped his arms around me. I showed him the card and buried my face in his chest. "Can you help me make him something?" I said and looked at his face. "Of course, baby." He said and wiped my eyes. "I love you." He said and gave me a kiss. "I love you too." I said and kissed him again. We made Samuel's food and went back to the girls and Samuel ran to me. "Yum!" He said and wanted me to pick him up. "Wait, baby let mommy put the food down." I said and he started crying. I put the food down and picked him up. "Don't be stubborn, baby." I said and wiped his cheeks. I started feeding him while Tim went back inside to get something for us to eat. "Mom? We were wondering..." Gracie started saying and fumbled with her hands. "What is it baby?" I asked and she looked at her sisters. "Can we go see her?" Audrey asked and looked at me. I looked down then back up at them. "Well, if that's what you want then we can do that." I said and kept feeding Samuel. "We do want that and... you said she doesn't have much time left so... we wanted to say goodbye." Maggie said and started crying. Gracie and Audrey cried too and hugged Maggie. "Here baby, do it yourself." I said and gave Samuel his bread. I moved to the girls and sat down in front of them. I held their hands and kissed them. "I know it hurts so much but we just gotta do this together. We need to talk about our feelings and take care of each other." I said and they all nodded. "Mama loves you." I said and they smiled a little. "We love you too." They said and Tim walked to us with the food. "Everything okay?" He asked worried. "Yeah, they just said they wanted to meet their Nana." I said and looked at him. "I told them they could." I said and Tim nodded. "Yeah, we can go see her later today. Let's just eat." He said and I sat next to the girls and Tim sat on the other side. We talked and ate and tried to enjoy ourselves a little.

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